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Advertisements & Notices

... A Lady in the country requires a KITCHEN AMAID, who is equal to bard work. Wages, £8 a year. None need apply who have not been a twelvernonth in their last ?? 0. H., Journal Office, Oxford. WANTED immediately, an IMPROVER and v v APPRENTICES to the IILLINERYand DRESS- MAKING.-Apply to Miss Nichols, Woodstock. W ANTED, in a Farm House,-A respectable W young Person, to assist in a Butter and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO BM. VALENTINE BARFORD. JT is intended that this Testimonial shall consist d ofa Portrait of himself, with several of his Sheep as s- specimens of the Foscote Flock. The names of Subscribers and their subscriptions will be received by the Union Bank, y and the Banking Company at Northampton the Old Bank, le Towcester; Messrs. Yorke and Eland, Thrapston; Messrs. e Gillett, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F OWLS FOR SALE-Hamburgh, Spanish, and Game Fqxtra Stock, fine and ?? to Mr. Hunt, . No. 1, Abbey-place, Oxford. ;IOWING, SHEARING, &o. rVHE -competition for the Prizes offered by the .J Right Honorable the Earl of RADNOR will take place at COLESHILL on Friday the 26th of June instant. Per- sons desirous of competing must give notice, ia woriting (at the same time sending a certificate of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD INCORPORATION. To Butchers, Bai-ers, Grocers, and others. tEHE Guardians hereby give Notice, that they are ready to receive Tenders from persons who may be disposed to Coutract for the supply of tile following articles, from the 27th of June instant, for 12 weeks, to be de- lisered in such manner as the Board or their Officers may direct, viz.- FOe TUE DISTRICT OF TIIE UNIoN.-Brcad, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUMONT STREET. M[RS. SEATRLE begs respectfully to announce g.Lto the Ladies of Oxford end its vicinity that her SHOW of MIINIERY will be ready for inspeotion on Wednesday next, June 17, and following days. MR~S. JORDAN, French and German Corset Maker, has the honor to inform her Lady patronesses in Oxford and its vicinity that she has opened an establish- ment at 19, Market-street; those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERVANTS' REG-IST'Y. F AMILIES and Institutions requiri h should apply at SAINT CLEMENT'S OFFICE, near to Magdalen Bridge. W. TAPLIN, House ard HEYFORD HILL, LITTLEM( 0 be LET, with immediate ?? T snrall but genteel DWELLING ?? Out-offices, and Garden, situate on the ba ahont tlhree muiles fiom Oxford. Rent, 6( Palmer, builder, Littlemore, or Mr. Jc solicitor, Oxford. Fpo be LET, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The latest Designs in SHAWLS AND DRESSES. FLOUNCED DRESSES, of French and English Barbge, Printed Balzarino, French and English Muslin, with other materials. SHAWLS.-As the taste for Mantlesis over, anincreased variety of light textures and new styles will be found in this department, suitable for the present season. S. L. EVANS & COMPANY, Nlereery, Drapery, and Hosiery Warehouse, 12, Bide ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ENDALL, of 8i , Regent Street, London, ?? from the numerous 'applications, visit Mrs. Axain', 3, Duke-street, Raeadin, c ever y f SteRigRdav, theilf r notice the remainder of the wvek at his London Residence. Corns, bunions) and defective toe-nails, extracted and cured without cutting, blood, or the least pain, in two minutes. Ternms, 2s. ld, to 5s. TESTIMONIALS. 1. His Royal Highness the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVENLODE, NEAR 31ORETON-IN-MARSH, GLOUCESTBRSOURE. Pure Short-Iorn and other CA TTLE, IIATF -BRED SHEEP, PIGS, HORSES, Pointer and Spaniel DOGS, IMPLEMENTS, GRASS KEEPING, HAY and CORN, (to go off,) late the property of the Rev. Charles James, deceased, 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION. ] By W. COTHER, On Tuesday the 23rd of June, 1S57; ecoiprising 22 head of pure bred short-horn cows, heifers, calves, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HENRY TUANAA, Wpdstock, ' Agent to the National Live Stock- Aas'vrattee OotiptanY d ( Patent TW ool ianuure Coinpany, * flESPECTFULLY iiforins his Agricultural J2% Friends that every attention will be paid to their orders for BATCHELOR'S SOLUBLE SUPERPI'HOS- I PIIATE, anid every other nanture of lcputation it the lowest I possible prices g B44 fops a;d American Bariel and Bng Cake, of the 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEYFOIRD HILL, LITTLEMORE. T0 be LET, with immediate ?? ismall but genteel DVELLING HOUSE, with Stabling, Out-offices, cud Garden, situate on the bank of the Thames, about three miles from Oxford. Rent, 601.-Inquire of .Mr. Palmer, builder, Littloniore, or Mr. John N. Davenport, solicitor, Oxford. Black Horse Inn, Standlake, Oxon. r 0 be LET, and entered upon at Midstuminer T ?? above well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HENRY TURNER, Woodstock, Ag ent to the National Live Stock Assurance ConiianvZ and Patent Wool Manure onepaliy, EsPECTFULLY informs his Agricultural Friends that every at tention will be paid to their orders for BATCHELOR'S SOLUBLE SUPER-PROS- ...