Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDINGI SOCIETY. j A QUARTERLY MEETING of the Committee A of the Society will be held in the Chapter Room, on TUESDAY, 6th January, at 12 o'clock. H. OWEN, Hon. Sec. Llangefni, Jan. Ist, 1857. FIintshire D~ispensary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING Iof the Trustees, Benefactors, and Subscribers to the above Charity will take place at the BOARD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ji~ic1Ianeou0. ONEY.-Several large and smiall Sumis M to be LENT on Freehold sd LeBEeo5ld securities,- 'Address Box 415, Post-offlee, Bristol. 14IONEY.-Ā£8000 to be advanced upon .LY.E. Freehold or Leasehold Beosriea in Sums to Buit Borrowers.-Apply to ENTON & SONS, St. Werburgh thambers, Small-street. W ANTED immediately, a clever First-hand V DRESSMAKER; also, a Young LADY, as SALES- WOMAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'Ve~liqlonst hail), VWest-13ar, Lcels. Sl A I'ml sihiceMs.1 Sutitle of ii..EO D DAWINl31.ROO7T TURN!- Sd TU N, o IIILE UIIIiMES ;,V (Gl,A 'iSES i nt edegat gilt franme,. al 'Bit eCtiuilaive, ci Olston of SlITPERB INDIAN ORIENTAL CIINA, in d)are. BlIrsscr, ?? 13,Iiss, eruil other rare Olrniamen~ts u, fer,' igih class WATER COL'5hSI. DEIAWINGS andi 011 P'AINT- Lit LEGS, liy mililern atisti of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JMPERIAL PATENT C ETS, combining lightness eeatyd,.eign~ed, in silk, satin, alpaca, &c.-H. COOKE, Old Exchango, King heo ?? ow materials qonuteed. B.H(S YOUR HATTER -STANL1E , the l er2, Deansgat, Maucheater-His W ?? and CAPS are highly recomamended for 'EleganeDrbltand Cheapines. TOSEPH A. SPIIER, Furrier to Her 6, DEANSGof St. Marfs-street. eT ?? for the MONARCH FIEA4ILlnE ASSURANCE CMAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... An .,i ansiwers to Advertisenents must be ay Letter. untesi other- uw1see0prelme. Personal u opplicatio at our O0tie cannot be agtded to. PARDIFF ARMS HOTEL, CARDIFF. _ Wanted, at the above Hotel, a good MAN COOK and CONFECTIONER. WAN TED, in the Grocery and Provision Trade, an ?? ASSISTANT.-Apply to Mr. D. F. COLLINS, Market-place, Ross, Herefordshire. W ANTED to RENT, a DAIRY of about W 20 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO B`UILDERS. ' Royal 9gginjez.'Ogcet'ortlmouth, 'a - ttb!Bce~heS l56i I:1 Co~odip ~ e~~roipinth vill be received by the Director-General of Cqn acts, W7r Department, Pall Mall, London, as; Th'rsday, tie 15th day of January, 1857, before Ten o'clock aM., from such Persons as may he ?? for ERECTING an ADDITIONAL STbORY to the Main Outbuilding of the Garrison'Hospital, Porteem, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D9-EOPLE'S CONCERTS, Music-flaill, Leeds.-? -LI 'TO-NIGHT. Artistes:-Mrarlame CONSTANTINI, (Soprano from La Scala,AMilarn) Mliss NEWBOUND. Mr. DELAVANTIo, ad the famous BROUSII. FAMILY, whose Instrumental Performanr in Germany, Liverpool, Manchester. ko.. have creatoed the eratoe enthusiasm. Solo Violinist, BERTHA I3ROUSIL. Conductr-g Mr' SPARK. Mr Aadamne Constantin! has a high soprana ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH EOLOGICAL REFORM.-LECTUJRE T TO-`MORROW (Sunday), at half-peat two, by Mr. LIA.K BUiIB'E at tho Urlion (lhamteors, Dirkington-street. -A DVNTAGS& DAGERSof R~ELWIG4Us IIIVMN 4G, a, Itiolunorld Ch~atiel, Sudfrd, by the 11ev. D. F. TOED. EVT.G. LEE'SLECTURES O24IbMPEDI- riĀ¶HE Rev. JOHN JAMIES; TAYLER, B.A., .1.. -will P'REACH in Upper ?? Chapel, on the mornino sut evening of SundAy, January 4; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DT. C A R TW,.R I G.H T, RLeI 13. CLARE-STREET (Late 33, BROAD QUAY). Dealer In and Importer of LENSES, CAMERAS, and other P1botorraphlo Goods- Itstruttions given in the Co0 illon DdafuserreOtyppeProtesea. OBSFERV i.-1, CLARE-STIEET. [449 WHOLESALE BUYER S 1oof CIGARS, MEERSCHAUM.X FRENCH. CLAY, and other PIPES, CIGAR CASES, and every article in Tobacco- RiM' Sundries. ISAAC SOLOMON, IMPORTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftalet be g unttion. .- No.1, ,ORT O ?? BRISTOL. ' MIJESSRS. F9Eft & SON wil: SELL ,.11by AUlyCTION (by Oider of the Trustees forI Sile), at the COMMERRCIAL SAIBROOM I, CORN.STREfEToBrptol,: on TUESDAY, the 6th day of JaIuary, 1857, 'at One o 'oock in the Afternoon (subject to such Conditions of Sale as wilbe t hen and there produced), All that capital FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or, DwellioA: louse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VERLAND ROUTE.-STEAM to INDIA anti CNINA, &M., VilA EGYPT-The PENINSULAR acid Ai, STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY BOOK PASSEN- STn ?? Noods aid parcels for the Mediterranean, Egypt, en Bombay, COYIeO Madras, andCalcutta, by their miail packets, ei* Southam pton on the 4th and 20th of every month; and for nd the Straits by those of the Oth of the month. r frther partleisla, applv at. the Company's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr Topares ?? Apply at the iaters' means that personal appliation must be made at the Examiner and Times office 22, arrketeoeet. - Address [capital Uetter anedt number] at the printers', me7sse that j Vpplicatio; vemust be made by letter. Letters b post should be directed to the Examiner and Times eofle,- not to the residelnce ofthsepjrnters atd pultlsherss.. ,iitatiUOno, Avonq, &t- ...