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Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. ITING PAPERS of all descriptions ds~ be W T purchased at the B3 P d ini , 2, ftiargate, as Cheaply as at a7y E~tabllsbumbnt in Hull. -v- ACCOUNT'BOORS MADE TO ORDER. CBRISTMAfS PRESEN'TS AND ZEW YEAR'S GIFTS. CHRISTMAS has ever been rendered dear to the lovers of friendship and hospitality from the many I eharming socialities connected with it. The exuberance of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. A FTER the Morning and Evening Services in this II CHURCH on SUNDAY NEXT, COLLECTIONS ,ill be made for the support of the CHARITY SCHOOLS in Vicar-lane. Jany. 1, 1857. JOHN THOMPSON, DECEASED. A.LL Persons indebted to, or having claims against, A the Estate of JOHN THOMPSON, late of Coltman-street, Hull, Gentleman, are requested to pay the debts, and sen d particulars of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRIMSBY AND RANBURG LINE OFf STEAM-SHIPS. ]3IOR IAIBUlRG, the Powerful and Swift Screw-Stearmer SYDENHAM, Captain HIGHLEY, is intended to be * i _dispatched to' the above port from Grimisby on SATUIDA Y, the 3rd Jan.; and will be succeeded regularly by other first-class Steamers Bor Freight or Passage apply to Z. C. PEARSON, COLEMAN, & Co., Hull, Grimeby, and London. GOOLE, BULL, CRTMSUBY, AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. DAMAGED LINSEED. 0lo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, T by Mr. F. STAMP, at the CORN-EXCHANGE, Hull, THIS DAY (FRIDAY), 2nd January, 1857, at Twelve `O'lools, for account of whomsoever it may concern, from 30 to 40 qrs, DAM AGED LINSEED, saved from the wreck of the Fredersic, of Volgast, on Witton Sands, and since kiln dried. For further particulars and samples, apply to the AUCTIoNElsB; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CERISTAIAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. EJRISTRAS has ever been rendered dear to the lovers of friendship and hospitality from the many fri eharming socialitics connected' ith it. The exuberance of the feelings amid scones of gaiety induces the fair and youthful shine to advantage unuer the gaze of many friends, and therefore to devote increased attention to the duties of the oilet. It is at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -sfi.GAWTHORP'S Academy, 37, Osborne- on MorNDlY, January 12th. - ,fR. MAPLES'S Academy, 56, Spring-street, Hull, IV will RE-OPEN on MON DAY, January 12th, 1857. 1 LIE MISSES SAMPSON will be happy to RECEIVE their Pupils on TUESDAY, January 27tb. 32, Spring-street, Hull. I E DUTIES of MISS BESTOW'S School will be TRESUMED ?? on TUESDAY, Jan. 20th, 1857. 4, York-street, near the Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _0 R QUEBEC, to sail first week in . .J April, with Goods and Passengers, the ep , well-known regular trader British Ship 3,,FERGU`S, AE 1 in Ted, 700 Tons bnxthen, ANTHONY EDMONDS, Counmander.-For Freight or Passage, apply to the MASTER, on Board, in the Prince's. dock, near the Monument. TAST OF ENGLAND SCRE W-?COASTING COMPANY'S HULL AND LONDON STEAMERS, TO AND FROMI EAST INDIA WHARF, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The following is MR. MURRAY'S LIST of NEW WORKS for 1VJ December and January. Edited by Sir Wm. Napier-With portraits, vols. 1 and 2, post 8vo, . LIEof General Sir CHARLES NAPIER, from sis journals, family letters, &c. John Murray, Alibemarle-street. With Portraits of Lord Raglan aand Plans-2 vols, post 8vo, 24s, TETTERS from HEAD.QUARTERS; or, the Camp L iantheCrimea. ByaStaffOfficer. John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rOlLIISBY A-VD HAMBAURG LINE OF STEIVA'1-1-SHIPS. STEA3{ER wvill ho despatched from IN' C$ 2i Gl[ 1SiY for HAMBURG every SAI'tUl1DAY, whilst the Navigation is For Freighut or Paussage aspply to Z. C. PEA i.SON, COLEMIAN, & Co., Hull, Grimsby, and London. . ENVGLAND SCREWV-COAS.TIIVF COMPANY'S (Limited) hULL AND) LONDON STEAMERS, To AND FR.OM EAST INDIA WVHARI, LONDON. ยข rT a H E superior SCREW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. Wr vITING PAPERS of all descriptions may be W y purchased at the Hull Packet Office, 22, White- kiargate, as Cheaply as at any Establishment in Hull. ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. CHRISTMAS PBESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. C HRISTMAS has ever been rendered dear to the t lovers of friendship and hospitality from the many charning socialities connected with it. 'The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O BE SOLD BY AUCTIO1N, T by Mr. ToJoH J. BOTErROYD, at the Manor House Tavern, on the Humbor-bank, Hull, on WED- 1NESDAY, the 21st day of January, at Two ?? in the Afternoon, subject to conditions then to be produced, and either together or in Lots, As may be agreed upon at the time of Sale (unless previously die- posed of by private contracb, of which due Notice will 0~ given), Jul those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hull, 10th January, 1857. TESTIAI0.V L O10 AINTIIONY BANNISTER, ESQ. HE Committee appointed at a Meeting of the Sub- T scribers to a Testimonial to be presented to A. asINNISTEn, Esquire, finding that many of their towns. 3erI were ignorant of the existence of such a sub-cripton, hijiuk it right to give thens the opportunity of joining ii~Qleill. The subscription lists will, therefore, lie at ...