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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WE wish to inform our subscribers and advertising friends in the fol'owing Towns and their Vicinities, that Mlr. MACARTIHY will leave this Office on Mlonday, the 8th December, for the purpose of receiving their sub- scriptions for the Current year, and all other accounts due to this Establishment. Those who may have occasion to be from home1 , lvill please leave directions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ELBOURNE GAS and COkE COmPANY'S . DEBENTUREg.-Th-6 Bank of New South, Wales will PAY the HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST, duo the ?? 1857, on the Debettures issued by the City of Melbourne Gias and Coke Company. The Interest Coupang iA wt be left one clear. day for examination, and forms for i ilse sace may be had on application at the Sank. JOJUN SA.LMON, Secretary. Mani of New South Wales, London, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H F. A TIl' E ROYAL, D U B L I N. ]tcgagfeliine of Mr and Mrs BARNEY WILLIAMS, for T ve, (Thursda), December 4, the perfor- i wll commence with the Comic Drama of THE 1usa ,;'ON.-Tinm Moore, Mr Barney Williams; Squsbbe, erso;- Mis Cecilia Fizig, Mrs Barney Williams. After which the Com-c Drama of OUR GAL.-Csrolins blerws, Nrs Barney Williams. To7bh followed by the New Farco of THE LIMERICK Boy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CUBED 1 R WITHOUT ATRUSS. Au Essay on the nature, syinptouao, and varlitties of Rapture with foil inforamtion and, neldences,I wheireby eTern, snitlrer rosy plerfectll sad perao~tsaly sr Ihimself of say Rapture, however hod or eiruc staning119 aid thus enatirely cad for Oyer doing away with flthe Ii'essiti foe tiasaro, hsatduaes, sc'arly other stupprt. 'i~l a retired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii 11 = I Z IDUNERAL EXTORTIO0N AVOIDED. -By 1s EvL ,xecutors and bereaved Pelatives of deceased noblemen n hi tlemen tradesmen and othersaoending in tbe first Istnce to SOIL, e0 LIBB BlR'S ESTA BLISHMEI T. C' S-ROAD near Finsbury-squsare rg or Xo 12 North-street, Quadrant, BPi hton, Instead of empluying sa their upho;sterer. or the nearest undr'&der wvho not posssin the '6 needful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I C E. I BEG TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND thez Puilip, that I ha Ce Ret ired from the Firm or CARftlL'rO.N, FISllER, & CO., of this Tow, and cease to be tt memnber thereof, f'roin this (late. STIWART FISHER. Belfast, 3rd D. eember, 1855. 3374 jJAfY PI:ESlENT STOCK OF DINNEIR I X SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T E A, ald TOILET WARE, is most extensive in Style alill Variety, selected with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IjRENCH REFINED COLZA OIL sent J1. out Genuine, as Imported, by MIlTON and C(O., Chemists, Exeter. A Vacancy for an Apprentice. ANK OF DEPOSIT, No. 3, PALL B MALL EAST, LOzDON. Established A.D. 1844. Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to -examine the Plan of this Institution, by which a high rate of interest may be obtained with perfect security. The Interest is payable in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WIM. wish to inforni our subscribers and advertising fricnd, in the fol~owinig Towns and their Vicinities, that rl. MACAITIHY wvill leave this Office oil Mlonday, the 5th I )ecernber, for the purpose of receivin.g their sub- scriptions for the current year, and all other accounts duo to this Establishment. Trhose Nyho may have occasion to be froln home, will ptaise leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yOOKMG OLA rS~ 00ALI CILAN 3 L&TI GUASS COMPANY Mae. A ldLIA os.agF l y eia. and tot an8 t.eO and ?? WXeM S VeW rospecuoly invite the ?? ad the NOdU leONS oth renive ?? soeket nowkue IMIET dlRON LEt sa LE% amed t. vadi0 of style; tsad imb sur solid W Goeanytabeand chBeiI s Th pbiO i find oon Inspct~io that this Company. ssco tinof th ?? their trade and lb s oufctsl a glees at about uth p ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BF O R E you PUiRCHASE WINTER s 1 CLOTHING, CALL at 90, TOP of BRIGGATE, Leeds. .V JOHN FALLAS, Proprietor. -Dd 3LVER WATCHES, at 97. BIlGGATE, LEEDS. UOL IT' XIST BROTHEIiS, hiving greatly enlarged their S't-OCK of GOLD and SILViER WATCHES, solicit the 1atiol of purchasers to the following REDUCED PRICES at iii tiay are now offering their English-made Watches, all war- fl//tO~j~eti. lotd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ymet.NOTICEtO SHIPPERS by the 1IT¶E DieianN BOSTIO 0 MTisfne ?? o at l%> 4no ear oly as Poresible..-APPIy to T LMN. ?? St. Helen's. llaheopsgato'street. 1GA v 0o C(OLO MBO, Ceylon. - First NOT ICEt ?? GOODS intended for N'1.roTuAtbe aloagsidr and ?? the London a I~t ?? COOKES and Co., ~,78ysP ?? ~ LIVINGS. ON. and Co., It, Great, pELIL) Diect(will meet with quick! h ?? ofhernug already exuo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mmn1ster, in m15u ou. - . CHRISTMAS FAT OXEN AND HEIFERS. ESSRS, HUSSEY and SON have been MY1 favoured with instructions from A. SMITH, Esq., of Traesbear, Clist Honiton, to SELL, by Auction, in Exeter Fair, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of DECEMBER next, SIX PRIME FAT OXEN, and THREE FAT HEIFERS. The Auction to commence at Ten ?? precisely. Dated Waybrook, Exeter, 4ith November, 1856. ANDREWS' ...