... Phayl' ir wram' catch ?? ait hoizsid or whist, te Mr. Co varsi was ivingil ill a duei. h Mr. Wise isis duties, Mi-. King is ts whig, pre Mr. COllin's sutnsuomonly sprisotly,pr And huge Mr. Little broke on ii i iitid While driving fist Mrs. U tgislo -,Ithessceuoi ...


... or the Blues of the Roman circus against the Greens. In his infancy he had heard so much talk about the villanies of the Whigs, and the dangers of the Church, that hel had become a furious partisan when lie could scarcely speak. I Before he was three ...


... and had Cs, eadtmtahnto omposed her Couot, they would bs lesbeter bleto estainherwithin constitutional limnits than t~e the Whigs Isad ?? is sansetimes a useful NVS~apon, bu sore frqetyi sa dangerous pleasure. i O tea after Sir Robest 'Peel bad suade his-demand ...


... and seek another. The black rat is the genuine native of England; the brown con- queror, as the Reviewer almost proves, is a Whig rat, and came frorn Germany to England in the same ship with the House of Hanover. It is now in pos- session of the country ...


... merchant, of Milbanlk, for a short time M.P. for Malden, Conservative; Mr J. G. Itebow, of Wivenhoepark, who professes moderate Whig principles; Mr Hamilton, a barrister on the Home Circuit, Conservative; and Mr Havens, a non-practising barrister, of the borough ...


... is a young manof rare talent, and will ore day play an important part; but I know hime well; at bot tom, his tendencies are Whig; if we do not iouloediatel en. list him in our ranks, he will escape from as; give hiim something to do, be will serve you ...


... his own house by his wife. This lady (Mrs. Stirling) confides the secret to no one, and affects the strongest dislike to the Whigs. Even her husband's mother believes him dead, and takes away ler daughter, that she might be reared to bate her father's memory ...


... distress. Poor people!: It is very painful to' ; -those who, like my ?? and myself, have long fore-' 'sesen the results of' whig and tory policy, to find now what we' feared comle to a head: however, the crown and, constitution ;are not to be overset breoaue ...


... be considered a careful and authoritative biography of the late Sir Robert Peel. H~e gives us the following account of the Whig Court cabal, in 1839, which prevented Sir Robert taking office. TEE QUEEN AND HER LADIES. The Queen sent for the Duke' of ...


... explained to him that this was not practicable. In the autumn Sir Robert went with Lady Peel and a daughter to Italy, leaving the Whigs in power. During his absence, the death of Earl Spencer compelled the removal of Lord Althorp to the House of Lords. The King ...


... of lafgnflsmmsbit England. Would that I bad gone to Australia and thus been saved this w ork, produced by tO-Y injustice and whig imbecility. The doctrine of'slowly reformlrg when men are starveog is of all silly things, the Most silly: famishing men cannot ...


... --at theyh are *- Ila so near at hand. From an amusing r taper whose heading Asks t h do p I earo a hat E take I le follo~whig : - ont iagin anyhingheroic. anyth~ifl noble oI' Can wefor a lmm oofitnhat worthy of historical record. ts be asasociated with ...