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Glasgow Herald




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO LEGATEES. ?? FRaEDlm5Ft 3PUREGOR SCOTT, lately residing IT in Drundee, appointed the Trustees under his Deed of aR Settlement to pay the Residue of his Estate equally to all the Surviving Children of the marriage between the 'I'estator's late I Grandfather and Grandmother, WILLIAM IAGREGOR, sometime Coal Agent in Glasgow, and HR8. GRACL CAR- MICIIAEL or WIlGUtEG(lt, and to the lawful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EORGE BUCKLAND, E8Q.,LONDON, iS GJ on OLD ENGLISH AND PATRIOTIC SONGS, ori in the MECHANICS' HALL, Cannling Street, Calton, To- exi MORRO W EVEN ING, at a Quarter pest Eight o'clockl. are Adnussien-Sixplence Each, am - ?? em r HE G L, A S G00W AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S for T WINTIhR IlO11W of VAT~ CATTLE, P1IGS, SHEEP, by POULTRY, avid J.AIRY PIZIODUCUE, will bell hld otn 12111 ma December next. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. W- BLACK BULL NEW AUCTION HALLS, E VIRGINIA STREET. 0 3IE891SRS. HUTCHISON & DIXONbegtointimatecat h T 1, theremaining Unsold PAINTINGS, which form til 1 ?? Part of the Collection, still remain for Private Ra Sale This Day and To-Morrow. Ro GU TO-)IOsaOW, AT 86 A-usoTSe0oD PLACE. Ha _ Th LICENSED SPIRIT & GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, Pu WVINES, &c., Sm BY AUCTION. (we TTUTCHISON & DIXON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A STRAYED SHEEP. R. JAS. al ALLIST'ER, Farmer, Croftbiead, Bishop- i}jbriggs.has shad a Strayed SHEEP in his possession for Some time. If it is not claimed within Six Days from the dato c of this Paper, it will be Bold to defray expenses. C GLASGOW POLICE. _ ?? 1 OIJND, in possession of a Suspected Party, on Saturday F Night last, a GOLD DIAMOND RING. Apply to Captain Smart. OUND Trespassing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1rorticsi for 5Inle. GROUND ANNUAL FOR SALE. To be Sold, within the flall of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, upon Wednesday tie 3d day of December next, at F Two o'clock Afternoon, A GRtOUND ANNUAL of £37, Os. 6d., most amply secutred £A1 over Buildings situated at the corner of Paterson Street acid St. James Street, Kingston of Glasgow. For further particulars, apply to Walt~er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATING OF CHURCHES, PUBLIC HALLS, WAREHOUSES, MANSIONS, & CONSERVATORIES. H TENRY FIELD & SON are prepared to supply PLANS t1 and ESTIMATES for HEATING all sizes of Build- iogS with SYLVESTER'S PATENT AIR WARMER. Prospectus, with testimonials, may he had on application. RATE, FENDER, BATH AND LAIMP WAREHOUSE, 68 BUCI1ANAN STREET. They in every case guarantee the thorough Heating of a l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. - IMPORTANT SALE of SEVRES CHINA, CLOCKS, ?? advried for Auction on Saturday, 29th, is in th Cal mealtime UNAVOIDABLY POSTPONED. In conse- quence of the great variety of articles forwarded for this sale, _ catalogues Could not be flnished in time; but cue notice will be given in Future Advertisements when the day i8 again fixed. C. It. BROWN & J. MIACINDOE, Auctioneers. 7 119 St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. (FunNITURE sENT 1 MILE FaEE ronl EvrRY £1 BOUGHT.) JOHN BALFOUR, 80 MAXWELL STREET. S rV>H E above Establishment, consisting of Five Flats, each & t 100 by 40 feet, contains a greater variety of New and Used FURNITURE than any House in Scotland. In Stock at present there are upwards of 700 Chests Drawers, Bookcases, Chiffonnieres, Tables, Sideboards, (enclosed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tbat a1 S P E C I AL S iN GENERAL COURT of the SCOTTISH WID)OWS' y FUND AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY ivill be held withiji the' Roy~'al Hotel, No 53 Prince',s Street, Edinburgh, onA it Friday thle 5th (lay of December naxt atTooIokrs. d when there will be submitted for Consideration certain Resole. fitt( iv tions or Bye. Laws, which were adopted by the last statad Gene- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH UNION INSURANCE INCORPORATION. 1 HT E ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of PROPRIE- 'TORS in Glasgow will be held in the Queen's Hotel, George Square, oi1 Wednesday the 10th dy of Deember next, at Two o'eloe Afternoon,-of which Notice is hereby given. HUGH MONCRIEFF,Secy. Glasgow, 27th November, 1856. 1DOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE BRANCH, Fire Premiums and other Receipts ?? ,£149,812 13 7 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ro~risfifor ink.F F PROPERTY IN WEST BATH STREET FOR SALE. To be Sold, by Public Rloup, within the Faculty Hallb St. T George's Place, Glasgow, upon Wednesday the 26th day of November next, at Two o'clock Afternoon' Noveber~~x~haE>ss~oufeloio S teooou the north side of HAT1 TENEMENT of HOUSES or Roberth sode o r T West Bath Stre. t Ind inimc'diAWYtO the west 2 ?? Rev. Mr. Porter's. Chtlrceh ...