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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... CUJRIOSITIES OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. J Now Ready, Crown 8vo, Price 5s., Cloth, VrHBE CYCL OPEIIA of LITERARY and SCIENTIFIC u 5 ANECDOTCEIe'ited byedite WiA KEDKDE, Esq., Seere - _ *Yto the Glasgow Philosophical Society. c 1JsA;oui and Glasgow: RICHARD GRIFFIN & CO. t Just Published, Price 3a6. d., A-1OUNTING HOUSE D I A IR Y and ACCOUNT o U RENDERED BO0OK FOR 18F57. a M1ACKAY & KIRKWOOD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND AND LIFE ASSURANCE SCCIETY. SPECIA L NOTICE. ROPOSALS FOR ASS UARANCE, in order to secure righ t of Entry upon tbe Books for the urrent ye ar, MUST BE LODaDEI at the 1e1ud Office, or at ono of tho Agencies, on or. before the 31st Decemiber next. JOHN MACKENZIE, Maneger. Edinburgh, 29th November, 1850 i . N.B.-Assuranes ef ctted before the dose of 1850 will be .v entitled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I . 0of, &. This Day is Published, Price Gd., r ADDRESS Delivered by ANDRIEW BANNATYNE, Esq., to A the GLASGOW LEGAL and SPECULATIVE SO- E CIETY, at the Opening Meeting of their Fifth Winter Session, von 26th November, 1856. Printed for the Society. JOHN SMITH & SON, 70 St. Vincent Street. Now Ready, crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. cloth, T fEMORIES OF BETHANY. By the Author of The ilL Faithful Promiser, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - wlif Ibj bitbti~c D.5itta.i.t. i f e FOR SALE, a Large NEIVFOIJNDLAND WATCH !Y, DOG, and Two SICYE TEURIEUlS. To be stcen at ,1 W . 'uregor's, Gnrmnskers,44'Ironlgato, llurhanan Court. l'OR SALE, a powerful B3ay llORlSE. Soard; si.Y years F old; 14 to 15 hands. Has been drove up to within a . ishort period in an Albert Car. 4 To be seen at Lawson's Livery Stables, 350 Parliamentary o Road. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :I EXTENSIVE SALE. VALUABLE LIBRARY, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, MAHOGANY 3-DOOR BOOKCASE, &c., Including Tennier's Gallery, folio; Milton's Paradise Lost, folio, Illustrated, by Flatters; AMonumens de Sculpture Anciens et Modernes par La Cour, folio; Illustration of I Modern Sculpture, by Hovey, folio; Coxsvelt's Gallery of Pictures, half morocco; Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, I large size, 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THlE COUNTY OF LANARK. LAMIN0TON, Dec. 3, 1850. will GENTLEMEx, A T T was with the very deepest regret that I read the sad Pari I anseuncement of the sudden death of your Member, and _ y llonoured Friend, Mr. WILLIAm LocacilAnT. I cannot say how bitterly, il common with you, I lament VI this loss, and how sensible I am that it will be difficult inddeed V for any future ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N- j3JilbliC ?? r MODEL LODGING FOR FEMALES. }HE GLASGOW ASSOCIATION'S newly erected ( 1 LODGING-HOUSE for FEMALES, Carrick Street, will be OPENED for the RECEPTION of LODGERS on MONDAY the 29th current. For each Adult, 3d. per Nigit, or Is. 6d. per WVeek of Seven Days, pa abie in advance, in- eluding Bed, use of Sitting Room and 0itchen, with Water, 1 Gas, and Cooking Utensils. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5-akof bg 1.3ribate Bargain. HOltSE FOR SALE. A HANDSOME BAY GELIDING, 15.3, seven years old. At A good Hunter, and perfectly steady to ride or drive. 1 Price £35. Apply to Mr. John Henry, Livery Stables, Rtenfrew Street. NEW SPRING VAN FOR SALE. A FIRST-CLASS SlPRING VAN, all Panueledand Painted L in excellent style, suitable for Grocers, Ironniongers, Manufacturers, Itlalilway Ageits, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? 4 TIIE FOLLOWING ADTVER1TISEMEYTS 1?EA OtlED m a US TOO LA TE FOB INSEER TIfON IN O UR EARL Y fet s EDITION. tb II - th 7 WXTANTED, an OFFICE BOY, who can write a good P 4. V hand. Ile will be able to learn Mechanical Drawing if s desired. , Apply by letter, addressed P. A., Herald Office. 15 It Ir WANTED, a stout, active Youth as APPRENTICE.- WV Apply to Roberton, HengIt & Co., 54 Union ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vwopertie% for hale _ ?? FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, NEAT, Small, Self-Contained LODGING, in Fitzroy A.Place, West end of Sauchiehall Street, in the immediate A vicinity of the New Park. Apply to John Fleming, RElq., Accountant, 21 St. Vincent en, 13 PROPERTIES FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. Ti EVERAL PROPEHRTIES,. from £1500 to £25,000 in _ value, in various localities in the City ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M.N REWARD. LOST, betwixt Springfield Court and Union Bank, a L o (CKE EBOOK, containing Papers and Jottings, only ot use to the owner. Any person having found the sane, and is bringiog it to the Herald Office, will receive a handsome is Reward. Tr iOST, a BROOCH, betwixt Nortt Street and Bucc ehuch - JL Street, on Sabbath. Apply at 31 Dalhousie Street, Garrethill. r3OUND, a NEWF(OUNDLANID DOG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nOUJND Straying, at Wester Carntyne, Three BLACK. Ft FACED Sl-lEEP. If not claimed in Ten Days, they will be Sold to defray expenses. Apply to Charles Gray, Wester Carntyne. A LOANS ON DEBENTURES. et TIHE ELECTRIC AND INTERNATIONAL- . TELEGRAPH COMPANY, (INCORPORAThD 1846.) at rII E Ditectors of this Company are prepared to receive b 1 LOANS on the Company's Debenturos to a limited extent, for ...