... The baitchers and other tradespeople of the ancient town of i Deubigr, selected Wedtiesday last for their ?? show. The li bee;, tnuit is, andl p kii eq nriled. if not .xceeded in qua tity ard q raltity, the rgod thihrgs extbiited onil former orccasi is: indeed a fiedlv ri alry exists a ilrog the Deobigir tottehs, witi e e-ie res, far anid lear, kieow how to appreciate, i hiilt tile, putlic ...


... ; Tnu ,MiLKMAID.- faile and happy milkemayd is a countrey weneb, 'thatis so far from making her Gelfe beau- tiful by-art, that one looke of here is able to pot all face phyiick out of countenance. .She knowes a faire looke is -but dumb ora to commend virtue, tberefore minds it ?? inhersosilently~asif'th~yhad .eolanupon-her without her knowledge.. The lining of her apparell (wbiph is her selfe ...


... hOLIDAY AMUSEMB?iTS. Of a| h PRINCESS'S THEATRE. restl O allthetales vwhich help to make up the large store Va of fairy and romantic literature there is certainly none the more popular with youth than. the wondrous story of 3tnhe |Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamop-one which, in conse- aeen quence, must he considered as less adapted than almost ma- any other fcr novelty at Christmnas. Mir. Kean, ...


... GORDON VUMXArWVS ENTERTAINMENT. The renowned Lion Hunter, our English Jules Gerard, has added considerably to the attraction of his popular and instructive exhibition by increasing the number of pa. norami views of his hnnting exploits in South Africa, and also by introducing some of the natives of that country. A private view of the entertainment thus altered took place yesterday, which was ...


... S3IITHFIELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW. acets Tuesiliy being the first public day for the exhibition, as there waa a very large attendance of visitors, who, for wit thle most part, appeared to take much isatercst in the pro. lis ceodings.I Early in the evenirg the members of the clab a~ssembledl iS in the Cossanittee-room for the transaction of general tio~ bsssincss. Tlae Duke of Richmond presided. Ces ...


... VAR I ET I ES. A cockney says that the letter W enters into the com- position of women in all the relations of life-e. V., WVirgin, Wife, Widow, and Wixdn. Two young ladies dwell at St. Ive.s, and each a church- ing goes: Emma goes there to close heer eyes, and Jane to ego leher lothes. PEROVERIBS AS ILLUSTRATrING NATIONAL CHRACaTER. -AB commentary upon Bacon's remark, The genius, wit, and ...


... OLYMPIC. tetels ih B A new farce was produced at thin thar as ihgiving callied Crinolinse. The title is obviously suggestive Of an one mca attack on the vast circumiference of skirt with whioh ladies tween unwadays adorn their Persons, as they suppose. For this Itewar parpose Mr. Robson is made a jealous husband-anld with in th that statement one might almost say the story was told; iii the ...


... WESTM1Y/ATER PLAYS. The Qu~een's Scholars of Westminster School gave last night the first of the three performances of a classical comedy; which annually precede their breaking up for the Christmas holidays. Terence's IIAndri, the play selected ir for representation this year, is one of the bestof the Roman dramatist's works. It has not only suggested incidents in the plots of many of our ...


... ,LEISH SOHOOL OF THE FI4V E E The picture galleries of Belgium are of course armongs the chief attractions of that attractive country totort Every town and every hamlet there has iteehare of picture and they all scene to the stranger fromn abroad liere~0 rial of a pasnt age, and suggest reflections which elev'te and chasten the soul. Who could gaze upon those p rial wonders in Binges which ...


... ENiG.MAS. To ?? mnu in olden time Ha1ve heni, my ?? you'll cofay. Dthogh ,i , a term fll of, applied 'I'a bishops of to-day Bookt wc hove been, good books d bad, Ales ! that etrlt ahquld be! . a And uow my nmeaiuginsso plain Yon suiely muot know 'De! 2 I aid the histoiian, poet, and.printer;. Am used by her Urijesty, summer aid winter; Wjtllott.ui boultulturemiad wt.twould beovai; ...


... POETTRYP, - m ;IJ.S T E Mi80N oh? BY j DWiiSWACQF[o w What alls thee, my. son Robin? My beart Is sore for thee; ThI cheeks ate groof' thinner, An' th'leet has laft tbl e'e; Theaw tiaIB a'eavwt 80 lonesomeO An' looks so pale at morn; God bless tho, lad, aw'm soory To see tho SO forlorn. Thl fautftep's sadly awter't,_ Aw used to know It weel, Feaw, arto fairy-strucken; Or, arto gradely ill? Or, ...


... ITS PLEASURES, PRACTICES, AND PASTIMES. tl VI THE CHRISTMAS CATTLE SHOW. t The genial spirit and influence of Christmas are mani- d( besting thenselves, and the festive season promises to be of highly appreciated and as heartily enjoyed as it was 8C -wont to be by the numerous members of the Saxon Pl family. The note of preparation has been sounded, and 't announcenments are daily being ...