... I A sort of conference of the chief promoters of that filthy and cruel imposture, Mlornionism, was held on Sunday, at the Adelaide Gallery Casino, London; a place not altogether inappropriate, though one of those notorious houses which sometimes come under the notice of the Society for the Suppression of Vice would have been still more suitable. Monday's ?? Advertise,- reports at as follows : ...

Published: Friday 11 September 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1596 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... On Wednesday a special general meeting of the ah Governor and' Geiardiaue of the Poor of Hull was held TI at the Workhouse, Anlaby-road, for the purpose of W laying a rate for the relief of the poor for the six months th oomuaencing Maroh 25th, 1857. to TAlLo11S A'ND NEEDLEWOMEx.-Mr. DANNATT gave Pt notice that at the next general or special meeting of the to guardians, he will move for a ...

Published: Friday 13 March 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1482 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ST. PAUL'S CHU-RCH NEWI SCHOOL. Last Friday afternoon the firat stone of this rew school was laid by Alex. Samuelson, Esq., oa the groand adjoining the church. The weather proved very unfavourable, but there was, notwithstanding, a very good attendance. About half-past four o'clock the scholars and their parents formed into a procession from the church where they had previously assembled, and ...

Published: Friday 18 September 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2113 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I VISITORS AT GSRMSTON PARK. -The following distiugnisbed party were the gueits of Lord Londes borough, at Grimstoiu Park, during the York Races:- The Earl and Countess of Chosterfield and Lady Evelyn Stanhope, the Duchess of Somerset and Lady Ulrioa Seymour, Sir Robert and Lady Emily Peel, the Earl of lincoln, the Ho,. Admiral Roes, Mr Gerard Sturt, M.F., Mr Richard Sutton, Capt. Randolph, of ...

Published: Friday 28 August 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2966 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... I - I The militia will be out for training in the month of April.I THE WRECK 0O' TaE TlrNs.-The attempt to move thi the unfortunate ship these springs is at an end, and we dof apprehend that her recovery may now be looked upon vir as hopeless. Mc FLUE iN TRINITY OIHORCH, LEEDS.-A fire broke out VIhI in the roof of Trinity Church, Boar-lane, Leeds, oi taF Sunday evening; it was discovered at ...

Published: Friday 30 January 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2091 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LOSS OF THE SHIP LORD I GEORGE BENTrNcK. HORRIBLE SUFFERINGS OF THE SURVIVORS. By the arrival of her Majesty's corvette Electra at Portsmouth, from the Falkland Islands, we learn of the lamentable loss of the British ship Lord George Bentinck, Captain Irving, outward bound to San Francisco, from Shields, which foundered on the 22nd of last Nov., inlat. 44 S., long. 54 W., her master, two ...

Published: Friday 03 April 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2150 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... I A meeting was held on Monday, the Mayor (Ald Thompson) in the chair. NIGHT-SOIL COLLECTION. Several letters were read, the first from a man named Whitfield, who had been accused, in written evidence, )aid before the last meeting of the local board, of having, upon North-bridge, endeavoured to persuade the sub-colleotors of night.soil, in thle service of Mr Stephen Fountain, the contractor, ...

Published: Friday 11 December 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7822 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... £L BOARD OF HEALTH. ay the MAYOR (Aid. Thompson) presided. .f a full attendance of aldermen and coun- THE SUIRVEYOtSTIlp. .ene CrEnmm having read a letter from Mr C. S. Now- -mran, the surveyor to the board, dated Novembe 2, *giving notice that on the 1st February next Ie welii } -xsign the appointment that he held under thle t'o*rd. k discussiou ensued as to the propriety of unin:g I 'this ...

Published: Friday 27 November 1857
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2454 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... nt UfUI±WUIU. 826,81 an The foundation stone of a new ecclesiastical edifice, to being be called Christ Church, was laid on Saturday last, at erre0 r- Higher Bebingt n, by Mrs. Willes, the lady of W. V Tht Wille, Esq.) o Bebington-hall. The day was exceedingly; a Ae fine, and a large number of persons were present to rapiti en witness the interesting ceremony. Amongst the gentle. ditior ras ...

Published: Monday 03 August 1857
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1459 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... '1THE LIVERPOOL FINANCIAL REFORM AMSOO[ATION. - . . AbitJU1lAWION. Amonst te nwii Amongst the new subscribers announced at the last Wil weekly meeting of the council were Sir Joseph Paxton, Ly 1U.P., and Messrs. Gilbert, of Birmingham. Amongst the wl correspondence read was a letter from Mr. E. B. Neill, l London, secretary to the Belgian International Aeaoeta- tion for Customs Reform, ...

Published: Monday 03 August 1857
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3381 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... - - - - - thro s; bn Saturday, a new corn exchange, built by the corpo. sudr fy ation, was opened at Newcastle-on-Tyne. the oF The great cattle show at Birmingham commenced on cauw ill, Monday, and is ?? to prove the most successful yet sucl let held in the provinces. atte- ur Not less than 71 fishermea and other inhabitants of the befo 're Shetland isles have parished in the late storms; and ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1857
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3224 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I On Wednesday, a Russian gun was inaugurated at a- Kingstowu, the presentation being made by Sir Richard te Dacres. ia The long-expected and much needed increase to the IS pay of the assistant surgeons of tbe British army to 1Os. h per day has been decided on, and will have retrospective i ec effect from the 23rd alt. I In A deputation from the Merchant Taylors' Company, in consiting of the ...

Published: Monday 07 December 1857
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3075 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News