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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Selected Poetry

... jf?lccfcd ?!Oftrll. THE TRUTH DOTH NEVER DIE. Taouoll kingdoms, states, and empires fall, And dynasties decay; Though cities crumble into dust, And nations die away; Though gorgeous towers and palaces In heaps of ruin lie, W hich once wvere proudest of the proud, Tb'e truth doth never die ! Wc'll mourn not o'ei' the silent past, Its glories are not fledl; Although it4 ilmen of hiigh renown lie ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fil'IItPion a1d ikdCtio ri[E COUIRT. a't.]SOa I)t:(. 26..-Lhe ' ditter P;:t 'tY yesterday i,lwhitlj hli- 11,yal 1liibiliitsl thel Prit.celss Royal, M jl Geot-ral the Ioo1. C'. t1 .1lcs. G(v3, Colonel tile I [lo. C. IB. an'i Mrs. Pllipt1,s, thie l)eaDil of Winl(d- s ,ilul t. ilon. .\I,* NWlflelty, antod Mr. Glover. Tlit' followinig had tilm litootl, to reecivo ittvitalions in t c er(ejllt : ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fioltiolv alt(I TarlctiO, T H E C 0 U R T. WXtNsonItto5DAY.-Tli Qtieen and Prince wailkea in thel I fme Park t fis an rnin -g. Thle Pci neess Royaltawl Prinlcesis Alice raido onl horseback. Thle younger Royal clitldr-eit took their usual exercise. Thle Earl and Countess of Jersey are entertaining aI Stleet circle ait Mol:d feloi Park, Oxon. The Marquis and Marchiloness of' Exeter still re- C ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ilf'ollitilt aud Ararictioe. T I-f r C O U R T. O;BOaRVr, M IND \.V-I 'i' Q levn, the Prince C onsort a ndl their Rt nat Tl-ifmtiisTs thbe Pe ine of Wa le~s IiP Pri iieevS ito al,;Vl a Princesq Alice, at- t'ii l )''itrservice, ait O -0borne, vesterdav. Tite R1ev. C. Pnrtheroo offiviatedl. PARne, Dr.c 1P.-Throe 1riaep RPavl of Prussia weni. to-di v, to vi; t Prinlec Jorome, and afterw'ards the ...

Selected Poetry

... #rIC(ted '41?Ioctvll. GIVE BACK THY T1XREASURE, OCE.AN, (A GIVE hoack my treasure, occan! My playmate dear, oncoe more, Said a fair youth, wvho idle lay Stretched ou the slunlit shore; That sailor boy, belovedl by all, How could thy wrath destroy, And render lone all(n (dSolale 'the friendless, orpliall boy ?' Give back my treesuire, occan! A iveepin1 loalilen cried, As reclbsslv she ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ift.0tion and Tavictio, THIE COUIRT. NVrXI)SOt, SAIUAtVA.-H-ler Majesty wvent this fore- nteon to the residence of the Duchess of Kent to pay a vi tit to hr(! lioydl mother. The Princess Royal aIcompanied the Qiueen. The Prince of Leiningen a 'ld iui 9 ytiun vrv b rother Priice Edward, are the guests of [lie Dieitest of Kont, atd. came yesterday ev vidwin to thi CastbI to dine with the Queen. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 'ta,00101V and ATarlefiro. THE COURT. OSBORNE, TrsunsDAY.-TIhe Queen and Prince with the Pr'incess Roval, attended by the Duchess of Atholl, the Hon. Emily Catheart, and Captain the Hon. Dudley do Ros, drove out in an open carriage yesterday afternoon. I WINDSOR, Deo. 19.-The Queen and Prince, with the Prince of' Wales, the Princess Royal, and the younger Royal children, left Osborne at 11 ...


... A wO L F S ' o i0 Y. 'n, GiANTIrA.tV F. BEftliteV, in a series of articles iu thoe Field, on the chase in France, relates the fol- lowing story:-On entering the chateau, forming the rug of the fireplace in the dining-room, I sw a i very well-preserved old wolf's skin, vrey and comnpletely tavivy with age, as to which my friend related to mie the following Iegenti:-This old wolf had bt'eni ...

Fashion and Varieties

... .- - _--- . - ----. THl-E COIIRT. OsnolmI:a tVcnNED .iV.-.-.VhC Queen, wvith tihe rforal children, milald ill tI he grouinlI y'teltdly. (Coloiiel Fostei- ',ciiinlliaildiii,' I th Rn)AI Eiigiii(.Pi at Portl'nini11i; £plaplill tOwi 114)11. J. Deimean, R.N.; alnd Ciptaill Ilartsttiln, Ulliited Stites Navv, had the tlooujir of dining, ith her .Majesty ill the even- in . C.itptein lfarstejin, U.S. ...

Literary Notices

... ??Itcrarll 'o otico. Teim DCILIN lJlIEISIT1 MIAGAWICN for DecIInlIer. Dublin: Hodges (S' S'rrtitlt. Jielifst: 1SIIe/1lP l LS' Aitch ison. Ouia pol)tiCal relations with Persia aro discussed in the opening paper of this month's Univemi'ty AcL- gas ine with great cleariess anid nacuracy. 'the vigorous style of the writor is equalled only by the decision end logical correctness of lis judgment. ...

Selected Poetry

... ,?Cjcrlcll Tottry. FRIIENDS. Wno are our fricndse? can it be such As cluster day by day, Around its in the Vestal light IThat glads the y oulig and gaY 7 Can it be those hvilose sillijes airc bland, WV len summer sunlight fiaIs lu goldtn, glealms oil lihappy liearts And prleasure's trallPet callsl Are they? vwo o1 119 flltterig fawna W itl, holev'd word-s of praise, When j,,sloJrolti hleezes ...

Literary Notices

... it-W rg t~ otircv. MIlr silAL DI5eoualts. By tie Rev. J. Macnaughtan, AMAl. -BelIfast : Slep1herd ad Aitchlison. Tuiasa t Memorial l)iscourses were delivered by the at lior on the occasion of the death of two of the meembers of his congregation. The one, the much- lamett11ed Robert Leadbetter; the other, the gentle atitd amiable Tlhotas Gibson, student. They form a sweet souvenir of two of ...