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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS, WVE NVish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in the following Townis and their Vicinities, tbat Mr. MI.LCAnTIXY wVill leave this Office on MIonday, the 8th December, for the purpose of reccivinig thleir sub- scriptions for the current year, and nil other accou51ts due to this Establishment, Those rvho may have occasion to be from home, Will please leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE wish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in the fol'owing Towns and their Vicinities, that Mlr. MACARTIHY will leave this Office on Mlonday, the 8th December, for the purpose of receiving their sub- scriptions for the Current year, and all other accounts due to this Establishment. Those who may have occasion to be from home1 , lvill please leave directions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'NEW SAUCE. rPRY MICFKLEBURGI'S CELEBRATED L BRIGHTON TONIC SAUCE, the most de- licious S lle in tie world. To be had only of MALCOM1SO N & BAKER, Si,, Agents for lBelrfst, Tea Inuportolr wnl Itali;m \Warehousemonn 26, CASTLE PLACE. 34G8 S.1E OF B0OOKS T10 MORtROWV EVENING. 11 1; R I;'l. lL BE A SALE OF BOOKS, T zll~lie, |Pletnlns, &c., :It M'1110tt0ls ook )hIml t. St;, lIrellss Street, onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT BARGAINS BONNETS, AT o 20, DONEGALL PLACE. !Z g Z ;4 The Largest and most Magnificent Show M o of Lhis Season's FasIiOns. Far below Cost Price. Belfast, 25th Nov., 1856. 30S1 N EAV S A UCE. Y MICIMEMURGIT CE1I'EBRATED RIl',ITON TONIC SAUCE, the inoAt de- licious Sauct. in the worid. 'To be had ottly of M A C1,OC M 1SO' N & II AK1 eR, Sole AgeLnts for BliCast, Tea Importer?! an hItalian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I C E. I BEG TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND thez Puilip, that I ha Ce Ret ired from the Firm or CARftlL'rO.N, FISllER, & CO., of this Tow, and cease to be tt memnber thereof, f'roin this (late. STIWART FISHER. Belfast, 3rd D. eember, 1855. 3374 jJAfY PI:ESlENT STOCK OF DINNEIR I X SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T E A, ald TOILET WARE, is most extensive in Style alill Variety, selected with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING THIS EVENING. SABl3ATH-SCHOOL TIEACHERS' UNION. A PUBLIC ME ETING OF THE FRIENDS A u and Members of the Union will (D.V.) be held in FISHERWICK PLACE SCHOOL-ROO ,I, on TUESDAY Evening, 2nd of December, atEight o'clock, wVhni JANIES GALL, ESQ., Of Edinburgh, Will offer sugpestions to Sabimth-School Teachers on the great work in which they are engaged. WM. MIJU.LAN, JOltN LONVRY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION AND COMMISSION MART, AND GENERALI HOUSE-FURNISHING W A RE R O O A S, 21, Donegall Pleace, Bel/ A LWAYS IN STOCK AN EXTENSIVE A variety of NIEW and SECOND HAND FUR- N ITURF.. Old and Nev Furniture, &e., of good quality, bought or exchanged. Auctions attended in town and Country A. GILMORE. 25,7! Auctionmer and Commission Agent. CltA1 bp Audion. INSOLVENT DEB'T'ORS' COURT. In the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WIM. wish to inforni our subscribers and advertising fricnd, in the fol~owinig Towns and their Vicinities, that rl. MACAITIHY wvill leave this Office oil Mlonday, the 5th I )ecernber, for the purpose of receivin.g their sub- scriptions for the current year, and all other accounts duo to this Establishment. Trhose Nyho may have occasion to be froln home, will ptaise leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE WV YE AR'S-D AY, 1S;,,, C 0 N F I it 31 A T I O N. H lIE LORD BISHOP() OF DO\WN & CONNtR, T kc, it! (God villing) hild Ihin Anital Con- firnmatii mfor ll1.f1st, ii th0e PARISII CHiLJIICH, ua TlIURSDAY, lt of Jttluaty, 157). Durivl. Sol-ViCL will COlmencIIeO at llaltl-c:lt ElEVEN o'olock. 3749 13AZAA.Rt I.ORt THE PRESBYTER1I\N COI, ,ECE. rlllE PllOPOnLD) B13AZZ Fo03 TIlE PRES- 1 B1YTlFRIN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Prepa)rinlg for Immediate Publicationl, BY SUBSCRIPTION, Inr a Neat IrolunLLC, Ivindsomely Pr inltd, and Botod in Cloth, Lettered, SIX LECTURES ON THE PRAYER BOOK, (In reference mainly to Popular Objections), PrnEACIlED 15 11OL.VIWOOD CflURCII: WITH AN 11ISTORI CAL INTRODUCTION, AND NOTES, BY IltE Rnv. PnOFrssolt REICMEI, B.D. I'PICE TO SUbSCr~lBrlq, THREE SHIL-INGS AND SIXPENCE, (Instead of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JOIN'S SUNDAY AND DAILY SCHOOLS. T HE AN NIT Al, S ERMlONS -WILL BE PrcachedI (if the Lord permit) by REV. C. SEAVER, on 14th December. Moninmm ,- R1ilit ELiucation. EEvenin- The Sunday School Teacher-his Mode of 'reaiclhilr. At tlpsmSmhomi 'pfards of tio hundred children of thp humiibler elitissi reccive at soundl Scrimlil ral and Secular Educatio t . 3764 SCRIPTU RE-REAP)ETS' SOCIETY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. VI: wivish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in thefol!oning lownsand their Vicinities, that Mr. MAlCAUTIIY will leave this Office on Monday, the 8th December, for the purpose of receiving their sub- scriptions for the current year, aud all other accollits due to this Establishment. Those who may have occasion to he from home, will please leave directions ...