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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... of their political existence. Resolved-That we, In a special manner, oppose the return to Parliament of ali Whig Candidates, because the Whigs bave been at all times the ferocious perasecators of the Church, the unreleating foes of the Irish people, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... their votes or to vote against the Government and Whig Candidates at the approaching Elections. The ( Electors expect their Parliamentary Representatives, when in the House of Commons, to vote against the Whigs and ' drive them out of power; and it is the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Creagh of Dangan never broke his word to the people. I admit that at the lest election I did oppose the government backs of the Whigs-men who declared against the Tenants f and against the CatholIc Church. The people now sse that Lord Palmeretcri is the enemy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Loughnan, Esq. Resolved -Tbat we again entreat and exhort the honsat- hearted and Whig-hating Electors of Dublin to withhold, under all circurnstanep, their votes from the Whig Candi- dates, If Lord Palmerston sueceed in packing the next Parliament with his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Creagh of Dangan never broke his word to the people. I admit that at the last election I did oppose the government backs of the Whigs-men who declared against the Tenants and against the Catholic Church. The people now see that Lord Palmerstca is the enemy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Catholic clergy- men, called for the rustrosic of keeping out the Whigs. At that meeting I was present, and yet if I were Baste enargh to go on the Monday following and vote for the Whigs, I might, it seemi, ?? the IGtters T.C. and E.L G. in ailence, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dangan never broke his word to the people. I V r admit that at the last election I did oppose the government Ibacka of the Whigs--men who declared against the Tenants in 3 and against the Catholic Church. 13 b The people now see that Lord Palmerston is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... justice, and shall lend my beat assistance towards obtaining a Its Isform, a It was alleged at the late Election that I am a Whig.- n That charge Is simply and utterly false. It was merely a a lever trick, got up *to prnjudice me. There is nat a siadom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bank) n maoney to effect my return bor Clarc. P I ask tne Farmers of Clare what good has been done for n them by Sadleirite and Whig Members ? I ask their com- f, mon sense and reason what possible good can result to them b by electing the other candidates ...

Advertisements & Notices

... everywhere. Patentee-HARPER TWELVETREES, So&- r- ton, Lincolnsbire, and 148, Upper Thames-etreet, London. . A correspondent of the Whig says The Catholic work men of Belfast are about to build a splendid ball, with library and reading-rcom attached. This new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... declaration of Lord Palmerstons Solicitor-General against the miserable grant to Mayflooth show us what we have to expect from the Whigs. I shall hold myself, as I always have been, thoroughly Independent of all parties. I shall cheerfully ?? _ with the other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... grievances which I affect the Catholic Church, and the Tenant Farmers In Ire- d land. I belong to no English party, either Whig, Tory, or Ba- dleil, end sball always, irrespective of any party couni. derations, advocate the interests of this country ; ...