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Suspected Robbery and Murder of a Farmer

... Suspec~ted Robbery and Murder of a FEarmrer. Ott WVedncs'lay the 11th instant an adjour ned inquest weas hehl at Leigh, near M~anchlester, by Mir. W\. S. Rotter, one of the Coroners for the county of ILancaster, on the body of Johin Hampeson, a farmier at Stonebouse, near Tyldesley. aged 87, who died from drowning on the previous Sunday, A suspicion was very generally entertained in the neigrh ...


... (Before a. Temple, Esq., Q.C.) At this court, much interest was excited by tile followin caees:a PALMEIE V1. IBiADSHAWV.-The amount claimed in this action was 51., is. damages for the non-delivery of a horse, which plaintiff bouight of defendant on the 17th of October. Theo plaintiff represented his own cause, and Mir. Malilam appeared for the defendant. His Hlonor in summing up, observed that ...


... , i INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT, LONDON, JuLY 22. e I- - .. . I (Before 11s'. co missioner .Jses 19e21y.) IN RE T1E HOsN. SUSSnX LExxOX.-The petitioner in this B case, commonly called Lord Sussex Lennox (the brother of the Duke of Richmond), applied from Whitecross-street a f Prison to be heard on his application to be admitted to bail t, till his hearing in September. . There was no ...


... HEi GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY PRAUD)S. CON ?? KENT. At the Central Criminal Court, on Friday the 16th inst., before Mr. Baron Martin and Mr. Justice Willes, the two prisoners: Leopold Rcdpiath and Charlep. James Coinyns Kent were-placedi itt-the bar to answer indictments of fraud and forgery. Mr. Serjeant Ballantine, Mr. Bodkin, and Mr. * Gifford prosecuted.' Mr. Serjeant Parry-and Mr. Tindal ...


... On Thursday morning, between eleven and twelve o'clock the Judges of Assize for this circuit, Mr. Justice Crowder and Mr. Justice Willes, arrived in Oxford frorn Reading by the Great Western Railway. Their Lordships were met at the station by the High Sheriff (Viscount Dillon), and pro- ceeded at once to the County Hall, when the commission was opened, after which their Lordships went to their ...


... nr 'A T.~t ~ -- -- - - z WA %J jv'L Q- BULLINGDON DIVISION-Counly 11all, Oxford, April 4. Present, the Earl of Abingdon, the Right Hon. J. W. Henley, M1. ?? Hon. and Rev. F. Bertie, Guy Thonmson, Esq., and G. Gamnmie, Esq. William Lipacombe was convicted of an assault on Wiln. Edward Warmington, at Godstow, and was ordered to pay a penalty of li., including costs, or undergo fourteen days' ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-CouneyHMall, Oxford, Oct. 10. Present, J. H. Asbburst and G. Ganmini, Esqrs. There was no business before the Bench beyond the granting of a few summonses. PT OUGHILEY DlV181ON.-Bicester, October 8. Present, Rev. R. Pretyman, Sir H. Peyton, Bart., R. B, Marslam Esq., ?? and Captain Style, R.N. James Thorpe and Alfred Bunce, two boys of Stratton Audley, were charged under ...


... P8ETTY SESSIONS. B1J LLIN GDON DIl'ISION-C'snslt~yylae, Oxwfescf, Dec.1j9, Present, Dr. M~arshanM, Rev. Dr. Wynter, J. MiorreB, Esq., and Guy Trhomson, Esq. Thomas Henry Merchant, v.ho keeps a beer chop at Marston, was sutmmoned to auswer a charge of keepiung hmt house open for the sale of bcer after tenl o'clock; otith previous Saturday night, Dec. 12. 1ils defence wees, thta his lodger had ...


... J.i4L E L iaO±UL.L BULLINGDON DIVISION.-County iall, Oxford, Feb. 28. Present, the Eat1 of Abingdon, Dr. Mearsham, Rev. Dr. Wyntcr, J. H. Ashhurst, Esq., RDLI Gny Thomson, Esq. STIALING TuRimps &T LI'TrLIat01on.-Marl SimIml1ons1 and Jessy Simmons were charged with stealing turnip-tops, the property of lMr. William Burgess, of Littlemore, but as it was their irst offence, the prosecutor forgave ...


... OXFORD CITY -SESSIONS. ?? ?? ?? ! r_. ..s no.:- - The General Quarter SesrionG for this City were held on Mondaylamt, in the Town Hall, before the, Recorder, Mr. Sergt. Manning. Upon the Beneh were Mr. AId. W. Thorp, Mr. Ald. Sadler, Mr. AId. Spierg, Mr. Ald. Ward, Mr. Jus- tiec Castle, and Mr. Sheriff Spices The usual preliminaries having been gone throtigh, the Recorder addressed the Grand ...

Oxfordshire Summer Assizes

... Oxfordshire Suimmer Assizes. The Judges of Assize for this circuit, Mr. Baron Martin and Mr. Baron Bramwell, arrived in Oxford on Saturday last the 11th inst., and, accompanied by the High Sheriff, Viscount Dillon, proceeded to the County Hall, where the Commission was opened, Their Lordships then went to their lodgings in St. Giles's, when they were waited upon by the Vice-Chancellor and ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CARBER AND CAPTURE OF .:s :;:AlN ALLEFGD. SWINDLER..!- YA 'On Stztrday'aftelrn'On last these waslodged in the Prestorn ?? Young~truanl, named' Frederick - William Wright, agarinsti whdin there asle prefe'rred several char'ges of exten- 'li'eswisdls~. istrnsctions in thiis line-in' Preston have been very extensive, but hie is well known 6in Lancaster, Wigai; Liverpool, eand other ...