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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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... LlU'ERA'T'UIRIE. .*, BooKs FOR Rcvirvre.-Brroks, Music, New Engraving &C., interaded for' review, left at the establishment of Mr.191 J. Mzee'TCULLI, Mvid Lio-oti. riit, F'leet-e-treet, London, ,addressed to thle Editor of the Del-y Mercury, will be forwvarded and receive attention. Orr's Circle of thle Jndtiafrial Arls. rarit 1. London : WN. S. COna and Co., Anmenl-c~i'ler. Messrs. OrF anti ...


... _. - . - - -. --, : rA a A_ £11LLIVAfLI ZA C Iasau10. InELL WonsmP.-Iii Asia, Africa, and North America, ad water-sheds and sources of streams, in elevated situations, rt have at all times been reverenced as sacred spots, and the c native tribes are wont to assemble at them for their religious a as festivals. Thus also the Romans, and the original luha- i It. bitants of Switzerland before ...


... MORALS FOR TUE MONTHS. _i MILOl~ili ruit I crsr. x~l * tie, (From Punch's Abnanack.) JANUA RY. er In January, o'er the ice, ad The rapid skater flies, by So never scorn sincere advice: as ed Economy is wise. ro' it FEBRUARY. r he In February feathered songsters pair, nd The crocus and the snowdrop rear iheir heads; h, Then let us of intemperance beware, And early seek, and early leave, our ...


... 0t lliLaixI kI.j lz1AAIA;tIX ILIViv vI JIAL O1Li,1l, meO. Christmas has appeared with all its pleasurable enjoyments, hie and Friday last being the day on which the show ot ftat meat hc took place, the town presented a busy appearance-more so a- than usual at this season-the principal feature of the day being the exhibition by the town and country butchers of the to fat carcasses of beef, ...


... LOVE TIIOUGIITS. I would be calm-1 would be free From tioughts and Images of Thec }ut nature and thy Will conspiro To bar mie fromt mny fair deahe. The trees are waving wNith tlhy grace, The water ti.-I reflect thy face. The very fllwers are plotti g deep, Artd iii thy breath their odours sleep. The breezeo, when nine cyes I close, With sighs just like mille own iltpose; The Ilightirigte tihen ...


... POETRCY. TIHE DEATII OF THlE OLD YEAR, F Full knee-deep lies tire initelr snow, Anid tile winter winds are suesrily Sighing: Toll Ve tile CrairCh-bell gad arid siOW, Avid tread softly and speak low, Yor the old year lies a-dying. Old year, you Moinst ot die: You caine to us So realily, You lived witll ue so steadily, Old year, you shrll iirt die. fIe liethi still: lie doth not move Ile oill ...


... lid j11 by M1a idea, IWap thy Auntle round thee. Ballad. Written by E 51 Cy H. KIJRKE WHITE, Composed by Mrs. DAVID MASSoN. B g, Lonsdon IHOLL OWAV, Oxford-Otrect. 'I This finished and expressive little sang does Mrs. Masson h w great credit. It possesses the same refined and tasteful t, adaptation of the character of the music to the words whichI b ;I distinguishes so many of Miss Linsisoy's ...


... LITERA'T'URE. *' I3ooiis roIL flEviervw.-Books, Itlusie, New Engravings &.. intivniled for review lceft at the establishmentof Ir. C. M)r'rvr r,, Evl Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, adilrejed -to the lditor of tire Derby eecrcury, will be frn-sarded arid receive attention. T4e Podctcal 711rks of W~illiamn Slrak.searc and the Earl of S.'rrey. WViltr Mlemoirs, Crilical Dissertitions, and Ex. ...


... , . . . (Condensed from the Midland C'ounties He-ald.) j S The pleasant duty once again devolves upon us of record- Ca ing the proceedings of ainotber of those poPUlar and interest- e ing gatherings of which Bingley Hall is the sceile. The following table will serve to show inl what respects the present entries differ from those of previous years:- 1549. 1890. 18,sI. 18952. 18-53. 1854. 1853. ...


... LITERAT URE. % BOOrS FOR. REvIEW.-BOOkS, Music, New Engravings fa &c., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. C. MITCHELL, Red Lion.court, Fleet-street, London, C addressed to the Editor of the Derby Mercury, will be a( forwarded and receive attention. i E The Bible Defender. No. V., Vol. II., December. London WARD and Co., Paternoster-row. This little monthly has a local ...


... _ .A8. . I I THE IMAN weiO DEFIED TIF. TimaS.-It is befell that an ambassador from Printing louse Square, whose morning had doubtless becn spent for the benefit of folks at home, entered the public room at Alissirie's (Hotel at Constantinople) as the clocks were chiming twelve, in order to supply his natural cravings after breakftst. Drawing towards him some of the viands upon tile table, he ...


... SOM3E OLD rOEMS ABOUT CHRISTMAS. ye CHRISTMAS EVE. tel Thy welcome Eve, lovd Christmas,-now arrlved, do The parish bells their tunefull peals resoundl an And rsirthl and gladness every breast pervade, ien The polidrous ashen faggot, from thle yard, tll The jolly faviner to his crowded hlol tlml Conveys, with slced vhere, oil the iv;;ing flarea t i (Already lcd witl store of nissy bralids) va ...