Advertisements & Notices

... p)ubifc Nottces.( 7jiRS EVNINGat HLBECK, and on FRIDY a KIRSTLL.CONERTby the BLIND VOCLISS ?? Scool Yokunder thepatron THREE-LAST MfONSTER GIFT NIGHTS,.a lbTORAMA of INDIA and BESSIE DALTON, TI 3.7 ~STOCK. EXCHANGE. LEEDS. Os THIS (mardna) EVENVING, Janurary lot, ceel oa Friday - andsslrds, .iaeary2nd and 3rd, when will be presented gxatuit- 00.311 to tireaudience- ONE H1UNDRED AND FIFTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00OK'ING-GLASSES. -The COMIMERCIAL LZAPLATE-GLAISS COMI'ANY.14-Inkiler CUARLES IILiAN, ?? and go. Fcect-otreet, ansI1iSO.Oxford-street inote the nameandt the antenbersi, very respectfully Invite the Nobility, the Publie. and the Traxde, to inspect their exwtonefts-nd magnhifient Stock of CHIMNEY. 10ONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES, framed in every variety of style; consolie, oentre, ao~l icier tales~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMrENT.] THE A UTHORITY FOR THE NO2-OBSEBR. ANCE OF THE SEVENTH DAY. ' It is recorded in Holy Scripture, Gen. 2. 2 and 3, That on the seventh day of the creation, Almighty God bWool and sanctified the seventh day ; this He did, without eir emption of any nation, or limitation to any time; the eom inand, therefore, is universal and imperative. It is asserted in direct contradiction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS: ~,O T MONEY idvanoecm every deeciipti0of vlable .JYJ.. roperty by J. 3. CUN~NINGHAM, 7?, AUNGM- STREET. Extensive Wareroorns for garnilture at No. 78. ku JAll.u AJLIFN'b ±AAL AUD (PA ELKS, 20, Sat ,il-stroet, are constantly supplied wI ?? Styles of Realy-made Clothing of best gtoelal8. -TETEBIINARY ESTA f 3lET, 22; A k i- STREET..-The 'hAt O ta above-namedrb lishment, and the Public, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED. -By J2 Exemuors and bereaved ficlotlves of deeaeaod noblemen eoan- LIB~~h.1t50sendln,1 In the first Insacet llL LIBEERSESTA ISHME2,t. Y-ROADuncar~lusbury-square, ~oor No. 12. North-streeit, Quadrant, BrileltonInstead of emeploying their upholsterer, or the neatest osnierta or who riot possessing the needful requirmentsel. reeort to the fuura~ furnishers to hire temn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nrents Iren prigne55 for Booking Passengers, Specie, ,,,I Merchandisena direct tornd from Calcuttat Madras, Singa- Pore, Pesa'5K nd China, of hiib duo noticowai be givenwhen V UROPEAN and AUSTRALIAN ROYAL E MAIL COMPANY (LIMITED), appointed by the Adrid. Brt tosai for Melbourne and Sydney, from Liverpool, calling at 5autyampiou to receive and land passengers and her Majesty's Maus. ONEIDA ?? 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. A Clergyman, wsriting ou the subject of The Living oft )ruamgati, has not given us lis name, consequently his letter cannot be inserted. The letter of a Connor Curate was only received last night, and is under consideration. [BY MAGNETIC TItAVGILAPI.] LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE-YESTERDAY. ISOON PRIICES. Consols for Money sbut Vo for Account .. 94J 1 New Three per Cents. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K EATING'S PALE NEWFOUNDLAND COD LIVER OIL, perfectly pure, and nearly tasteless, having beenanaysed reorte on andrecmmeded by Professors Taylor and Thomson, ofuy's and St.Thom as's Hospitals who, In te wods f th lae Dr Peeira sa tha Ta finest oil Is that mostdevid f clou, odurandflaour caracters this will be foun devo'd to possess ina °hirghndecraee-Half-pinta, is. 6d,; pints, 2s. Cd.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T. GiBAND IORNIN PERFORMANCE TfHIS DAY (ISHURSDAY), Jaihnuary lst, 1857, the Nowv Comic Christmas Pantomime ol LITtLE BOPEEP, or, HARLEQIN AND THE GIRL THA>T lOST HER ~S1IEEP, On which occasion (by permission of Colonel Colonib), tbe Boys of the Royal Hibernian Military School, with their Juvenile Band, will attend. Doors open at Half-past One, commencing at Two o'Clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE true Old English Beverage, THE T WINE OF MALT, Sold and Shipped off in Cargoes to the British possessions in all parts of the Globe. Prices-Is., Is. -d., is, Cd., and Is. 10d. per Kiderhin or Firkin. BURTON ALE STORES, opposite the George IDn, Bartstaple. T. JOCE, Agent. TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZEN. Q O UTH H AFRIIC A I PORT. io South African Sberry. Soath African Miallrs Higlly recommended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL. SECOND QUARTE'L T CONCERT, WED- S NESDAY Evening, January 7,1857. Miss ANGELINA WEBBE. Miss SUSAN ANNE WEIBE. Miss CAROLINE WEBBE. Mr. FRANK WEBBE. Admission Tickets at the Music Shops:-3s 6d, 2s 6d, amd Is; Four for l0s Od to Reserved Seats; Four for 7s 6d to Body of Hall. To commence at EIGHI' o'clock. 4030 THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. For the BENEFIT of the NATIONAL, ENGLISH OPERA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS: _ ?? MONEY IVe e Uiable XJ p8V.L rperty by 3.j I.CIJNIA ,~,ANI STItEET. ExtensiVe Warerrooml forNrnituaN AU gre antly supplied with the neweat ?? ?? Clot(inl'Of beslt materb1lo. ' ESTERINARY ESTABLISHMENT, 22; AUNGIEB- V STREET.-The Patrons of the above.1l3med E *tab - 1ishment, and the Public, are informed that the busines - will be continued ae usial. d26,10 - STAS, No. 2, WWEIt CUOsD ...