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Advertisements & Notices

... is o give notice, that by order of the. T Exeutiv Govrnmet efthe Wepbc of Ecuador, the CONERlSION of the COLeOM A f in~to EQUATORIAN4 BONDS 3.6F. MfIL~~lAF~inancal Agent of Ecuslor. London, October 15, 1857. ER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. J.J. 3 JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. Mdlle. JETTY TREFFZ. - M. JULLIRN has tha honour to announce that his FANNUAL SERIES of CONCEPTS will ?? on Friday. October 30, when ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'EILAND ROUTE.-STEAM to INDIA anis 0CgINA, &c., Vii' EGYPT. -The PENINSULAR and OSIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMIPANY FlOOR PASSEN- k Sad receive goods and parcels for the Mediterranean, Egypt, °~ Somibav Ceylon, Mdadras, and Calcutta, by their mail packets, de, wuthraptot on the 4th and 20th of every month; and for ?? tbe Straits by those of the dth of the month. 0r further particulars, apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. BEN DIDiS iS L.AST G(i-NiD MORNING MgiL CONCERT at FIER MA.IRSTYS THEATRE, THIS DAY.- July8. Boeslui's Stbhatiater by Mmes Ploolemimi, Svezia Ortelanil ansd Albonl; ftgner Wiglaci Beshrt, Fieoharcdt. Cbarles Braha IBeneventrno, Corkl VialetUi, and 8elletti. Thb Woutil Family 'will potuirnm Vleuxt%'it Fan he. Capriss. A 60o0, by Millie. Dolan d'Haerbti. A liliscollariltout Concert, i In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIESTAR LINE of ISTRALIA-OYl MAIL PAC- ji~ltT1fl1 and AUJSTrtALIAN E-OA ALPC A., lieS between Liverpool and Molbournei, Out the 20th and ?? o esi th. passage nmoney, £14 and upwar4s. SIpb °[tSbeiPYS . Captains. Register. BEurlen.i'To Sail. Ships.- T., . . T . ~ e r .. 2 1 0 5 ,0h 0 ?? n o 2 star ?? 1,0 is E 00 11u55 '27 8i1 cise~th c 5 0 5..S w ;; |s . 2, 2 0 0 , 3 0 0 -ju ly 20 'J It I ro wli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS ROYAL DRURY-LANE THEAThZ aSnas, M B. B, T. Soya. Acting Manager, Mr. C. Mathewse-Stage PMager, Mr. B- Boixhy. unopened, srperbly decorated and ?? throughout by Mr. B. uar .bh bes Pantomime in IOenidcflevry` euve& -= ?? beysad ?? Ira ?? and ballet seres beyond ompetition-A Grand Morning Perforrmance every Wed.esda at Two oselock. Doers open at ?? One 0MORROW, and during the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UEAY UNATWIONL STANDARD TEEATM~. 1I i Yoeatgtfulhl, ?? that, in c~a.equ-en at Prefeo'or AN. r.DERtOON's imoense ?? r.,lltled, saod almost aa tioornteble-hla ?? porformces will ?? giveno for tire Patilhta mate, Friday e at Settepts tlrely the toe: osieht. tin tis. tarday. Pproliesor Andesoon trill hraro tbe hottour Of appearing io aa daatc arlticebr and in safvountte drama, sapported by alI 'he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBUC0 AMeaEENTE. ZN R%9AN r0 TnE ISAT MR. DOUGLAS jERE01. John, MUMTEOOrI, Esq. co Charles Mackay raq Shins1 Erroka, asq'.q DalEajitOlle. Aoq , kBA. Beea hon, Esq. Sir . LytW. t , BEar, M.P. ~Wilkle Collins. Esq* ?? s ieter LCnIgoy a, Esq. JOlin C Deane. Esa. aulOosEo. -esnleatlOkens?, J504. W a . e. itypworth 1=ADB tOIE5 C lbY r Smith Eaq. John Fonter, Esq.t l, .t A Charles plaight, -sq. o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYA& BRITANtNIA, UOlXThI. La nviatv it a. English ore,, mO-bOOnDeItOW, and doring the weektc a with L TEA. MR. AgEaS fir SMITE'S WON 11 SLAeG. M 8DllTH S MONT BL&NO-BADEN-UP THM . nd i OW OFBN EVElt EVNINO Pcept Saturday), o'clock. StaIl s, igm Ae, 20 (ltery, Is day, betwveen the hours of Eleoven & Four, withouit any extra chalr~t The Morning Eeproott~t'l0rlakbe plalO e very Taeidsy, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL COTLOSSEUD. CffPN DAILY, from Twelve till FIve. and from Seven till Eleven. ?? ~~Adisbsiootn, (lE SHILLING. ROYAL GARDENS5 CREMORZE. Open Daily-Admisslon -Onie Shillinig. LsWe of the 500050. rrt-MtORtOW. mded ?? the week, Miltar Band-Vocal and 5.0oto 0ea Coci-r. Tolle In his adnued Entertainm~tent -The new bhAlt, -'Mad no o Has-oh Hord, it wtoj~h M. Milano ond NIas Annie Cuohitle will ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e .fint -YEAR -OF PUBLICATION. Now ready, pritc One $hilling, post-free thirteen stamps, L TS GARDEN ALMAONACK and FLORIST'S . ,- DEGECTORY for 101., Cuanna ed ?? for every Mouth in theoYear. don W. r ad Co. Fiternoster-row. WORTH NOTICE. HE DICTIONARY APPENDIX(1IsthThousand) 1isjttstpubliohed, price4o, postfree, containing npwardo of 7,lw wordo rot found in the dictieenay, comprising the P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNSOPHISTICATED GIN, ftP te tru Junper favou, pre l It runs from tbe Sal IENRY BRETT AN{D CO., OLDo F~ItJNIVALS DISTILLERY, AUD IUNSOPHISTICATED GIN, TA DRVE, and other genuine spirits. Also every deneminsp.- l ion of foreign wines, uat as imported. Price currentstesti- monials, and terms of trade, pest ?? Brett and Co., Old Furnival's Distillery, Holborn. TENYERS' OLD RSHER HISY Y TWENTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DaUVRT LANE THEATRE. Lessee. M . 'T . Ssvith yJ ITSUNTIBE MOLIDAYS,m oim ttlroation.-E1le, the flrst horse- WW ?? h ord ?? alonand Hurle tees.asistd b al te tarridrsof hoday ad a array .ofln-~ the doors Withe Managedea t offpetea Mor.snc Cateigh IlRean. TO-MORROW, and daring the week, will be presented ShkE- Tisperes tragedy of KING~ RICHARlD THE SECOND. King Richard. the Seeqad, -by Mr. C ...