... TIBE WESTMINVSTER PLAY. The last represeutation of the Andria took place last night. The performance exhibited a considerable histrionic improvement on the preceding tnes, arising, no doub', from the COD filuence which even a little familiarity with a public audience inspires. The company ircluded Mr. Low v, M P., Lord R. Grosvenor, M.P., Sir B. Hall, M.P., Mr. R. Phillimncre, bl P., &c. The ...


... An amateur performance by the members of the above club took place at the St. James's Theatre on Tuesday evening, for, the benefit of the Great Northern Hospital, Kfing's-cross, an institution which seems only to have commenced operations in June last, and which has already had nearly ten thousand cases brought under its charge. These facts, it must he premised, are derived from the prefix ...

Published: Sunday 07 December 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1310 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THiS EXHIBITI.Ol9 S. l ITE CRYSTAL PALAcE.-Considering the general desire for fire- side amusement and entertainment at this festive season, it was hardly to be expected that there would be so many as 4,000 visitors at the Crystal Palace on Cbristmas-day. The Directors provided an extra attraction-a vocal and instrumental concert-retaining The ordinary price of admission. The instrumentalists ...

Published: Sunday 28 December 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1658 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I: ' - L % ?? I 1. :: :~ , :: AT V~ ?? ~ ?? AND PEhCI PITIEES.BY STHOMAS HOOD.0 -he thickr affeew~wlth whaich the mrtmory of Thoe muse Mood) Is cherished by the British nation win en- sre ?? readiest oand kindest welcome for this the &etliug of hisg so's pen and penoiL The book carrie withritoonelderableprobnie., Itisof9ouri Xbare- Cat~ed as ith immtue product of a v~er young mind; butl it ...


... WE beg to infolrm our 1ind Subscrilbers and Readers that on Th'luirsday next (Christmas Day), we purPosc fojlowivg the uxample of thO Metropolitanl' I'es5 at (I not issue our lnewspaper otl tihit dlay. Ad- vertisements ordered for that date %,.ill be inserted in our pa)per either on Wednesday or Friday. [IIY -IIA(;\r.lelC T- l'.01irli.l LONDON STOCK : I; 11ANGE-Y1l STErT1AY. NOON .l'lICES. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... If .villioll and ?,,avicfio- T1 11 E C o 15 P T. ()SoIION, S.ITI iT I l h tI)V fi I-tIv coral1 i) stalte of tIeX \ttoather thInotjIejitIt tile fote iooti prvvenitttl l1i' lItItojt m tutu Prinite Atbc'(I0 torii Ival ttilditOt1, froill takl(;nt tbt, it, lism4il vrIsv wa:lks. 11is 11ighwless the l. Mallar:jalh )ul|op Sbl;, trirel int the aftelr- itfitll, fhl Itmtt i tll, to pty a v Vsit to tlhe ...


... A IRHYMB FOR. THE ATL.ANTI TELEGRAPH. a - ?? .i . ?? Worl ! what a wonder is this, Gtrandly and simply sublime, All the Atlantic abyss Leapt In a nothiug of time! Even the stee.s of the Sun Half-a-day panting behind In tla ?? that is run- Won by a ilnsh of the mind. Lo, on this senaitive inli- It is ons link, not a chain- 3Ian to his brother can think, Spurning the brereltl of the main; 3aul ...


... A GOSSIP ABOUT CHRISTMAS j CAROLS. Shortly after the field of Agincourt had been rendered for ever memorable by the hard-fought contest which left the English in possession of victory and msany illus- trious captives, the courteous Prince who had achieved the triumph carried his most noble prisoners with him, in his own royal vessel, from Calais to Dover. Among these was a member of the kingly ...


... P O E T R Y. PROIAI]TH EU S. (From L Lays and Legends of Ancicut Greece, by JOIIN ST1JAPIT d: BLAC1I1E, University of Edinburgh.) c 5. Blow blustoling winds; lou1d thunders roll; Y! Swift lightnings rend the fervid polc 't With frequent llash ! his hurtling bail Let Jove down- fling; -hoarso Neptune flail 01 TIle stubborn rock, and givc free veins NV To his dark steeds with foamy analles j ...


... THE DRAMA AND THINGS TIEA,_2RICAL. [FROot 05350 OWN CORRESTPONDENT.] e 3 The theatrical world may be said at this moment to be ]~ almost entirely behind the sicenes. ]rury-lane and the Lyceum are closed, and at the other theatres there is more going on behind the stage than uopn it. The pantomimes of lest year were so successf'ul in a pecuniary point of view a that this season there will be a ...


... TaE LADIES OF THe W~REFOLTION: Jtemotr8 of d~etingns~wd~e CAleOaraotors belonqibgj to f/i period of I/se 2?eforoncfio of Mhs 161/s centzerq by t/1e Rev. Jaeones. Anderson, Author of rue Ladteel0 f/ojia Cove. nant, 6-o. .ttlustratec 'by ?? Godwivi, .George Tikomasc, 4jo Germany, Sibfteerlanrf, ~Frdneo, Italy, and Spain,. [Blackie and Sbus; Londqn, Edinburgh, and Gilasgowj -The author of this ...


... | HE-TRADE HALL CHORAL, CONCERTS. I | ?? __ ;. .. 71 ~er 7 TRSo ~~~AWO~F;THEpSERIBAfS_.-CO8TA`8 IELL, albo (,i i eprmtatoedepartur'O the lamen-ted Mf.-lde50hf tbe~ Al. ocomposer of saclred music' has been able 'to ?? n heH tr Nekofdr lihwhieb Elijah had loft in the muica old N6wnethen, that considerable incredulity ahudaieta fOwhen, in the Winter of 1854, it was ?? e-wo engaged in the ...