
... 1v atnJ. A SNOW SHOWER.-BY BRYANT. HERE delicate snow-stars, out of the oloud Come floating downward in airy play. like spangles dropped from the glistening crowd That whiten by night the milky way; There broader and burlier masses fall- The sullen water buries them all; Flake after flake, All drowned In the dark and silent lake. And some, as on tenderwinge they glide, From their chilly birth ...


... LI Y'ERA TUBE. Letters from ?? Quarlers; or the .Realtties of the War in Ile Cri'nea. By an OFFICEB on the STAFF. Muaray. The staff officer's letters and journals are valuable as a corroboration of the general accuracy of the reports from the seat of war furnished by the special correspondents ot the daily newspapers. It is true that the writer is very indignant at the audacity of civilians ...


... I QUEEN ELIZAnETHSE CoiRTs ?? courtahip of this monarch wase like everything eae she did in I* life;-there'was in it an eye to business. The account of her tenrnets is, nevertheless, ourious. It is related by a FrenhO contemporary,-a sort of French Peepy. The Duke of Alenhon was the favoured per_ son on whom she bestowed her-broth! The duke crossed the sea, arrived in London, and lodged the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fioltiolv alt(I TarlctiO, T H E C 0 U R T. WXtNsonItto5DAY.-Tli Qtieen and Prince wailkea in thel I fme Park t fis an rnin -g. Thle Pci neess Royaltawl Prinlcesis Alice raido onl horseback. Thle younger Royal clitldr-eit took their usual exercise. Thle Earl and Countess of Jersey are entertaining aI Stleet circle ait Mol:d feloi Park, Oxon. The Marquis and Marchiloness of' Exeter still re- C ...


... ART FOR THE MILLION.-No. 11. THE PHOTO-GALVANO-GRAPHIC PROCESS. There is no art which has made more rapid progress and aroused a greater interest in the public mind than Photography. There is something poetical in the very enunciatiou of the principles of the art. Ovid thought that the mere request of Phaeton to drive his father's chariot for a day was the very extremity of audacity; but what ...


... Fitttat nit. THE LORD OF TU1E ISLES. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Illustrated by Birket Foster and John Gilbert. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black. TnE CoxatsE oF TIliE. A Poem by Robert Pollok, A.M. Illustrated Edition. Edinburgh and Lou.. t don: W. Blackwood & Sons. TliEsn two books are above all praise, for the rich-I ness of their paper, the beauty of their typography, the choice of their ...


... THE W&I'T'S.-CHRISTI1AS EVE. Hark! where peals you swveljig Anthem! Hark it windi its solemn swy oud on tho ?? midnight borne, faint on the morning Now rsonrine, hovoring i n.logthn. lik the Angela ?? 0on hig,,, Baek from the wnnenicog stiepaherad groapa, to glory and the ky. Awake, nwake. innuortal solial make straight thoway mnd cleir; You star is burning iu the Eas, Behold youl God i. neat! ...


... iRE&TRICALS, MUSIC, &o. QrUEEN8' BOYAL THEATBJ -The brilliant engagement of Mr. T. C. King at this little theatre was brought to a close last evening, when-he appeared as Virginsus, In Sheridan Knowles's fine trasedy of that name. The performances were for his benefit, and the theatre was crowded to the very doore. The acting of Mr. King was, as usual, marked by that correct taste end judgment ...


... LIT E RAT UR E. LAWS FROM EATEON FOR LIFE ON EArri. llustrations of so the Book of Proverbs. By the Rev. William Aruot, It author of The Race for Riches. London: T. Nelson & an Sons, Paternoster Row. 1857. -b It used to be reproach of the Presbyterian clergy as con- tb trasted with Episcopalian divines, that they had contributed at little to Chriatian or theological literature, or at least ...


... hOLIDAY AMUSEMB?iTS. Of a| h PRINCESS'S THEATRE. restl O allthetales vwhich help to make up the large store Va of fairy and romantic literature there is certainly none the more popular with youth than. the wondrous story of 3tnhe |Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamop-one which, in conse- aeen quence, must he considered as less adapted than almost ma- any other fcr novelty at Christmnas. Mir. Kean, ...


... VAR I ET I ES. A cockney says that the letter W enters into the com- position of women in all the relations of life-e. V., WVirgin, Wife, Widow, and Wixdn. Two young ladies dwell at St. Ive.s, and each a church- ing goes: Emma goes there to close heer eyes, and Jane to ego leher lothes. PEROVERIBS AS ILLUSTRATrING NATIONAL CHRACaTER. -AB commentary upon Bacon's remark, The genius, wit, and ...


... ENiG.MAS. To ?? mnu in olden time Ha1ve heni, my ?? you'll cofay. Dthogh ,i , a term fll of, applied 'I'a bishops of to-day Bookt wc hove been, good books d bad, Ales ! that etrlt ahquld be! . a And uow my nmeaiuginsso plain Yon suiely muot know 'De! 2 I aid the histoiian, poet, and.printer;. Am used by her Urijesty, summer aid winter; Wjtllott.ui boultulturemiad wt.twould beovai; ...