... and the lives and properties of g the well-disposed members of the community. a a The following remarks are from the Aorthern Whig of yesterday.- - We anticipated a town ?? tbhtown row has occurred. Belfast is being gradually iadaced into a civil war-public ...


... particularly anxious just now to conciliate ; and whIch, it fri r is reported denrards soime sricurde hosnorabnle from tire Whig fri - or ~iberal party for the attempt tos expel him frors office. wi d Other candidates are also rained, including thle Duiro ...


... subjected to abnse and vituperation, the Northern Whig supported him ; and, on' the other hand, the plaintiff in this rase wiote articles in a newspaper of opposite politics against Mr. Rea and the Whig. Mr. Rea, with the concurrence of the AttorneY' General ...


... Radicals, but also' by 'about 150 of the Torb patty, who strained 'ery effot 'to defeat Mr. Whitbread and MS; Barnard, the Whig candidatesiand present mem- hers, even though they miight not succeed in bringing, in Captain Stuart? their own candidate. ...


... atWing. Mr. Wroth prosecuted, and air. Power, with whom was Mr. Mills, appeared for the de- fence. The aged prisoner resided at Whig, with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bowden, the mother of the infmtn whose life she took. On the day in question shie left her daughter's ...


... that part to the Lord Ordinary for decision, as being yet undecided ; reserving the question of expenses. QUESTION FOR THE WHIGS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY. Srts,-Since the Lord Advocate and Mr Black are prepared to use their endeavours to ...


... the proprietor of u th Chrouc'a newopaper, which alwea3is defended thas ctrpora- a tion against tbs attacks of the Nortlsrn Whig, to write c certain art cesar in that paper, in replly to the Wheig, but thet defendant swore h~e n~ver Intentionally wrote ...


... case of LINDSAY v. FiwLAY.-ThiS was an action for a lible against the defendants, who are the proprietors of the North- era Whig newspaper. Mr. Kernan opened thapleadings. The plaint contained five paragraphs, four of which related to the particular libel ...


... respect to war taxes in te time of pse, is-ful ro e-of significance, or at least is supposed to be so, that the last of the W'higs, publicly dining in memory of Fox this'eve- I I v t I E I t t I I , - I I IC) n b C( 91 c p w w y 9 ti 6, p t, ID e I 9 t ...


... an. arraugement, the terms of _which were as followa:-. The defendants (the Messrs. ,,.Finlay, proprhetors of the Nwerri u Whig), have pleasure in ?a 61tating that, In publishing the articles of which Mr. Kennedy i e :comaplains, they intended to act ...

Legal Intelligence

... their public character. Cross-examined by Mr. 5I'DoN-oul-E recollect none years ago puttin.- toy name on a security for the Whig for £201); I forget what, a' some of the banks think; I am not exactly sure of the tihe or the elaco; I think it is more than ...