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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... RAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH. F Price Is. lid. and 2s. Od. per box. This excellent family pill is a medicine of long-tried olaic5ac for purifying the blood, so very essential for the foundation of good health, and correcting all disorders of the stomach anid bowel . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effectn The stomach will speedily regain its strength; a 1tealtiy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LACKWALL LINE of PACKETS.-NOTICE 1 p to PASSENGERS per BWIFTSU1tE, for PORT .3 piIILLIP ?? ship will proceed to Gravesend early on Ri ?? morning, the 6th inst., where her PAISENGERS are re4,ested to EMBARK by noon on'tbat day-baa excellnt ac. ceiuslosition still aise fIaged.-F. Grton and Co., 01, Cornli. Freight by the Mal Steamers to Halifax and Boston, £3 per tois, and 5 per cent. primage; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NPANISH FINANCIAL COMUMISSION.- S The PAYMENT of the DIVIDENDS of the THREE PER CENT. CONSOLIDATED and DEFERRED STOCKS, due oil the 2st of January next, will he open oln the 2dof the said mor tb at Ipmhte orf the Commission. in the ga w n e t of the coupons or the Three per Cent. Home Debt the Oommisseion will draw hbil at thirty dave eight on Madrid. To-prove the legitimacy of the coupoes, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ELBOURNE GAS and COkE COmPANY'S . DEBENTUREg.-Th-6 Bank of New South, Wales will PAY the HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST, duo the ?? 1857, on the Debettures issued by the City of Melbourne Gias and Coke Company. The Interest Coupang iA wt be left one clear. day for examination, and forms for i ilse sace may be had on application at the Sank. JOJUN SA.LMON, Secretary. Mani of New South Wales, London, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRUSSELS, COLOGN~E, HAM - 5ELN EIPEIC, DRESDEN, &C.-Sea passage. F.rnar.isje et , 27s. and 20s.-Thil ANTWEIRPtC ?? leddmd very Powerful steam-ship 1I jiA5 0 ARON OY .0 I~abrn55' Whrf Toerevey anday, atfwelve E ,i,.tri~from ?? t Tsaay piroceed I' oge ,0 o1,ntgi -All ?? od Ole e1och Lond~on gns ess ihl n io ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jEW SOUTH WALRS O Ve wilNA DEBEN1ruRES.-The Bank ot New, South WIaleewl A th f E'?TAW.S INgTERES1' sloe Oil the let of January. 1857, o nl the debentures leaned u ?? of the ooarciintti8 RallwaYs Act, 1854,and thtbee Itsshic Worksbane Act, 18am5. The nterst ?? plS tc slllemay be had o nx applleatiof eo,tndossoselyn theil BaLMiN Secretary. Bac obe Newz Southl g , Lo nn, Dcemt ber 1,1850. HER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPA ISH_ FINANCIAL COMMISSION.-By virtue of the law of the 23d or February, 1855, PUBLIC AUCTION will take placo at iadrid. on the 17th inst., for the SAL9 af BONDS of the Three per Cent. Exterior Conbslldated ?? the Coupon, payablo on the 31st jost., to t.e famount of the capital necebiary to realisJ three hundred millions of reale effective. y Mesars. Mires and Co. of4,arls have snde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - V1~LNP OUTE.-STEAM to INDIA and NDc~A & Ral EGYPT.-The PENINSULAR and ~ sT~M ~AIGATION COMPANY BOOK PASSEN- Jil iireciin~odo nd arcls orthe Mediterranean, Egypt, o~f'S5.Covos, MdrasaiiCloutta, by their mail packeets, Adet~~ijn o te 4t Ond2th of every month; and for ea~5I~ ~ trats y tose of the 4th of the -month. fliiO5 tciiltrnapply at the Company's offices, 122, ?? and Oriental-place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to AUSTRALIA , Carrying only one f P-Fsengers at £65 ?? European and Austra- C1IS5 ?? Ccrupall (Lisited) will despateb their stearmship Royal I IdLIA PARPcTT, Commauner, 2,350 Tons, and 330 H. P., *norpi~i fn Friday, the 12th December, 1866, for Mel- , , ?? M. Malls and Cabin Passengers ?? 5 l *fareiStoMelbourne ?? £865 vi'. ,, Sydney ?? 65 guineas. A l ine*, Spirite, iand Malt Liquors, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATANZAS and SABANILLA RAILROAD L.L SEVEN PER' CENT. BONDS. -The M1ALF.YEARLY MNEREST on the above BoNDs, line onl the 15th-instefnt, 'Will be PAID at the Coluiting-house ofMeagre. J. HENRY SCHRODER tend CQ., No. 145, Leadeoall-street, oa Monday, the 15th ilnstant, and ver suceeingday bewee th hors of Eleven and Two. The oupnswit a istin umeica orermust be left two Cler dys revousY fr eam~atIn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NziTED ST[TES MAIL STEAMERS for Nr ?? 0 steamers are hoew fitted with water- v cprments 'Tho steamers comprisilcg this Line are the C P W TBALTIC,Capt. ComsTsEoo; ATLANTIC, E CDRItlr; and are appointed to sail fortnightly C3P dfrsc LiverpOOl . oo Ol o ADRIATIC, Wednesday, December 10. And setry alternate Wednesday. Of pass :-Chief cabin, 30 guineas; second cabin, 28 s'9 ° Inc i~ng provisions. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SV?,AM to AUSTRALIA, Carrying only one class of Passengers at 4-65 ?? European and Austra- ise ^oyal Mail Company (Limited) wvill despatch their steamship I EUROPEAN, WILLIAMS P.RPITT, Commander, 2,350 Tons, and 630 H. P., ne. Souttlaotptsi, onl Friday, the 12th December, 1856, for MIel. borrine and SydiDON, carryting Ht H. Mails and Cabin Passengers 01,lares.oMelbourne ?? °'- ,, Sydney ?? 65 ...