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... dBULLINGDON DIVISION--CouoityiHall, Oxford,,July 4. lY Before Guy Thomson, Eseq.. and G. Gemmnie, lisq. t, Emma Ward was brought tip by warrant, having refused toe to appear to a summons, onl a charge of damaging certain 7e flowers growing in thle galden of James Weller, a next door ,78 neighbour, at Ileadington, on the I1th of Juno. Thle charge ofwas clearly proved against her, and she was ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-Cosaty Hcltl, Oxford, M1ay 23. Present, Dr. Marsbaam, J. Morrell, Esq., J. S. Phillips, Esq., and Guy Thomson, Esq. William Cummings, servant to Air. Lipscombe, Godetow, was charged by William Warminuton, of the same place, with wilfully and maliciously damaging a casting net there on the 15th instant. The net was produced, and appeared very much damaged, but the witnesses ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-County Hall, Oxford, Mfay 10t Present, Dr. Marsham & the Hon. & Rev. F. Bertie. Harriet Godfrey and Ellen Clark, two old offenders, were convicted of damaging, with intent to steal, certain turnip greens which had been left for seed at Denton, being the property of Mr. James Mountain, by which the same were injured to the amount of Gs. They were committed to bard labour for ...


... - HOUSE OF LORDS, MAY 19. THE PRESIDFXTF, &C., OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD, V. TfE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Mr. R. Palmer, Mr. Chandless, and Mr. J. Shapter re. presented the appellants; Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Charles Hall and Mr. Hinde Palmer were counsel on behalf of the re- spondents. This was an appeal from a decision of the Master of the Rolls pronounced in a suit instituted by the Attorney. General at ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-COomity Hall, Oxford, May 30. Present, Dr. Marsham, Rev. Dr.. Wynter, & Guy Thomson, Esq. Benjamin Bell, of Wolvercot, was convictedin the penalty of I 1. and 8s. costs, or 14 days'imprisonment, for an assault upon Philip Beechey, at Woleereot, on the 23rd of May. Bell was committed in default of payment. This being a Special Session for the highways, Mrs. H.. Hurst was ...


... B3UCKS LENT ASSIZES. -R - --78t- o AYLESBURY, SATURDAY, MARICH 14. (Before aMr. Justice Erile ad as Special Tlary.) LOVETT V. LOVETT.-GREAT 'WILL CASE. This was an issue directed by the Court of Chancery to ttry the validity of certain testamentary papers executed by (the late Miss Elizabeth Lovett, of Liscombe House, in the county of Buckinghaun Mr. Serjeaut Byles, Mr. G. L. Russell (of the ...


... WATLINGTO?, INQTJelST I3EF'OIE J. H. Cooxie, EiSQ., CoatoETha. -Ou XMonday laest, at Watersstock, on the bodiy of the illegitimaute *child of Ann Sawyer, late aervant to 3iir Jatnes Orpwvood, of \Vheatley. The mother hnd beenl charged by .Mrs. Or pwooct waith being pregnant, but den~ied it, anld continued that de- nial after examination by Mr. Smith, surgeon, of W~hcatley, but ultimately she ...


... SBOCKIING 3!lIURDBIPi AND SUJICIDEB NEAR E3USTOE-SQUARE. It wns discovered on MAondawy lest thalt a Freochinan had, durinig the previous eveninig, muirdered his wrife, andr had afterwvards commiaittedl suictide, at a coffee-honise in which they had been lodging For utpwards of a wveek, kept by a ir lHarper, No. 88, Dremnicold-street, within a few doors of the rail way sto\tien. The deceatsed ...


... BULLINGDON DIVISION-C'ounty Hall, Oxford, Sept. 26. Present-The Right Hlon. J. I. Henley, M.P., and Guy Thomson, Esq. This was a special Session for receiving and allowing the Jury Lists. William Jakeman, of Hampton Poyle, was convicted in the penalty of 5s. and is. costs, for being drunk there, and abusing the schoolmistress at the parish school. Thehede- fendant wits allowed a week to piay ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-MAfnCH 21. (Before arcs'. Commnissierses' Phillils.) RE CHARUES JAMES AIA'nHwS.-Mfr Dowse to-day ap- peared to show cause against a rale which had been obtained by Mr. Allcroft, the librarian, upon Mr. Charles Mathews the comedian. The rule had been granted upon the appli- catiuon of Mr. Sargood, based upon au affidavit from Mr. Alloroft, in which it was stated that ...


... (From the Cincinnati Commune, July 22.) We have to chronicle one of the most horrible tragedies ever committed in this city, hardly excepting the famous torpedo case, whereby Mr. and. Mrs. Allison met with a fearful death bythe diabolical agency of the unllung Arrison. We affix the particulars, together with the verdicts of the -coroner's jury. The public are in a hig state of excitement, and ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-WORCESTER, JULY 18. (Before lAr. Baron Bram-bwell.) HAZPLDINErl. iHAMIPTON AND WXFE.--BREACII OF PROmSIS: OF MARRIAGE. This cause presented the novelty of an action brought by a disappointed man against a lady and her husband for breach of a pronmise made by her to mnsrry him. Mr. H.uddleston, Q.C., and Mr. Byrne, for the plaintiff; and Mr. Skinner, Q.C., and Mir. Phiipson, for ...