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Advertisements & Notices

... W13WORE you, PURCHA.SE WINTER jL~._cLOTINUCALL at00, TOP of BRIC,GATE, Leeds. JOHN F.ALL AS, Proprietor. (;I, anid SILVER WATCHES, at 917, BRIGGATE, L1ZED'.. jJIL'ST BROTIIEliS, h-ivbigi greillby- enlarged itheir STOCK of GOLD and SI LVER WATCHES, solicit the 1,testion of purchasers to the following REDUCED PRICES at sthiol they are now offering their English-made Watches, al) war-- etleoens ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLPER LINE.-.For SYDNEY. *..ifaowuigfaa t, clipper SE IPS will be despatcheil for AqY fithpct u o l~atity. to he followed mentally by other CoocO~~l~rO.Tsno Brden. ate. ThomS~~n 2,000 ~Dec. 210 0~~pnha . Joon 900 ~~Jan.1 Henry 5130 ~~Feb.15N 0tAI oul ae tlndid cabin accommodatIon, and offer rae t oilueand Pa oeritt.-PI to the owners. un.adCo., l2, scliHelen's-plheC, Biubepp~oge- A IR.BRAZILS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANIC OF SCOTLAND, i,~ GENERAL MEETING of PROPRIETORS inDICEMDLER.1856, wvill be held within the 'BA~xh (J IG In EotNU~olt~l, oll1102DA NEXT, thc 8th CUrranlt, ~~t NO~~~n ACIiOf TIINNET, Secretary. LECTUJRE IN' QUEEN STREET HALL. rr~E RV.JOHN' MARSHALL, formerly *'~alaiiin to the Bjishop. of St Asidrews, will Deliver Q Sei TtiEE HL on the EVENING of LECYR Deceber. 00 the Subject of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jEW SOUTH WALRS O Ve wilNA DEBEN1ruRES.-The Bank ot New, South WIaleewl A th f E'?TAW.S INgTERES1' sloe Oil the let of January. 1857, o nl the debentures leaned u ?? of the ooarciintti8 RallwaYs Act, 1854,and thtbee Itsshic Worksbane Act, 18am5. The nterst ?? plS tc slllemay be had o nx applleatiof eo,tndossoselyn theil BaLMiN Secretary. Bac obe Newz Southl g , Lo nn, Dcemt ber 1,1850. HER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PGwLUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- ~f Bengagement of ?? EMILY SANDERS. TRW IS EVESISG (Tuesday), Demrber 2,1856, the per- will comomence with the celebrated Drama of ?? ?? Sheppard, Mr -A Stirling; Joe Mr Webb- Josathan Wild, Mr Vaughan; Mrs } lsprd, Mrs Vauighan; Edgworth Bes, Miss Bellair. gr T Glen's celebrated Clog Hornpipe. be followed by the Drama of A PRINCE FOR AN TOB ePpo. Mss Emily Sanders; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING THIS EVENING. SABl3ATH-SCHOOL TIEACHERS' UNION. A PUBLIC ME ETING OF THE FRIENDS A u and Members of the Union will (D.V.) be held in FISHERWICK PLACE SCHOOL-ROO ,I, on TUESDAY Evening, 2nd of December, atEight o'clock, wVhni JANIES GALL, ESQ., Of Edinburgh, Will offer sugpestions to Sabimth-School Teachers on the great work in which they are engaged. WM. MIJU.LAN, JOltN LONVRY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... al ,f IaEAD 15db INEW BDITIOXOIV NERVOUS ANJDS0t 5' ] DtDISSSEA S1 i1 a Just Published, Twentieth Thousanrld, Price One ShUla i free by~post for eighteen Postage Staopes, EALTTIIl ald HAPPINESS, the rueaus by wlichzB 11 u,ay be obtained, EL Medical Work, With observatet, i the treatmeut of nervous debility and Indigestion, lose of y tal and physical tone, arisinggfrcuit early indiscretion,&, g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to AUSTRALIA , Carrying only one f P-Fsengers at £65 ?? European and Austra- C1IS5 ?? Ccrupall (Lisited) will despateb their stearmship Royal I IdLIA PARPcTT, Commauner, 2,350 Tons, and 330 H. P., *norpi~i fn Friday, the 12th December, 1866, for Mel- , , ?? M. Malls and Cabin Passengers ?? 5 l *fareiStoMelbourne ?? £865 vi'. ,, Sydney ?? 65 guineas. A l ine*, Spirite, iand Malt Liquors, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QILKS, Rich Plain, Stripe, and Checked GleCti la - b 228 Gd per dress of 12 yards. well worth the attention of families, Patteras sent free by pout.-JOHN HARVEY, SON, and Co., 9, Lud- 0wgeuhill. ol R1A~iII iii be PAID on DELIVERY for SILKS, asistie evete, lore, ohawls, gloens, hose, ribbons, printed nue-: nl linosand casnbrlco, &c. Hranufetneere rsre requested to send samples or nl p~tterns, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUBLICATIONS. Jut ob=h7, 'ico Gd.a 0 E M Written in a Woikhg5u* By E. B. . Dhblin: L. an4 jr. SULLIVAXN, London: Groom- bridge and SonD. o ORDO. By the Catholic Priest, approved for that lates Prest and Carates, 1ith thei: Addas-sof, &e. All TommRuniestiofl, corrections, advertisamsets, orders, p, relstive to the Directory, to ho ?? to JO SN - 21UlLLAlNY, No. 47, FLEFT.STRE:ET, or No, 1, PAR- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r G,.NOG ASES.-The coMERIA PLATs4 GLASS COMPAN Y, Ifagr CALS heA 2%andsO. u knzeotf srrt.nd 16,,oxford- tre, (note the name ,.nd te zueterol S r ?? kecst ?? qu. ' omiliti r the Public, and ?? Trad, t iasecthO te.\lens anoo macnift'nt Stock Of (IHIMNEY (20.SOL an l'EICGLASSES, framed in sevey variety of style; conslererro nd ?? rsT1211n21Y table and Chevol glasses. free bd olo h' J~ thecpublic ...