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... POE TRY. THE NIGHTINGALE. FRIOM A POEM 13Y C11ARLES DONER. Lilie the wooing dove, Breathing an air of tndoernoss around; Anon then changing suddenly, as though Some store of joy at length hod found a voice And fast and cager gave it utterance so, Ere the full heart had finished to rejoice- Thine scemeth not one voice, but manv, flowing Like welling streams escaping from their thrall, Stopped ...


... TO AN OLD PLAYAMATE. Ui u 1 U.i I Ij v A, BY BARillY CORNaWALL. (Froa 'lThe Kcepsaek, jest published by Bolegn, London.) Dost theou still reinellber me : 1 remember thee nnd thine, When the young and carcless bours All were thine and mnine When we hidl our eyes il flowers, Laughing at the ruling powers, Dreaming life divine. Dreams of bonks, or barren learning, Trotilled not our summer sleep ...


... POE TRY. THE. SHADOW ON THE VALL. Sezhoolsime6C is o'cr, thenl evolcome hoImO, If lowly cot or lordlly b1ll. The schoolboy feels his timle is colme, Nor droad :T'Ihe Shldow on the Wall. 0, odlious birch ! it, cvcry sprig Doth seem with wailhiis voice to call- 'WVo bruise, not bend, the infailt twig-: Look for 'The Shadow oil the Wall. 0, youlgstcr ! do not thinik thv lot T''he suaddest that ...


... Fitttat nit. THE LORD OF TU1E ISLES. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Illustrated by Birket Foster and John Gilbert. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black. TnE CoxatsE oF TIliE. A Poem by Robert Pollok, A.M. Illustrated Edition. Edinburgh and Lou.. t don: W. Blackwood & Sons. TliEsn two books are above all praise, for the rich-I ness of their paper, the beauty of their typography, the choice of their ...


... LIT E RAT UR E. LAWS FROM EATEON FOR LIFE ON EArri. llustrations of so the Book of Proverbs. By the Rev. William Aruot, It author of The Race for Riches. London: T. Nelson & an Sons, Paternoster Row. 1857. -b It used to be reproach of the Presbyterian clergy as con- tb trasted with Episcopalian divines, that they had contributed at little to Chriatian or theological literature, or at least ...


... This concert took place in the Hopetoun Rooms lnst evening. We attended in compliance with the usual invitation. On entering the room, somewhat early, and proceeding to occupy vacant seats at some distance from thedoor, rather to our surprise, we were informed that our tickets having been deprived of one of their corners was an indication that the holders were not entitled to occupy seats in ...


... P OE TRY. THE YEAR THAT DIES. Close his eyes-they look so cold Ott across the snowy vold: - Draw the enstains close around, That the bells with joyous sound His dull hearing ulay not wvounud. Clasp his hands-so Ion allee thin They wowel full (whell hoicame in Just twelve months ego) with grain- Seed of happiness and pain That he secattered round like rain l Rush !-he's gone-adown the wind ...


... .1 THE OLD AND THE NEW -YEAl. Hush for a moment I while the knell Of the past year tolls gravely on: And yet we lov'd hilli not too well, To ,it and grieve that he is gone- For kinder far the next shall be; Come talk we of the bloomy spring, And summer's rich maturity, And anutmni's golden harvesting, And shont nlomid, '1 Thou'rt welcome hero, 0 good New Year-O bright New Year I To all beside ...


... r it r it it I. TDis HISTORY OF FsRANCE, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Illustrated with engravings on steel. The London Printing and Publishing Company. IsĀ¢ noticing some of the many works issuing from the press of this company, it may not be unacceptable to general readers if we give an outline of what the London Publishing Company is. In ...


... A LFRED. A 3IOCtRtAPHY FOR YOUNG READERS. (13i Psaidophiletus.) I.-TllE FIRST LESSON. Come listen, children, while I sing A song of England's greatest King, llim of t11e royal Saxon huile, Born Anlo Donilli 849, fight Alfrefl, and surnamed the Great, Vho saved his kingdom front the fatp To which the Norseimen long had planned To consign 11 ierrie olde ELnglande.Y Ills cluldhood's years 'mid ...


... DY CtlARILES F. STEltLING. (From tie Neow York Sunday Morning Bulletin.) All hail to thee, thou wondr ous sky-high stranger, Who titakest now to us thy first appearance I Tel l u8, thou pcst celestial long-tail'd ranger, WhlLene thou did'st take thy last discharge and clearance? W hdt is the news of late in ?? Sidas, (Jr in the regions that you've seen beyond it? 'Trvss llalley's star the ...


... ; The fourth of the series given in the Music Hall last evening, announced under the title of a Grand Festival of Scottish Music, Vocal and Instrumental, assisted by the most celebrated Rteel and Strathspey Violinists from all parts of Scotland, was overflowingly crowded. Before the hour of commencement it was quite impossible to procure a seat in any part of the Music Hall, many holders of ...