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Advertisements & Notices

... THE THIRTEENTH SEASON SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, CONOERT HALL, LORD NELSON-STREBT. ' TO MARIE TBE ?? A rRTTTR MSECHASIO1, TIr 20C;IANIC A BErTTsa IIJN. PATRONS: His Royal Highness Prince Albert, The Right Hon. the Earl of Sefton, The Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby, II is Worehiip the Mayor, Francis Shacid, Esq. J. B. Moore, Esq., M.P., John Stewart, REq., T. B. Horsfail, Req., M.P., Robertson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMERCLoil 00 GOMAANY M&-&W, CHARLES M'LHXA3 0la Sod 1M~j~ra4, I, . tn ameanth in~ss heNchliY, ?? the enl ~~t425t1O Sand _mnnf,,tStockofC MNEE ~OLE. ad PIER LASS~E9 framed in evory Tw ompanyf gal* I kaD4O~e~l~& Th ~Ub c oli a mfind s zble nd che gl aS olks e=ons~q~esO en the euxte~nXO f their trade snd ?? ?? 1RI rig OIUt:{TS},b OdnrI gentedyilovv=,gi~ ateisetC; shgOlJB theo.% prie Osmual af ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PMINTING of all kinds execnted ase CHJR.AJLY, NEATLY, and EXPEDITIOUSLY at the Hull Prseckf Office, as at any Offile in tho town. rN VALIDSoi, PORTABLE ELECT,RICIITy AS EVOLVEFD PROM MErNIG'S GALVANIC AL-EUCTB0-0 ENBR A TO R Foil PERSONAL USE. ITS efficacy in NER.VOUS, R1HEUMATIC, AND FUNCTIONAl Disease is truly msarvellousis The first year's Report (gratis, or 4d. b~y Post) contains 42 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o., Tarleton-streeit, Evorton. BY MESSRS3. WVALKERt & ACKERLEY, 1I This Day (Friday), the 5t Insatsant, at Eleven o'clock preelscly, on te remis, N. 1, Trletn~errI, Great Homer-street, I h TI! HE HOUSEHOLD ?? and other Stars-I .EL. Effets, the poperty ofMr. John larke, who Is declining Lot isly b viwedon he ornng f aleand cataloguss hald on the remsesandat Mssr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parties aswering advetiements In ?? Nereour we venestd to attend te the foloing* ezpl~antiona- ?? t the Itereuxy-offce, meanets plr1on1l pls *tsmust bo mde at our omeie. 'Address fcadfl letter wad number] Mercns-offe, mean. ist appilcation must be made ?? IcUer, pot paid, and In no ether Wray. Applications not in conformity with these direolious cannot be attended to. vublit 3oe1ta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU.BLICATIONS. INTERESTING NEW OO, Now Ready at all the Liarie5. RS. GOSE'S NEW NOVEL/ A LIFE'S LES- SONS. a To PEN and PENCIL PICTURE JIT!M5HOOD. I vol., with numerous Illustrations .dd. 3nROSA GREY. Bny the Author of DSSt.o jART end NATURBEat HO0ME adAR D.By G. ~W. TuomrsaUY, Req.., 2 ?? 21 G. LILLB LEAF B the Caouoldifg Passages io the Life of Mrm. Margaret Mailtanid. Cheap Edition. 1 VOl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH LLOYD'S. FRENCH LLOYD'S REGIBTER OF CONTINENTAL AND AMERICAN VESSELS. T HE RE3GISTRE: VERITAS (FRENClH LLOYD'S), tor the sear 18fs7, containing the Classification of 30,000 Vessels of all Nations, urveyed in the Con- tinental, British, nod Ameriean Porte, will be ready for issue about the 25th December next, COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT AT PARIS, 8, Place de la Bourse. Parties desirous of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND AND LIFE ASSURANCE SCCIETY. SPECIA L NOTICE. ROPOSALS FOR ASS UARANCE, in order to secure righ t of Entry upon tbe Books for the urrent ye ar, MUST BE LODaDEI at the 1e1ud Office, or at ono of tho Agencies, on or. before the 31st Decemiber next. JOHN MACKENZIE, Maneger. Edinburgh, 29th November, 1850 i . N.B.-Assuranes ef ctted before the dose of 1850 will be .v entitled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE EL ECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF LANARK - LAMLSToxT, Dec. 3,1856. 31 -nsT'r.r.tEN,, PC T ?? w as with the very deepest regret that I read the sad I anonuc usjitofteI o sudden death of your Member, and R myv l vonoured Friend, Mr, W AILLCA M LoC rEHA 1T. I ca lmot SAY how bitterly, in common With yon, I l ount tlsis loss, 1nd how sensible I am that it wIl1 be difficult indeed for any future ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eo as -fl NOTIOE. Freight by the Mail Steamers to Hal1ftv and Boston, £3 per ton, and 5 per cent. prinhage ; asnd to New York, £4 per ton, asnd 5 per cent. primage. Frelgght art Parcels Os. each and upwards, acoarding to slse. PARCELS for different Consignees, colloctod anti ma-le up !n~ Singe Paka~e, adr~eed toone artyfordelivery ID With the proper Freight.f Fr ITg , The British and North ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'NEW SAUCE. rPRY MICFKLEBURGI'S CELEBRATED L BRIGHTON TONIC SAUCE, the most de- licious S lle in tie world. To be had only of MALCOM1SO N & BAKER, Si,, Agents for lBelrfst, Tea Inuportolr wnl Itali;m \Warehousemonn 26, CASTLE PLACE. 34G8 S.1E OF B0OOKS T10 MORtROWV EVENING. 11 1; R I;'l. lL BE A SALE OF BOOKS, T zll~lie, |Pletnlns, &c., :It M'1110tt0ls ook )hIml t. St;, lIrellss Street, onl ...