Advertisements & Notices

... A.D. 1717. ESTMINSTER FIRE OFFICE. wI, ChiefOfficesKing-street, Covent-garden, London. The Public are respectfully reminded that the Renewal Policies for Insurances due 25th December are now in I the hands of the Society's Agents, as below. All Policies expiring at Christmas should be renewed on or before the 9th January, otherwise the liability of the office will cease. The Westminster Fire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tjle A MAl1VELI.OUS REMEIDY! F t it FOR A DMARVE.l.LOUS AGE ! I 1 t I tIOLLOWVAYM; OINT1lieNT. I And Th'tI GRAN) eXTERNAL REMEDY. C en )1 the aid of a microscope, we see millions of little C oii opl gs tin the sneface of'our buolic. Through these this B Uiutntenl, nhieu rubbed on the sl:hi, is eroried ml any organ or to- B aut ward part. D)iseure of the Kidneys. disotrers of the Lirer, alfec. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L.OOIU'NO.LASSES. -Thc COMME1RCIAL PL`ATEOLAS COMiPANY. M ngoer, CHARLES M'LANS 78i, 79v. ond 80, rieteet, a nd 16S, O xtet l.Itrct (not tb e annre an d the mtubmbo). vrye respectfu ly, Inokte the N bility. the P'ublic, and the 'tcade, to t pethxtheir ?? olwt Stouk of 4 'I IIM NN YV, COiNSOEhr eaS PIErL GLASSES. frainod ii every vrijety of rutle; genotofa eontre, rend pier aln es: olid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tOR SALE, THIS DAY, AT -I M'IKENNA'S REPOSITORY, n Superior 13ROUGI-IAM HORSE. 129 T HIS EVE NING. MU SIC H AL, L. ECOND QUARTETT CONCERT, WED- SD NESDAY 'Evenbin,, Jmsuary 7,1857. illis, ANGELINA WEIBBE. Aliss SUSAN ANNE WEIBBE. ?? CAROLINE %VEBBE. AIr. FRANK WEBBE. Admission Tickets at the Music Shops:_3s 61, 2s 6,1, and Is; Four for ls Gil to Reserved Seats; Four for 7s Gd. to Body of Hall. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS* s lb DUBLINW UlNIVESIU CALENDAR t t) - Wb1 Day Poblishl Prie e 6.I rptW UNIVEBSITY CiUALBDAR for 1857. Cor- | rected to the 1 0th of December, (wrIth a Fronthpi5ceI of the Campeanile). c Part I. Contains Lists of all the Honors and Prizes in 1856 ; the rules relating to the Undergraduate Course, the Fellowshlp and Scholarship Examinatlfonf, the Moderator- ship Courses, &c., as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING THIS EVENING. BELFAST PERMANENT BUILDING AND IMPROVE.NIENT SOCIETY. FULL ATTENDANCE OF ALL THE AS I\IFNL3ERS of th6 above Society is requested nt the olnthly AMepting, ill tho SCI-IOOLROOM, D)ONEGALL PLACE, on WEDNESDAY Evenieg, 7th instant, at halt-past Seven o'clock, when Mnttoers ot ieportance in relation to the welfare of tile Society will be brought before them. JAMES 11. BEATTIE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY. AXNNU4L MEETING. rT¶E ANNUAL MEETING of the EDINBURGH BIIILE SOCIETY will ?? be held in qUEEV STREET I n fitiAY, the 9th January 1857. g^- TEIE RIGHT HON. LORD PANHURE in the Chair. Flitc gig Fton. tlhe EARL of Soi aEM Rev. Dr CRAWrOND; ~0.Dr GiuretatE; R1ev. Dr Goa~n- Bev. Dr Hariteaso~orot goses>RT HU~rOAsE, Esq-; ROBEBT PAUL, Esq.; and Others, arc pegceted to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE FOLLOWINL ADVERTISTSEMENTs BEACHED US TOO LAT EFOJINSERTIONi I OUR EARLY EDITION. *W7ANTED to BORROW Immediately, the Sum of £80. Vy The Security is good. Address A. D. 64, Herald Office. ANTED, a Smart Boy about 15, to act as WAITER. V ApNly at lars. Nairn's, '8 Great Hamilton Street, ;betieen the hours of 8 and 9 r.Mz. 1jlTANTED, a YOUNG MAN for a Provision Store in the 'W Country. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ~ CLCL'1A.-Th ?? built shitt~lN tV~iI, Al13 ears WI .NA STU~lLS. Cutn nener.lob intheSt.ttattaiit', ock wilbe iliepateheit inoni- leLLI. Si, anthICKINO,132. eadetia~ teeet. rinn TIINEY diect (to sil iibcao the 2 rt ofaiularr), 1? 0I COIAMlIO irect (willbe ?? I. nt tm th f 'ebna~l.tie ctlpertinqe SALLY, Al,. ii tas ocker it U ItL 0. joiiittolo :ly.~ein the St. Eat~tla tier tiielt thi ti~e e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just.Published, price Is., free by Post for 13 stamps, XEUVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILIT1Y; N~its Causes, SymptomEs, Treatment, and Cure.. A coinpieto Essay on Spermatorrboea, resulting from close -Study, Sedentary habitit, intemperance, high livippgv, dissipation, wihb practical observations on the use of- th microscope, in detecting (by urinary examioatitdnasthe causes which commonly lead to its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... var OR. AAMES' MANTLES.S-The WINTER TR C B STC CK at a great dl~sloetlon AiIEp WORTH, 7,Dega.Led - 17¶ W. 1 ) ' R A Y ?? Consulinig Engineer, I *Qre ate lIaford, uietfor Pa tentltir ?? X _of Qllreliiror eite i Sof the 'tevrvinla Shuttlt Box; the continuous v laid split id eate reoiio the nilonigiltdie rial ire for weaving EBririelo red r Gurplot ouse Plshand the Pil Faicic this oblique ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11?UNERAL; EXTORTION AVOIDEDBy FLxEsecuorsaniiboroavod Itolatives of deceased noblemon, gea- ILIBEEBtS1ESTABL1SIIMiE~ST, CtlTY-ROAD) near Finshury soouare |or No. 12. Northetreet. Quadrant, Brighton. Instond of emofoylno 'their upholsterenr, or the nearest uindertker, wvho, not possoosleng thea Ineedful roqulrmeueto, resort to tho funcrai furnbshers to hiqthorn. aind'oonseilssooty Snalct ...