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... iPoytfilig. INCIDENTS OF AscoT MEETiNG.-MIr. Howard ex- perionced'a verification of the old adage about the long lane which has no turning, and he has at last got out of what at one time appeared to him to be a reiglar cal de sIeC. Thrice were his colours succcss-- lid at Ascot, and the sweetener which he has received may induce him to abandon his determina- tion of retiring from the turf. ...


... CAMP AT THEE CURRAGH. MIDITARY SPORTS. The holiday spirit of the season was on Wednes. day' talcen advantage of to give the men stationed tit the, Curragh a day's enjoyment after their own hearts. Onc o'clock was the hour named for the comimencementofthe entertainmen ts,butbeforethlat time the gloomy promise of the morning was more than fulfilled-the olouds became lower in ihoirpo;i. tion anml ...


... apatio. ROYAL M RSEGACTTA CLUB-GRAND R.EOATTLA. TUE grand annual regatta of this club commenced on Friday, under very auspiciouS circumstances. The weather was exceedialgly propitious-a stiff, Easterly breeze, a clear sky, and a glorious sunshine. More than usual interest was attached to the proceedings, in consequ(llce of her Majesty having graciously presented the club with a piece of' plate ...


... EPSOM RACES.-THE O;,S. Dui, great race for the OAkS comeis off to-day (Fri- dlay). The followi ag, ale thle particildars_ TuT, OAIns STAKics of 50 soVS'. eaIch, h. ft., foy 3-Vv-Olt fillics, Sst. 711h. each. 'The last mile andl a-b al 1 to be 1110 OHI the New course. The owner of thle se.Colid filue to receive 100 sovs. out of thle staikc,,- which airc to he mnade at 'Messrs. Weathierhy's ...


... 11 I livorfiliff. A S C O T R A C E S.-WEDNESDAY. TIIE Heath presel ted that dreary appearance charac- tcristic of anl raec-couises oil a wet day. The few spectators Nrhio lined the course o0posite the Grand Stand k kicked their lecels about the sodden grass with a kind of listless inldifforetice to thieproceedings, anl ?? tliealselves to the lleav showvers that tell at cpnick initervals with ...


... l~Fothtqlt, TIuE WARD ITON STAG HOUNDS.-On MAonday last one of the most extraordinary runs we haveever recorded took place with the above well.krnown panic -from Kilrue, where they met, to four miles beyond the town of Navav. Bitt two checks occurred, the finst at the imd of the fourth mile, and the last near Ratoath, the pace throughout hein-g killinl, until they ?? to Cerbalton, 'where the ...


... 5?, prfllly? SKERIRIES (CO. UB~L3.iN) STEEPLE-CIIASES. 1O0DAY,l)MAY 11. Tuie above meetilig cantol ofl' this day, over' the Baleuintial course, ITtuiato within miusket-shot of the veneriable ruins of old Castle. Thle weather wias mlost tinvotiraibie, and tile, atttendhelco lirge and iasiiionalible, thethi, fllowing, being ?? those pre- ?? Mar-quis Cniivgiianii, the Earl ot' Cloti ...


... I'filortillo. Dewdrop, throe years, tile plrolpty of Mr. F. Bartne, an(l trained by Thomas Stepilleisoll, died t few dlays ago, from ahliesionr of the inrtestinies' to thie side-anr infirmity which, wve. b)eirve, wV:\S tile cauSO of the dneadt of Njinylitimnmer.-Bel IS LIe. GROUSE SIOOTINaO.-The ?? cotmu- Iitiy who have not their mssoors on it lense tire now oesitatinig as to whother thev ...


... -ipatillq. GOODWOOD RACES-YENTIlRl)AY. (Spmeiially I'ie'paed1e' fon thke Belfast ie s-Letter.) hTE GOODWOOD STAKES of 25 sovs cach, 15 lt, amd only 5 if declared, &c.; the winner of' any public handicap ?? tolh declaration o sweighto. ,eamniing to 10 sy, to carry 3llis; of a 500 ?? unboat ?? . . .vlflt * C1111aie -1 - - o handicap, 7Ibs extra; wit ic iiiltis' upt lo)s; the -second horse to ...


... ,ftort1q. , THE CHESTER CUP-FURTHER PARTICULARS. Tom Tradessene's Plate of 2n0 sovs, added to a HIandi- cap Sweepstakes of 25 sovs each, 15ft, and 5 only if deoclared, &c. The second to receive 50 SOV3 out of the stakes. Certain penalties for winners, &:c Cup Course (two miles and a quarter). 188 snbscribers, G8 of whom declared and pay 5 soys eace, and two did nlot narne. AMr Es. Pa r's ...


... I Jipofillff. . IOIWTH AND B]ALDOYLB RACES-MAY 20.- Sttewards-MarqiitOiof Wl ?? liptain Denis IV. Pack~ B~eresfor'd, audi Caiptain Bc1Idw. Jd~lgeo-.R J. Hunter. Esq. i Thet at tondance was inerigro ittheo ext ircinc~ tbe weather beingso miucllu agilgainst outdoor sports; the racing 11, boweret imad arnplt amnicds, three of thle events'bhieing iecideti by aO head only:, ?? of 100 S0V5. givenl ...


... -Pov~i niy 1,AZIi OCTUOBR \III:'I'I.\(iI7. TirE attendiaie( at tli11etzc yestlav, till' i.! oL' the OctoiiliW meet iii, W;IY ni,1j ii) %vefatlelt was ?? fite, ain tW e ?? W:,9 PI r .It iT 1 ?? T1hIe F'rfSisI\I:s-A .ffti(';,i 2 p ?? of 2 t;jj, 20 sevs adhled. IKilnarilii ( T:II v I1 , *- T_ I ic pIOiliiCII 011 the (Itilts('. ,m Maley's 1i I YeMl~ilev, . . ; . \li. IKenelills ii I i by simoo)m ...