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Advertisements & Notices

... L~RO Y A~ D U L IN. ¶f E0gg5W5ent~ 0Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS, JoS EsVIgNIglNG (Monday), December 1, the perfor- T will co ence with the admired Drama of RORY Rory O'lore, Mr Barney Williama; Scrabbs, oIOR.* De Welskein, ?? Robertson; Kathleen, Mrs Williams; May Osmore, Mies J Cruise. After wbic lud entitled THE CUSTOM OF ate COUNTRY,; er, YANKEE HELrP3-Mr Pliant Man- loans, Tr ogerson; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5msLINE of AUSTRALIAN PACKETS LDO adPORT 1'HILLIP.--leaerB. JOHN nd Co, a c.jrlo-rtiso with Mvstirs. BELL, lOUD- prr-argeinltuts to ?? frots London to ?? PU~t UL0,tl)id at stated dates. as ofBRITISH QLIsPPER SHIPS. Arry rsor lillsoengers that tbhe vosools sall ?? in this respect hasl long cicrpas itherctrs~itn and others interested In the f-nLoon. Suprirorisr Iotisb clipper shill A I at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ Parties answering advertisements In t'e MercUT are rlquested to attend to the following explanationst : . Apply at the Mercury-office, means that peroo o .s eppll- cation must be made at our offia. - address [capita/letter and number] Mercury-offlce, means that U.plication must be made &Y eofe, post paid, and in no other way. applications not In conformity with these directions cannot] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIIINA. ri'HE ANNUAL MEETING of the FRIENDS J1 of TIHE CHINA MISSION AT AMOY ,;l teC held Iln ST LUIoE's FREE CuitU(5Lt, on MOxDAY1 (To-DAY) the Ist of DECCEMER, at Two o'clock. Tbe follo15ill are expected to take part in the proceedings:- M lIteeV. CHAICL01 BROwm, MOODY STUARIT, and Dr DuXCAET; baillj B3:OrwN iSUOLOAS, Sheriff CLEGIIOn, and Captain 1lleaNFTI of Monboddo. TIIF AN1NUAL GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vwopertie% for hale _ ?? FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, NEAT, Small, Self-Contained LODGING, in Fitzroy A.Place, West end of Sauchiehall Street, in the immediate A vicinity of the New Park. Apply to John Fleming, RElq., Accountant, 21 St. Vincent en, 13 PROPERTIES FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. Ti EVERAL PROPEHRTIES,. from £1500 to £25,000 in _ value, in various localities in the City ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 O 1K. I N G G L A S SB S ISS. Lveadenba Amt. near CorahiDl. a MANU~lFACTUREl of EverYdition of LAOSTSEG GLASSES, andGIL CNSOE mitPIER TABIS. UIdin~~g in all Its branehes . GEORGE DQAtNE, Proprietor. LONDON CARPET WARBUiOUSE. 0L tj WAUGH and SON, and 4, Goodge-streeL. 1 OHN WELLS and Co., 210, Reaent-street, S 0 London-AXMIINSTER, Aubusson. Velvet, Brussels. and Ta- pestry CARPETS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE: GUINEA TRROUSESRS. hithe7.'lo khnirged for the same artiel esay 28s and SOets * qu~llly; '8yl~e;ed Fit -of tho GUIN) i~l'TiOUSERS being a decided Coun de Jlaifrv.-,Cnsh. : LET'rON & STOR RI3'kR, 101 SOUTH BRIDGE STlRitET. - TURNBULL & CO.VMPANY, ' MERCHANTS, CLOTHIERS ANT' OUTFITTERS, 50 Ncw Burce.ncGF. NocRTH BncPna. BLANETS! BLANKETS!! BLANKETS!! ; 500 Pairs Scotc, from Is lid per Pair. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inverness Tweeds For Gentlemen's Suits. Tile new Winter Patterns, at Ferguson j Liaie's, Tailors and Clothiers, 45 Queen Street, Glasgow. O WING to the Total Destruction of our Premises by Fire, we ereb y announce our Withdrawa l fr om th e European blarket~as-BUIERS during the present Season. Parties hating unsettled Accounts against us will please for- rard them through Mr Benny, or by first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NPANISH FINANCIAL COMUMISSION.- S The PAYMENT of the DIVIDENDS of the THREE PER CENT. CONSOLIDATED and DEFERRED STOCKS, due oil the 2st of January next, will he open oln the 2dof the said mor tb at Ipmhte orf the Commission. in the ga w n e t of the coupons or the Three per Cent. Home Debt the Oommisseion will draw hbil at thirty dave eight on Madrid. To-prove the legitimacy of the coupoes, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT BARGAINS BONNETS, AT o 20, DONEGALL PLACE. !Z g Z ;4 The Largest and most Magnificent Show M o of Lhis Season's FasIiOns. Far below Cost Price. Belfast, 25th Nov., 1856. 30S1 N EAV S A UCE. Y MICIMEMURGIT CE1I'EBRATED RIl',ITON TONIC SAUCE, the inoAt de- licious Sauct. in the worid. 'To be had ottly of M A C1,OC M 1SO' N & II AK1 eR, Sole AgeLnts for BliCast, Tea Importer?! an hItalian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItRAD 'ViE NEW HDITIONON NE bVOUS AND OTUEIi DISEASESI Ii Just Published, Twentieth Tlousand, Price One Shilling, ot freelby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, EALTiH and HAPPINESS, the means by which they nimay be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations on ,he treatment of nervoua debility and indigestion, loss of moel tal aud physioal tone, arising from early indiscretion, &a., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. p)ROPERTY William Street, Andernton adverti sed to tik .Ti £ place on Wednesay, first, IS IN THl MEANTIME POSTIPONED. HTIIO POSBUTClIISON & DIXON, Auctioneers. REWARD OF TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS. at W HEREAS, MALCOLM M'GREGORi Farmer and l W ;Cattle Dealer at Drimmie, near Blairgowrie, Perth- shire, has absconded-a REWARD of TWENTY-FIVE FOUNDS IS HEREBY OFFERED for such ...