... ur DR. JonNSON'S HYPOCTIONDRIAcI51 6o ILL MANNERS.-The on miseryotthat struggle needed no aggravation,but wasaggravated by the sufferings of an unsound body and an unsound mind. er Before the young man left the university, his hereditary malady of had broken forth in a singularly cruel form. He had become an us incurable hypochondriac. He said long after that he had been In mad all hie life, ...


... SCRAPS FROMI PUNCH FOR DEC. 27. RULES FOF. INCREASINO THE INEFFICIENCY Ov THE POLICE. Increase the number of ticketc of-leave. Render prisons more comfortable, by augmenting, the dhit of wvi'e and beer, spi-its Dnd tobacco, with occasional concerts, pleivate theatricals, aud soirees. An niihil ate sill chaiige, of beats. Make the infliction of punishments ordered still more linvtertain. ...


... A NOTE.-The following order verbatim el literatim is said to have been received by' an tindertaker .in the Bowery, New York. one morning lately, from an afflicted widower living in Pearl-street :- SUR-my Waif is ded, and Wonts to be berried to-morro. At wonnur kIdk. U nose wair too dig the H6le-bi the 'said Of mi too Utber ?? it be DrEr E! CLANDESTINE OPENING OF LETTgE.-ThelateRalph All5eEsq ...


... LIERR msOenLLANA. .EXTRA7OR-DINARY AisEC bOTE.E Th8 folowing narrative relates to New SouthWalesi: = A settler on the great western road was missing from his sniall farm. His con- nct overseer ave out that he had gone off privately to England, and left the property in his, care. This .was thought extraordinary, as the settler was'not in difficulties, and was a steady, prudent individual ; the ...


... LITERATURE A LIFES LESSONS. L Life's Lessons. BY Mmrs GORE, London: Hurst and Blackett. Mrs. Gore is so indisputably the first female novelist of our day, that the announcement of a new work from her pen must rank amongst the chief events of any literary season. It is the pecularity of this talented authoress, that while so many other writers of fiction have fallen from their earlier renown, ...


... iBIRMUlVRAM CA TTLEAND POUL TRr SOw. I BIRMINGHAM, MONDAY STUSING. The private view of thie exhibition opens tonmor- row (Tieseasy). The entails in aJI the classes for cattle s- esmartaboly good. The following pniezs had been awarded at the time our parcel was despatebd:- PAT CATTLE.-HERBEFORDS. C~ose L-8ZBBFOBD OXEN 0O1 STEERS, Fit prize. 101., and silver medal to bre r. Rt-ibltor-Mr. o ...


... ; The fourth of the series given in the Music Hall last evening, announced under the title of a Grand Festival of Scottish Music, Vocal and Instrumental, assisted by the most celebrated Rteel and Strathspey Violinists from all parts of Scotland, was overflowingly crowded. Before the hour of commencement it was quite impossible to procure a seat in any part of the Music Hall, many holders of ...

The Crystal Palace Great Handel Festival

... Daip interest excited by this great musical undertaking steadily progresses., During tile past few days many ini- pertain comm~unications liave beau received from the pro- vinces, ats well ats from various parts of the Coistinent. The provjneial towns have come forward in at very usnani- incus manner. Birmingham offers a Choir of four hundred voices. Under the organisation of Mr. Oliver Mason, ...

Original Poetry

... 0 H &I al-vOdril. 0 KATE. TIMLL me why you so upbraid me, Why pronounce my words untrue ? Have I e'er in aught deceivod tiee s That you thus my acts construe. Oft I catch thy piercing glances, Searching e'en InSy inmost soul, Yet their fire but more enhances Burning tholughlts I cajj't control. Even irs my brightest moments Dark folebodlitgs cross my breast, Rusbing like the mountails ...


... I CHRISTMAS BOOKS AND AN.UAL. . - .. .- . RI THE KEEPSAK1E. TAbe Keepsake. Edited bi Miss Powa.L ondon: ?? Bogue. We are glad to Welcqme with the coming year the appearance of this old favourite among the Annuals, with its charminig engliavings, its fine letter-press, its gold-edged leaves, and its rich bind- ing of scarlet and. gold-a book wortl4 of its itame, ,The lKeepsake, and creditable ...


... (noU ou2 owN COaREeSPORDWITS.) ZIFERPOOL. TE=Tvir ROYAL.-7On Tuesday next Madame Gassier will make her appearance In the Seonamibulac, end as the ueual play-house prices are main~tained, we anticipate an attendance commenaurate with the attraction. On the following evening Zien Paiiquale will be performed, with ase a e the prima donnao. Herr Reichardt, M~ons. Gassier, and Herr Carl Formneg ...

Published: Sunday 07 December 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8129 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... CHRISTMAS READING , I We have already called attention to Ille greater number of the gift-books of the season, but the supply of them is still abundant, and, unless we be content to speak of some part of the fare offered to Christmas holiday readers long after the holidays are over, we must satisfy ourselves with but a brief mention of mainy worlks upon which, at any other time, discussion ...