Advertisements & Notices

... 3MnotttaflCfesornp~anflC0 __ ATIONIAL PROVI-DE NT C N INSTITUTION. . 48, GRIACEOHIJRCH-STREETLONDON. T Fr ;MUTUAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES, ANNUITIES, &a. GEi Chsauiman._SAMUEL 11. LUCAS, Esq. RA] Secretar -ilJOSEH MARSH, Esq. MOI The next DIVISION OF PROFITS of this Society will 13th take place In. November, 18bl. Be Pcrsdons assuring prior to 20th N{ovemaber, 1856, will be en- now titled to one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFT lIR 1l)ME, on the 3d instant, a YOUNG GIRL, - L I 13 years of ngo. Ilad on when s81e left a Dark Frock and Polka. Ited Ilair and Dark Eyes. Any information will be t&11ikfully received by her distressed parents. WI LLIAM KERR, 435 Gallowgatte. ?? _ ~~in T 051, on Tuesday Evening, either in Crown, Adelphi, L Stockvell, Argyll, Trongate, or Saltmarket Streets, a GOLD WATCH KEY, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SKETCHES IN LIVERPOOL.-Bya Visitrr. THE LIVERPOOL EXHIBITION R0028.O These celebrated rooms present Attractions unsurpassed, And there we see theintellect Of artlsts rare and vast; For pictures of undoubted worth 17 Are vearly there displaved, p WMerehy the germ of eminence tb la permanently laid, The spirit of true rivalry Presenta an open field Competitors fromn every pirt Can there their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. We1~nao= underk to rettxu oo!octon fwih we do noS avafS carselveg. Corecau=tlona eholnd tdv ays be tegibly fhitt and oa ontelsd of the paperrnay: if lonU intrenaee Sh ri Itiny of dijdtng apace for them.a 'Wbhtever is Satended fo.I=eton mutbeathnicae by the Liame and address of the writer, noti neoesly rfor pnblicaeon bat a a 8guarantee eo hi odfaith. The second ltter of No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOIL A MARVELLOUS AGE I | OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT-TUE GRAND EXTER, II NAL REYBDY.-By the aid of a microscope, we se millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Througb these this Ointment, when robbed on the sAin, iscarried to Any organ or inward part Diasses of the Kidneyes discrderseof tbe Liver, affections of the Heart, lndammatlon of the Lungs, Aeth. mas, Coughs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDI TION AL' XAREROMUST A RE NO0W PREPARING A ~ CARLETON'S 'jsLADIES' Nr CH8LDWBEE'IS BOOT AVJD SHOE WAREHOUSE, ED ~ALADIES ?? sA. WDESTO~ D-STREET. RlSRrj dAB ETOX gratefo11y acknowledges the patronage he ba3 received from the Nobility ad Gentry since o Ce boys Eetablishmnt in ection with his House In Castle-etreet, and begs to Intinate he will have rady opening the, EsRhiNmey, EXTESIVE ARE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURE FRENCH COLZA OIL; PALMER'S CANDLES. ROBERT & D. J. PATTERSON, 40, High Street. 3526 ON SALE, A T 2, CORPORATION STREET, BEL- A FAST, at moderato prices, a large Stock of BAGS and SAMlKS, including a lot of very superior quality for use of Farmers; also a large quantily of Indian Corn CALICO BAGS, at from :Is to GR per Dozen. 3527 R. M. CARSON. PATENT FELT. m HE SUBSCRIBER BEING APPOINTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST ANNES' CHURCH. SERMON ON TO-MORROW (SUNDAY.) TrHE REV. CHARLES FALLOON, RECTOR of Ballynure, will preach (God willing), in the PARISH-l CHURCH, Belfast, on TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), the 9th inst. After Sermnon a COLLECTION will be made in aid of the Funds for the Repairs of the Church. 3424 SERMONS TO-MORROW. THlIE ANNUAL SERMONS ON BEHAIF OF 1 the DONEGALL SQUARE WESLEYAN SABBATH SCHOOL, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. LAST W EEK of Miss CATHERINE HAYES. M. JULLIEN'S COYCERTS. This distinguished Vocalist will sing, This Evening, Mozart's celebrated aria Vol ho sapete, and the popularballad Auld Robin Gray, being the last appearance but Jive o her engagO- mIent. The Concert will commence at Eight o'cloqk. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. LAST WEEK of Miss CATHEMIiNE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION OF THE PRIZE PAINTINGS E OF THXE ART UNION OF GLASGOW, IN THlE NATIONAL GALLERY, MOUND, Enestrtl. ,rills EXHIBITF'ION w ill Open on SATURDAY the I5TH! laST. SIJ1SOCRIBEUS will be admitted on showing their lleccipt to lthe Doorkeeper. TlICKET-1iOLDERS will be admitted daily froml 10 A.M. till 5 Isn the VEKNtG the Galleries will be thrown open to the Public generally. No charge will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW FURS. TAMES WILSON & CO. respectfuilly invite el attention to their present Stock of MUFFS, CUFFS, and RIDING BOAS, which in extent and quality is fully equal to that of former Seasons. ' ?? Seemsi BaRiDei STREsr *5 Patarsk's FRENCH MenIsos, PSRTH WlUCirs, &C. 1/rABBLE WASHSTANDS AND TOILET L LTETABLES, in every Shape, Size, and Design. The Largest Stock in Town to choose from, in MAHOGANY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REY HAIR RESTORED to its ORIGINAL . \ COLOIIL with ease safety, and certainty, by the PATENT GALVAiN10 COMBS arid ih3USHES, which are also an unfaiing 1 remedy for nervous headache, and all ucnralgic aflections. Illustrated C pasephietv, Why ?? becomes Grey, and ito Benledy, gratis, or by a p ifer tours oisp.-Odscxs: :F. M. HElilttNG, 3'2, Lasinghlia-stroet, where tesdinemlial* and the ...