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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUt'SCRI3ERS AND A.GEN'TS. WEt beg to aniounce thatt wve have madfe everv pos- sible arratrgerent for the carriage arid delikerv of our IrmsalnRrped papers in the priuci7alI to wris Lb re OI'h- out Ulster, il order to ineet the requirorerrts ot' the public, and render the cost of our journia aa cas eip as it can practically be madle, consistently with our aim to ftrnish the earliest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... #440i by Audio.x AUCTION OF BONDED ANID FREE GOODS CONSISTZING OF COFFEE, TOBACCO, RUM, BEEF, PORK, RICE, &c. mO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. AT THE .1 MART' of Mr. JOH1N H. GOWAN, 5, GEORGE'S LANE, on MIONDAY, the 5th day of January next, at TWELVE o'clock Noon, (GOODS IN BOND,) 400 Hermetically-sealed Canisters. 251bs. each, PURE GROUND COFFEE, in good condition. 102 Canisters. 2Slbs. each, PURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. A Clergyman, wsriting ou the subject of The Living oft )ruamgati, has not given us lis name, consequently his letter cannot be inserted. The letter of a Connor Curate was only received last night, and is under consideration. [BY MAGNETIC TItAVGILAPI.] LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE-YESTERDAY. ISOON PRIICES. Consols for Money sbut Vo for Account .. 94J 1 New Three per Cents. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN HUNT. miHE DO\VN HrUN'P WILL MEE'1 AT IJ DOWNPAxTRICK, on the 13th day of JANUARY, 1857. t 39n2 t XWILLIAM KEOWVN, Treasurer. CHOICE TEA. C REER & COMPANY'S CELEBRATED G NONPARIEL TEA, consisting of variouis sorts of relly fine 'PEA, vell matured, and so ju- (liiotusly blended that great flavour and streng th are most happily ombined. EDMUND GREER & COMIPANY, 3272 3, Corn Market, Belfast. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL. SECOND QUARTE'L T CONCERT, WED- S NESDAY Evening, January 7,1857. Miss ANGELINA WEBBE. Miss SUSAN ANNE WEIBE. Miss CAROLINE WEBBE. Mr. FRANK WEBBE. Admission Tickets at the Music Shops:-3s 6d, 2s 6d, amd Is; Four for l0s Od to Reserved Seats; Four for 7s 6d to Body of Hall. To commence at EIGHI' o'clock. 4030 THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. For the BENEFIT of the NATIONAL, ENGLISH OPERA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM ROBINSON & SONS, COMMISSION AGENTS & TEA DPEALES, FFER TO TE ETRADE AND PRIVATE U Famli~jeZs, Tella UtS impOrted Wt'llitsaile antl efall. ~t TIOmptOtI'S Ctourt, DonliEall Street. 1 lfitst, 12th nmn. (Dee.) 2(;th, 1856. 3978 -1 [lY PRESENT S'T'OCK OF DINNER SERVICE.S. BRE'AKFAST, 'T' E A, and ,irml.hET WARE, is oilOit extoe-isiv in Style an') 'artitl v, selected witii dhe tgreawt 'a te, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Al E R I C A. Liverpool, Tbursday. The Atlantie nrrivedi at noonl. She brigjjs 22pas. sengers, and 6S,369 dollars. In the Senate, on the 18th December. resolutions cwere passed awarding medals to Dr. Kane and his associates in the arctic expedition. Mr. C lihis asked the Senate for discoutinuacice of contract for his steamers, and also asked the Government to pur- chase them. It is expected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. WE beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our unstamnped papers in the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistently %with our aim to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN HILLSBOROUGH, DROMORE. AND BAN- BRIDGE. WE have now made errangements to forward our Papers nnstamped to the above towns. Sub- scribers vill please advise us whether they wish to have them forwarded stamped or unstamped. (BY 1IAGNlETIC TFLEOGSAPIT.] L(;NDON STOCK EXCHANGE-YESTERDAY. NOON PRICES. Consols for Monev . shut Do or Account New TL'hree per Ceats. .. 941 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO0 T I C E. JOHN CUDDY HAS REMOVED HIS Office from 42, Church Lane, to 9, UPPER CHURCH LANE, close to his Roman Cement and Plaster of Paris Mills. Belfast, 2nd January, 1857 7. 85 IOF F ER FO0R SA L E LINSEED CAKE, LINSEED MEAL; RAPE CAKE; LINSEED OIL; White and Yellow INDIAN MEAL; FLOUR; BRAN; ROMA'N CEMENT; PORTLAND CEM.NENT; PLASTER OF PARIS; GY PSUIM; WH-ITING; CHALK. JOHN CUDDY. Qua EN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMON TO-MORROW. THE ULSTER MAGDALENE ASYLUM. Tl1IE ANNUAL SERMON ON BEHALF OF thbii Iustitution, vill (God willing) be Prenched on SUNDAY (To-Morrosv), the 4th JANUARY, in tbe MAGDALENE CHURCH, by the Rev. E. J. HARTRICK, A.M., the Chaplain. Decemnber 6th, 1856. 3981 DOWN AND CONNOR ANID DROXIORE CHURCH EDUCATION SOCIETY. rlHE ANNUALw MEETING OF THE MEM- I BERS end Friends of this Society ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SlEPTING '[0-MORROW. DOWVN AND) CONN011I AND D)ROMOIRE Clil.RCH EIIUUA'l'KMSOC1I_0Y. rmil1iE ANNUAL 1WNTIING OFT'HiE AME1- : tERS 'ii Frienids Al this~ Sovi' v wlli be wil 1~t\lijo1.) OL'tl~lA' i~di jilii'.18.57, ill' itll VR41',Ol1 I k ft IAL ,.1 r;.\ 'I>oX, Bmit~k, t ON[-, Wtlovk'11. p.\S 1' SL\ :ai;o clock. A . .' A. DepIOtatl0Itl tt'Ol1 il te CeNtraI. SoIciIIt is expote-Il to bopesiut. B J ...