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... .1 THE OLD AND THE NEW -YEAl. Hush for a moment I while the knell Of the past year tolls gravely on: And yet we lov'd hilli not too well, To ,it and grieve that he is gone- For kinder far the next shall be; Come talk we of the bloomy spring, And summer's rich maturity, And anutmni's golden harvesting, And shont nlomid, '1 Thou'rt welcome hero, 0 good New Year-O bright New Year I To all beside ...

Original Poetry

... orloillal '41octry. F ARlE WV r L1L. ATr-' There is an Isle. B:rsomnE the painter's magic slill We far.c lirft apoeals, Tro catnvass. glows-ilng, at Ii ^ ill, Extortsq Oiur sulliles or teWiS; Ilut vet, wVitil tll ids glorious art, T'c'i a canvas ot tell Th' feelilng3 of a loving heart, Fheti forced to say Farewell ! Tiere's not a heart-hiotwcver hard, Or childl'd hy' Time's cold blast- ...


... MUSIC CRYSTAL PALACE CONCERTS. The seventh of the winter concerts at the Crystal 0 Palace took places o Saturday, when there was a very large d ausemblage of visitors. There were few vacant seats, evrn in the most distat pas of the hail. The day, though d frosty, - kindly and inviting; and this coupled with tbe r. circumstance of its being a holiday-making Feason, contri- i buted quite as much ...


... THE1 DRAMA JAND THvnfINS TREATR iCA. ! (FROM OUR OWN~ OORRE5POnZENT.1 We are nsow in the tall swing of the pantomimes and the Christmas pieces, and therefore I am in. a position to offer a few remarks upon them generally. Taking them altoge- ther, Christmnas this year is decidedly below the average in things theatrical. Of novelty we really have ecarcely anything, when wve unquestionably had a ...


... %.* BoOlKs Fon RrviEw.-Books, Music, New Engravings ti &c. in itnded for review, left at the establishment of Mr. Tr C. IMIrTNELL, Red lion-court. Fleet-street, London, atldressedto theEditorof the Derby Alercuar,will be torwarded and receiveattention. P The National elsya ie. Part III., January, lS57. Lon- S don: Published by tile National Magazine Company, 25, J Essex-street, Strand. ti ...


... £I1VB ARTS. LORD WARD'S COLLECTION. (S1COND NoTICS.) The early schroo of Giotto comprised a large num- ber of pupils, who generally remained faithful to the old traditional subjects arranged by their master. They preserved many of the characteristic features of Giotto in their forms and attitudes, an well as in their compositions, and as a natural result gave a sort of family resemblance to ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ift.0tion and Tavictio, THIE COUIRT. NVrXI)SOt, SAIUAtVA.-H-ler Majesty wvent this fore- nteon to the residence of the Duchess of Kent to pay a vi tit to hr(! lioydl mother. The Princess Royal aIcompanied the Qiueen. The Prince of Leiningen a 'ld iui 9 ytiun vrv b rother Priice Edward, are the guests of [lie Dieitest of Kont, atd. came yesterday ev vidwin to thi CastbI to dine with the Queen. ...


... PASHIONABLE 2NTELLIGENCE. I WINDSOR, DEC. 28.-The Queen and Prince, lhe prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal attended Divine 5ervice in the private chapel this morning; tho Ron. and Very ,eu, the Dean of Windsor officiated. The Queen, we are pleased to announce, has ,osmnissioned Mr. Willamn Simpson, the artist of the Crimean ,er, to paint for ber private gallery a Picture of the Reception ...


... POE TRY. THE. SHADOW ON THE VALL. Sezhoolsime6C is o'cr, thenl evolcome hoImO, If lowly cot or lordlly b1ll. The schoolboy feels his timle is colme, Nor droad :T'Ihe Shldow on the Wall. 0, odlious birch ! it, cvcry sprig Doth seem with wailhiis voice to call- 'WVo bruise, not bend, the infailt twig-: Look for 'The Shadow oil the Wall. 0, youlgstcr ! do not thinik thv lot T''he suaddest that ...

Selected Poetry

... #elected Toctry, WHAT THE OLD YIAR SAID TO A mURMURING IIEARTY. TIVE ,tIrw ii, Old Year ! thou art 1)assinig awvay, A ad I du not ask thee back; For mnyV a sodll and surrorltid day, Il Ith L lhulercd tilhy wealry tiackI For sleices and caroag lolve ragecd' below, And nations liave towed in fear; And weeiing Al ,od wvaililt. anld wvar and woe, Have cvalded thy course, Old Year! O'er lharts ...

Fashion and Varieties

... fil'IItPion a1d ikdCtio ri[E COUIRT. a't.]SOa I)t:(. 26..-Lhe ' ditter P;:t 'tY yesterday i,lwhitlj hli- 11,yal 1liibiliitsl thel Prit.celss Royal, M jl Geot-ral the Ioo1. C'. t1 .1lcs. G(v3, Colonel tile I [lo. C. IB. an'i Mrs. Pllipt1,s, thie l)eaDil of Winl(d- s ,ilul t. ilon. .\I,* NWlflelty, antod Mr. Glover. Tlit' followinig had tilm litootl, to reecivo ittvitalions in t c er(ejllt : ...


... ,LEISH SOHOOL OF THE FI4V E E The picture galleries of Belgium are of course armongs the chief attractions of that attractive country totort Every town and every hamlet there has iteehare of picture and they all scene to the stranger fromn abroad liere~0 rial of a pasnt age, and suggest reflections which elev'te and chasten the soul. Who could gaze upon those p rial wonders in Binges which ...