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Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL CALEDONIAN HUNT r hi~ MlEMBERS ore requested to MEET at DOUGT.ASS HiOTEL' Teasetr, the 11th ,alloary. r' l Dinner at Half-past Six. The EARL of DALKEITH, Preses. Win. SIIAI:PE, Secretary. An ELECTION at this Meeting. CATHOLIC LECTURES. , eN srTNDAY, the 4th JANITADY k 1857, at Half- R pasit Six o'clock v0, the F IR-ST of a SERIES of Lb 'UltL s, Explenolory of the Doctrines of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33oolt, &C. THE SU PPRESSEI) PAMP HLET. 3ust Published, Price 2s. 6 d., Copy sent free for 31 Postage Stamps, 9. THE CURIOUS AND Rl ARK A BLE i HISTORY OP THE ROYAL BK ITISH BANK, showing How We Got It Up, and Dolow It Went Down, containing a llistory of the whole Connection w I ith the Baniik of the Hon. .eerfo for larg ow. By ?? E BEDiND HESCENES. London t Effingam Wilson, il Royal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 Vublie 3oticcfi. SIGHTHILL CEMETERY. THE Publio are invited to Visit this Beautiful Garden T Cemetery, consisting of 50 Acres, half of whichis laid out in Walks and-Parades, extending to upwards of 4 miles. Burial Places, from £1 to £5 each. PLOUGHING MATCH. THE ANNUAL PLOU'iFHINGQMATCHoftheCADDER T DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY wil take place on the Farms of llarruilloeh, possessed by Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLIC LECTURES. N I SU NDAY, the 4th JANUARY 1857, at Half- , 3 Six o'clock r.3L, the FIRST of a SERIES of ?? F xfpianatory of the Doctrines of the Catholic il dI li delivered( bY the 1CV- JOHN STEWAPT ?? Y Sr MI.LIE ?? LEITH, CON-STITUTIONt STI:EFT. Iol)TOC'IA PII'IC SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. jtise ?? A&N4 UAL ?? is NOW OPEN at 60 A'lul;s~0;o.r -Fio 10 AM- to s MLr., One Shilling; and from 7 to ...

OF the Lady-who took

... the Bag from the Boy in Argyll.I Street will return it to Mirs. tussell, 458 Argyll Street, abe will be suitably Rewarded. p . . 1 Q TOLEN or STRAYED, from 56 Cheapsido Street, n large b Black NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. Whoever will re- turn the same will be Rewarded. 1 OST, from 177 St. Vincent Street, on Monday, 22d L December, a Brown and White COCKER BITCH. A The party who has found it will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 abullitg 3IUone, &C., to Zet. TO BE LET, OUSES, SHOPS, COUNTING HOUSES, WARE- H[1HOUSES, &C. r Apply to Carswell & Christie, House Factors, 7 Union T Street. Roa FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET, dhat TN Town, Country, and at the Coast.-ApPIY to Carswell thra 1 & Christie, House Factors, 7 Union Street. A TO LET, FURNISHED, JIE MANSION HOUSE of JORDANHILL,, in the. I1. Parish of Renfrviw, north side ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pLOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. the ripsr ANNUAL EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN at 60 ',1,sOtcVE STRRET. ,,d.iision-.tom 10 to S P.S.. One Shilling; and from 7 to 9 brenilig, Sixpenec;-or Three for One Slhilling. Children Half-Price. Season Tickets, Three Shillings. A RT MANUFACTURE ASSOCIATION. THIE FIRST EXHIB[TION OF THIS ASSOCIATION Is Now OreN D tILT, in tle New NATIOXAL GAI.I.RIcES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY. T lIE ANNJAL MEETING Of the EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY will ?? be held in QUEEN STREET L onBITLY. the 9th JanAuary 1837-the light Hon. LORD PANMUBE to Preside. Variouw Ministers and Others will ddre5 the Meeting. The Chair to be taken at One o'clock. TUESDAY THE 6TH JANUARY. UrT ITED INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, U SOUTH7 GRAY'S CLOSE, 56 HIGH- STREET &lyfiht Hsand in descending to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO Second-Hand S I L V E R PATEE NT LEVE R 1 WATCHES, £3, 10s. and £4 each-Guaranteed. BUCHANAN'S, 8 AND 9 ARGYLL ARCADE. TO INVENTORS AND PATENTEES. 1DATENTS SECURED, and every class of British and 1. Foreign Patent Business conducted, by JNO. H. SWAN, 16 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow- PROTECTION OF INVENTIONS. Ti1VENTIONS of all kinds may be Protected at once on . application at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pitEMISES WITH STEAM POWER TO LET.Cl LIHAT BUILDING of Four Stories and Attics, No. 100 1 Stirling's itoad, with Excellent Engine and Great Gearing. The Premises are presently occupied as a Power Loom Fac- tory, situated nearly in the centre of the City, and are well adapted either for their present use or for any other purpose requiring room and power. Apply to William MacLean, 98 Fife Place. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO POUNDS REWARD. LOST, on New Year's Day Evening, betwee n St. Vincent £ Street and Queen's Crescent, a GOLD BRACELET, p c -weith Carbuncle Stone. The finder, on bringing it to W. C. &haw, Goldsmith, 92 Buchanan Streat, will receive the Reward H of o Two Pounds. 1 OS O, a PERSIAN CAT, brown and black zebra marked, - wil long v fur. Any persen bringing it to 2 Clarendon T T Place, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Goroupu t utts., ,1RA or' SCIL. F PORT-GLASGOW. It GROUND TO BE FEUED. THE Lands called BOGIEWOOD and ALDERWOOD, R 1 beautifully situated at the West End of Port-Glasgowv. Apply to the Gardener, at Mfiss Danlop's, Jean Street, Port- Glasgow, who will show a Plan of the Lands; or to A. & A. Mdacgeorge, 21 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, who are also in possession of a Plan. ACA NT GROUND, in Castle ...