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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS: ~,O T MONEY idvanoecm every deeciipti0of vlable .JYJ.. roperty by J. 3. CUN~NINGHAM, 7?, AUNGM- STREET. Extensive Wareroorns for garnilture at No. 78. ku JAll.u AJLIFN'b ±AAL AUD (PA ELKS, 20, Sat ,il-stroet, are constantly supplied wI ?? Styles of Realy-made Clothing of best gtoelal8. -TETEBIINARY ESTA f 3lET, 22; A k i- STREET..-The 'hAt O ta above-namedrb lishment, and the Public, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T. GiBAND IORNIN PERFORMANCE TfHIS DAY (ISHURSDAY), Jaihnuary lst, 1857, the Nowv Comic Christmas Pantomime ol LITtLE BOPEEP, or, HARLEQIN AND THE GIRL THA>T lOST HER ~S1IEEP, On which occasion (by permission of Colonel Colonib), tbe Boys of the Royal Hibernian Military School, with their Juvenile Band, will attend. Doors open at Half-past One, commencing at Two o'Clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. wo T*IT ?? 0o To e FrEE7,tltxr JOtU;NAL'. Sin-Your leading article of yestorday-like many of Its predecessors.-contieas iniatter of vital importance to the public, and is suggestive of considerations from which the citizens of Dublin amight derive' much advantage. The bistory of joint stock efforts in Ireland, commencing with the St. Patrick's Insurance Company, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItEAD TIlE NEW EDITION,OX NEB2VOUS AMD OTHER DISEASESI It Just Pubitshed, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shilling, ov freelby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, TI EA.LT and RAPPIl2ESS, the means by which they ?? be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations on ihe treatment of nervous debility aud Indigestion, loss of meul tal and physical tone, arising from eari Indiscretion, &o., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS: _ ?? MONEY IVe e Uiable XJ p8V.L rperty by 3.j I.CIJNIA ,~,ANI STItEET. ExtensiVe Warerrooml forNrnituaN AU gre antly supplied with the neweat ?? ?? Clot(inl'Of beslt materb1lo. ' ESTERINARY ESTABLISHMENT, 22; AUNGIEB- V STREET.-The Patrons of the above.1l3med E *tab - 1ishment, and the Public, are informed that the busines - will be continued ae usial. d26,10 - STAS, No. 2, WWEIt CUOsD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yl EA T TI E O Y A L, D U B L I N. rTH9 EVENING (Friday), January 2, 1857, the erformiancos will commence with the Favourite Drama of Tf3E BRIGAND--Alleasandro Maesaroni, Mr G blelville; Prince Bi nchi, Mr Stanton; Maria, Miss MEortyn; OU3- via, Miss E Bnrton. After w ich the New Grand Comic Chrisytriq Pantomime entitled LI ITLE BOPEEP; on, IIAltLHQtIN AND THEg GueL JVuo LO 'r ?? Sikap ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItUEAI) tlkNEW BI;ITION,0V DNl!EVOtUb AWL tT11k.Lfi DISEASES1 11 Juat Pubaltlied, Tweutieth Tho:isad, Price One Shilling, ot freekby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, EALTII and HAPPINESS, the LmeaUs by whichl they may be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations on the treatment of nervous debility and indigestion, loss of menl tal and physical tone, arising from early Indiscretion, &c.. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIIB AT R E ROYAL. DUBLIN. I.. '111S EVESING (Saturday), January 8, 1867, the erfortn~afc5 will comence with the Comedy of THE WrONDER.-DoD Felix, Mr G Melville; Colonel Briton, r eafleld ; Lissordo, Mr Coreno; Donna Violante, Miss 3Mortyn; Donna leebalas, Miss E Barton. After which tbe New Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime entitled LITTLE BOPEEP; OR, HARLEQtIN AND THEc GIRt. WHO I.O;T RE, SHERP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31AR1VLLOU8 REMEIDY FOR A MARVELLOUi AGE OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT-THlE GRAND EXTEE. U NAL REMEDY.-By the aidof a microscope, we see ?? Through these thie Ointment, when rubbed ou tne skin. i carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disordersof ?? Liver, affections of the .Leart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Asth. mae, Coughs and Colds, are by Its measns efrectually ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. IVERPOOL WOOL SALES to COM CE on JL-15th JNUARY, 1857. 1,000 Bales of Fast India, Turkey, Merino, Lihbona Chil and Sundry other Woo01. App y to JOHN GRRAME and CO., Wool Brokome; 18, North Jobn-strSet, Liverpool.- ATRIC BULFIN, WHOLESA GROCER, 6O and 5t, THOMAS-STREET, DaSii is now landing at the Custom EHout ,Ddek,\eX Saline, fiA' Autwerp, 40 Tone of RE 5INED UIUt q? various ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THlE NEWEDITION,ON NEiUVOUS AND OTHEi DISEASESt It Just Published, Twentieth Thousand, Price One Shillirg, (A freelby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, T EALTIH and HAPPINESS, the means by which the) JLL k ry be obtained, a Medical Work., with observationso: the treatment of nervous debility aud Indigestion, lone of meal tel and physioal tone, arising from early indiscretion, &e., By J. D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. . LEGIATE SEMINARBY, A. ,O 67, BOLTON.STREET. As business hae rbeen l tbe ?? of Pupils is T repectlly requested. Tho1lnclpal is gratemil for pest .t favours, and pledgea h mss4o the ame unremittig atter- F ?? that ha secured for lalt such a large amount of patio T nag. for So many years. e Evening Tuition as usual. Terms moderate, always In L s dvance. January 2nd, 1857. j 13 ELECT ...