... T W IL I a H T. Twilight! how I love the feeling. Sweetly Soothing to the mind, When o'er the soul thy stillness stealing. Leaves a holy calm behind. Then, to fancy's eye appearing, Forms beloV'd, though distant far, Wake affection's glowing feeling, Silence every passlon's jar. And upon my rapturld vision, 'Mid thy dim and sombre light, Burled forms have burst their prison, To sweetly gleam ...


... =T~ ?? LIVERPOOL'S LORDLY CANDIDATBE,1 OaAIMLES T-X, THE COMMITMTEM. I By his honour fair he swore, Rh That the loyal town of Liverpool (i Should suffer wrong no more. of By hh hononr fair he swore it, And for the polling day at He bado the cinvassers go forth, East and west, and south and north, TD To summon hia array. E East and woit, and south nod nor'h, re The canva oerg do fly, ao And ...


... On this day we took the city of Rivas by assault. Lieutenant O-, a young officer of the ?? Brigade, was mortally wounded. When brought into the hospital tent he was delirious, and, fancying himself at home with his mother and friends, he continued conversing all night Me if with his mother, telling her whore he wdshed to be burled, &. cle died during the night, and at suarise Wau nrled in a ...


... POETPRY. LOVE'S VICTORY. t Lovy caine likec morning, When earth ?? Julne: Oh, thero was very music in her voie, She gave mlly heart tbo cheerfulness of neon, And bade me of life's peaceful paths make choice. Flowers uiseen before catue into sight, Smiling, like loving friends, to ple`asure 111; n And so011(1, once dissolnaut, n1OwY gavO delight, t For virtue heartened dawning energy. I Each ...


... L I TER AT UR E. Works of the Rev. T~ososrs Ml'Ciau, D.D. - A now and uni. thleI formiedition. Edited byhis Son. Part VIII. Sermons, by Is WT. Blackwood & Sons, Edinkburgls and London. her Tests part embraces Dr M'Crie's well-known eind adosirable Orr'. sermon on ?? Christian Friendship, and about twenty others -all marked by the qualities which elistinguisli the predise- THE Hione of the ...


... I BRBISIDL & CLIFTON HORTICULTURAL SHOW- I The first floricultural exhibitionfoteprsnyarto place atitbhe Zoological Gardens on Thuresday, and never since yj the ?? of the ?? has there been a more succesefial h shqw. of course pA gala fhte in the Zoological Gardens could not be permitted to pass over without some sort of aqueous visitations, but apart from the thunderstOrm, to which we eball ...


... on Mondaly Mise Jane Jackeon gave her annual bendfit concert at the Victoria-r5oorn, Clifton, and It wee gratifying toa find the appeal of the fair artiste responded to by so large and- feehionable an auditory. The great salooin was well nigh filled and the company comprised most of our leading resident S families. Miss Jackson had been fortunate In securing the a services of Mr. Alfred ...


... 0.1 BooKs ?? R2EVrEwV.-Book`s, Music, New Engravings I &c., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. c C. MITCHEItL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, London, I addreised 'to the Editor of the Derly Mercury, will be I forwarded and receive attention. MAGAZINES, &e. ( T14e Art-Jouroslw . No. XXV., New Series, January. t London: GeoitOE VIRTUE andCo., 25. Paternoster-row. Blackwood's ...

Selected Poetry

... QctaO VbrcfTr. MARY, TII MAID) OF TliE R(ol. ';i'ttis's an isle on the verge of the ocean, 'T'here's a land where the Shamrock grows grcen, There is Alary with snowy white bosom, Oh I tho firieost that I over Iavc seej! There's a stream ?? stealo lone throligh te ilo ounltuils, ?? lere ily spiritzs oft wttndl(lelrilig, you knowtt Iliui g ill ptre drollights frolml that foliltitill, Aiud t ...

Selected Poetry

... i$&CO 10octr. PSALMI XLVI. (S SITED TO TUE INDIAN CR3IsIs.) [The following exquisite verses are from tite pen of the Very Rev. Daniel Bagot, IDean of liromore.] GOD is our refulte in distress, Our safeguard through the wilderness, Our shelter friom the storm; TIhough vinds end waves a conflict make, Thougl Earth's foundations reel andi shake, We need not feel alarm. A peaceful river softly ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ai.5IotpolI t110 farif iS. TH1E ?? U 11 T. lA.AIOnIAt, Awu.;;Sr 3t1--Tho Queen nrd ?? Consort, Nvith the Prpicessec and Prince Arthlur, at- tendilel Diville servico at the Parish Ch' urcih of cratliie On Sanday lost. The Marquis of Dalihousie, acconmpanied by ?? Ladies Raunsa, 1101)ooss to leave this country carly in the ensuing modtij ior Mlaltat, ia order to pass the ae)pproacliii, Winter in ...


... MANOI5STEISI, APRIL 30.-Mr Thomas Fairbairn, the chairman of the executive committee, has this afternoon received a communication from Colonel Phipps, to the effect that lie was commanded by his Royal Highness Prince Albert to state, that taking into consideration the importance of the occasion) the preparations which have been made, and the public duties which he is called upon to perform on ...