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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... L~RO Y A~ D U L IN. ¶f E0gg5W5ent~ 0Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS, JoS EsVIgNIglNG (Monday), December 1, the perfor- T will co ence with the admired Drama of RORY Rory O'lore, Mr Barney Williama; Scrabbs, oIOR.* De Welskein, ?? Robertson; Kathleen, Mrs Williams; May Osmore, Mies J Cruise. After wbic lud entitled THE CUSTOM OF ate COUNTRY,; er, YANKEE HELrP3-Mr Pliant Man- loans, Tr ogerson; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItRAD 'ViE NEW HDITIONON NE bVOUS AND OTUEIi DISEASESI Ii Just Published, Twentieth Tlousand, Price One Shilling, ot freelby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, EALTiH and HAPPINESS, the means by which they nimay be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations on ,he treatment of nervoua debility and indigestion, loss of moel tal aud physioal tone, arising from early indiscretion, &a., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICA'Tl IONS, _ In the Press, and will be Published on the 14 of L January, 1867, price 2s. 6d. w PA rICIFBBY 's lif flATHOLIC DIRECTORY for 1857, with COMPLETE 'J ORDO. By the Catholic Priest, approved for that purpose. The Registry will toptein Lists of the Bishops, Prieqta aundgrirlshea of the ThrebgKingdomn, the Conti - snenta), Alitc, African, American, Q aanrc5O, end Colonial ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... al ,f IaEAD 15db INEW BDITIOXOIV NERVOUS ANJDS0t 5' ] DtDISSSEA S1 i1 a Just Published, Twentieth Thousanrld, Price One ShUla i free by~post for eighteen Postage Staopes, EALTTIIl ald HAPPINESS, the rueaus by wlichzB 11 u,ay be obtained, EL Medical Work, With observatet, i the treatmeut of nervous debility and Indigestion, lose of y tal and physical tone, arisinggfrcuit early indiscretion,&, g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PGwLUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- ~f Bengagement of ?? EMILY SANDERS. TRW IS EVESISG (Tuesday), Demrber 2,1856, the per- will comomence with the celebrated Drama of ?? ?? Sheppard, Mr -A Stirling; Joe Mr Webb- Josathan Wild, Mr Vaughan; Mrs } lsprd, Mrs Vauighan; Edgworth Bes, Miss Bellair. gr T Glen's celebrated Clog Hornpipe. be followed by the Drama of A PRINCE FOR AN TOB ePpo. Mss Emily Sanders; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUBLICATIONS. Jut ob=h7, 'ico Gd.a 0 E M Written in a Woikhg5u* By E. B. . Dhblin: L. an4 jr. SULLIVAXN, London: Groom- bridge and SonD. o ORDO. By the Catholic Priest, approved for that lates Prest and Carates, 1ith thei: Addas-sof, &e. All TommRuniestiofl, corrections, advertisamsets, orders, p, relstive to the Directory, to ho ?? to JO SN - 21UlLLAlNY, No. 47, FLEFT.STRE:ET, or No, 1, PAR- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIUBLICATION S. In the Press, Bnd,,it Ibe Puibed on the lot of JanusrS857, prlqeNas. 6d. ATTH OLIC DUREdO1RY for 1867, wN . COMPLETJ V ORDO.O. BtgsQ CtOluic Priest, app cove4l for ?? purpose. The Regist6y will contain Liste of the Bishops, Priet and Parishes of the Three Kingdoi as, the Conti- n ental, Asiatic, Africa;, American, Oceanics D s, end Colonial Registries; with Annals and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UtLAD T'HES NEW iDlTIOSON SO NERVOUS i/D ?? DISEASESI If Just Publishod, Twentleth Thousand. Prie- One Shilliege frees *y'post for eighteen Postage Stamps, JjEALli I and HAPPINESS, ttle ?? n wihich thy L. may be obtalaed, a Medical Work, with observations OD the treatmeut o1 nervous debility and indigestion, lose sotail tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretion, &e., By J. ). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FI E AAT RE ROYAI, DUB.L 1N. Engagement of Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS, for Twelv~e Nights enly. 'TilS EVEN ING (Wednesday), December 8, the perfor- ,anceg will commISTIO with the admired Drama Of IRISH ASSUgANCE AND YANKEE MODESTY.-Pat, Mr Barney Williams; Mr Buffer, Mr Rogerson; Nancy, Mrs Baraney Williams; leirs Arabella Buffer. Miss Seaman. After which the Comic Drama of OUR GAL.-Ciroline ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H F. A TIl' E ROYAL, D U B L I N. ]tcgagfeliine of Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS, for T ve, (Thursda), December 4, the perfor- i wll commence with the Comic Drama of THE 1usa ,;'ON.-Tinm Moore, Mr Barney Williams; Squsbbe, erso;- Mis Cecilia Fizig, Mrs Barney Williams. After which the Com-c Drama of OUR GAL.-Csrolins blerws, Nrs Barney Williams. To7bh followed by the New Farco of THE LIMERICK Boy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ) QbiJJ13LIOATIONS- 118, for December, 3 Price, is. 6d. T~IDOWS AND 'WIDOWERS. W A Romance of Real Life. By Msr. THOMSON. Author of Tracey, Anne Bo- leyn &c. Alsorecentlypublished, FATHER DARCY, by Author of Emilia Wyndham. 2s. The INHERITANCE. By Miss Forrier--ls 6d. IfAERIAGBy Miss Ferrier-18 6d. WARRIAGE-gy ?? gii yd- LETTICE ARN.OLD-By Author of Emnilla WYad barn,,-is Od. 19ARGARET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [tEl).N 'C10 Ils, ?? DITlION', ON 11016V Ub his 1.sIy'bkd DISIdASES! If Just Publiohed, Twentieth Thousandl, Price One Shilling, a free by'post for eightoen Postage Stamps. Y I-EALTII and 11APPINESS, the means by which tlt JIS1 may be obtained, a Medical Work, with observitlous sol the treatment of nervous debility and Indigestion, loss oftmel tal and phyiojal tone, arising from early ...