Advertisements & Notices

... %0E1OURNE GAS I'dl COI(E COMPAKY'S DO BENTUR Souta f h Wsiles I1 WAY the HAL.Yhlt'B INEREST, duethe ?? IS6'W, en the Dbntrs ee byM lfs City o fl'r r m a 55 Ck ¶Blicati~nttri Dnk JHN 1~~OB 1857. ~-The public are informed tha t F.LETTS' 8DIARIES. POcKq! OF ES HOIASEKBIPE, &a., from ad. to Its. meb~, and catalogilee (gratts) may b's had Of any bookselle in the kingdom; ind Lette, Son, and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. wo T*IT ?? 0o To e FrEE7,tltxr JOtU;NAL'. Sin-Your leading article of yestorday-like many of Its predecessors.-contieas iniatter of vital importance to the public, and is suggestive of considerations from which the citizens of Dublin amight derive' much advantage. The bistory of joint stock efforts in Ireland, commencing with the St. Patrick's Insurance Company, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RENT X22 0 be LET, with immediate possession, 1 1 the HOUSES Nos. 1, 4, and 5, DEVNSoHIB 1c t PLACE Pennsylvania Road, Exeter. Appiy to Mr. GRAY,SolicitorandProotor,Queen.street D13 Exeter. 0n EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PREMISES. ii 0 be LET, in the centre of the City of Rai T1 Exeter, near the Western markets, depthabout pasi 1bO1 feet, width about 25 feet, lofty, and convertible to onl any wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUt'SCRI3ERS AND A.GEN'TS. WEt beg to aniounce thatt wve have madfe everv pos- sible arratrgerent for the carriage arid delikerv of our IrmsalnRrped papers in the priuci7alI to wris Lb re OI'h- out Ulster, il order to ineet the requirorerrts ot' the public, and render the cost of our journia aa cas eip as it can practically be madle, consistently with our aim to ftrnish the earliest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItEAD TIlE NEW EDITION,OX NEB2VOUS AMD OTHER DISEASESI It Just Pubitshed, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shilling, ov freelby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, TI EA.LT and RAPPIl2ESS, the means by which they ?? be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations on ihe treatment of nervous debility aud Indigestion, loss of meul tal and physical tone, arising from eari Indiscretion, &o., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #440i by Audio.x AUCTION OF BONDED ANID FREE GOODS CONSISTZING OF COFFEE, TOBACCO, RUM, BEEF, PORK, RICE, &c. mO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. AT THE .1 MART' of Mr. JOH1N H. GOWAN, 5, GEORGE'S LANE, on MIONDAY, the 5th day of January next, at TWELVE o'clock Noon, (GOODS IN BOND,) 400 Hermetically-sealed Canisters. 251bs. each, PURE GROUND COFFEE, in good condition. 102 Canisters. 2Slbs. each, PURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Pablished, price is., free by post for 13 stamps. N ERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY; N its Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Cure. A complete Essay on Spermatorrhocea, resulting from close Study, Sedentary habits, intemperance, high living or dissipation, with practical observations on the use of the microscope, in detecting (by urinary exaluiDations) the causes which commonly lead to ites ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ad and S ITH will despatch the following n r sopsicie SUfS bu. built expresly for the East Indian trade, at dieriesnetiantid dates: hip.sTons. CoutoareUm. Destinatlo.u 0 I st jyiiiam.. 840 B. IF. . ICaaluttv .. artch 4 ,ermaft slap 3 705 rS. K ?? Ditto ?? April 4 ,,eas ?? 479 ?? [Paterso ?? Ditto ?? tr 4 ptriUS .. ?? W .. 9'oplsorcorc Ditto ?? June 10; ?? ?? 741 Edward (Oppell Dtt.. ?? D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL CALEDONIAN HUNT r hi~ MlEMBERS ore requested to MEET at DOUGT.ASS HiOTEL' Teasetr, the 11th ,alloary. r' l Dinner at Half-past Six. The EARL of DALKEITH, Preses. Win. SIIAI:PE, Secretary. An ELECTION at this Meeting. CATHOLIC LECTURES. , eN srTNDAY, the 4th JANITADY k 1857, at Half- R pasit Six o'clock v0, the F IR-ST of a SERIES of Lb 'UltL s, Explenolory of the Doctrines of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CR OYLE HOUSE SCHOOL, Kentisbeare, near Cullompton, will be RE-OrENED JANUARY 14tb, GEORGE DENNIS, ?? Principal. Je CLEVELAND PLACE, DAWLISH. HE MISSES COTTON beg to announce that their Establishment will be RE-OPENED on MONDAY. JANUARY 19th, 1807. THE CLOSE, EXETER. /RS. DAVIES begs to inform her Friends, Alt that her SCHOOL will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, JANItiRs 12tb. A Vacancy for an Articled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. °0 be LET, with immediate possession, a T convenient and eligibly situated DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, No. 5, Goldsmitb-streetL -Ent moderate. For viewing and further particulars apply to Mr. JAs. YouLvoio, Boot and Shoemaker, Witqrbeer- street, Exeter. i . TO be SOLDat Auction, without reserve, T at Rookes' Devon and Exeter Horse Bazaar, on FstrAY the 2nd day of JANUARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN HUNT. miHE DO\VN HrUN'P WILL MEE'1 AT IJ DOWNPAxTRICK, on the 13th day of JANUARY, 1857. t 39n2 t XWILLIAM KEOWVN, Treasurer. CHOICE TEA. C REER & COMPANY'S CELEBRATED G NONPARIEL TEA, consisting of variouis sorts of relly fine 'PEA, vell matured, and so ju- (liiotusly blended that great flavour and streng th are most happily ombined. EDMUND GREER & COMIPANY, 3272 3, Corn Market, Belfast. ...