Advertisements & Notices

... sals p uvtion. ?? HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c.. Bootle-rear try MESSRS. WALKER & ACKERrLEY. Thi.s Day (Friday), the 23rd instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, on the Promises, No. 26, Vulcan-street, Derby-road, Beotle. 0 road, pEJE modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 7' Viaother effects, tbe propet of a lady going abrod comprisling sets of moahogany-frames ?? and flora In ha1:r 1t cohgoofrosewood-franted ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -utJS~tatez. W - ,tht by tb. Man hst.3eoTX - P°York Y lt t Halifa mid Iicatoerand to r B inglae s h aur~or CyMoUL 'Image. for dffer~t e i~~, and made uip In auetaiis addrs.petosOPI for delivery in wflnm fob ?? it~ [ p hcmeat of Fremgb 8 'pr opev Freighetsnn the ae Co he ebiped ho aus he tia, and North Afnce cr a poyaltyl Steam-pckelt bl th oo e trate of OW her of any WEpmyreaet eoan d ard ant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. 1reight by tle Mall Steamers to Halifkx atid Boston, and to D~ New York diect,£3 per ton, and 6per cent. prinrage. Fre&ighte Parced, bs. each and upwards, acc.rding to .11e PAP.0L fort different Consignees, collected and mad uip in 7 Blogle Pacliagesl, addressed to on at ordlvr in America, for ?? purpose of evadin h amn ?? will, u n erie~e'enation ?? ntm~b hre with To ro icr Fregt. LN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ? TO GCRESPONDENTS. desanobde 1take to Tti5 oa w twh we de eQ awai ou~le.Csmictossouldawa ?? i be leib D on on e side oS the spaps lof it insae U~e d~culy ot ce or themn.7bter intde gt asiton mustbteautkeautcotd h7 the uae ansi dds's. of iheg wilei' not ne~ ii~fr P letisr bi guaate of 0o tj. Sa, Halfalt-Tbt names and addrese nabe ascertained at by referring to Gore's Liverpool Directory. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W 7ILLIAM PALMER, 7, Leece-street (oppo- V ite St. Lukes' Church, is open to PUE(CIHASE N L1BT:AII.H S or small parcelsoof Books, Ilach Letter, orother marl curion9 wirks. Letters attended to intown orocouitry. ROC 1 3STHELL'S JUVENILE CLOTHING me ESTABLISH&AENT, 2, Wbiteihpeil, Cornerofchurch- Xtbeet. Liverpool.- A well-eelceted assortmi'ent of CHILL-I DBEN'S QLO rlHNG, suitable for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ba. TO THOBB WHO WANT BiOYS' GLOYNS AND STOCKINGS. Msi Cill at LEIS 1 & COMPANY'$I, RANELAGH-STR6T.I1 torn 0013I CLOOK6I ChJOCKS! O1iOCKd1 0 tik- For CLOCK& go to otrk 24, REMBWtAW.STRtEET. DireABIAHAXIBON B9OTHERS. d of STEAM PRINTING WORKS, h log ex- E N APPROPRIATE %c m t . Iter Fro the expedItIous, accurate, and economical execution O ~ ted every variety of Work in I ell LETTER-PRESS AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -? ?? tac, Onad REDUCTION IN PF.SAAG MONEY. Ouadafter the Oth of J~Ib'tte ItAeSAea Moose? to HALIFAX N ans). Bolaroo will beI FOR CHIEF CARIJ . . .~_..TWENTy.TWO POUNDS. T Prelght by the Mall Stecamer to Rallfal and Bo'sto, acnd to. ~'rigb ?? eah ad uwarsacoerdisig to ,aIM 'The British and North American Royal MAU Steam~t-packet Company. draw the attention of Shippers and Pascengera to Ches ...

Advertisements & Notices

... falet bg ,uctton. PEiREMPTORY SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE MARXET, WOLVERHAMPTON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 1~Y Mr. GEORGE 'BROWN, TO-MORROW, B f(W ednesday,l December 23rd-Seven useful CART HORSES, a COB, and PONY,. (removed to the Cattle Market, Wolverhampton, for convenienoe of sae.) Sale to commence at Twelve o'olock, rTO be LET, a convenient HOUSE and SHOP, T with Plate Glass Front situated at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUJABLE Freehold Hrouse Properties, AT STOWMAiRKET. To bee SOLD be AUCTION, By Et. S. DOWNING, ?? the Kings Head H~otel, Stowmflrket, ODi Monday, ordler of the Assignee-s of Mr. JAS.STEVENS ON a B~ankrupt, in Two Lots. LN HUS AL PREMISES, 5ituate in Stowuaplasid Street, Stowznarket, adjoining the Queen's Head~, with a front- age to the ?? Street 27 feete containing front shop twithl bow isin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SPONSALIA. It. MABCHANT9 WESTGATE STREET, IPSWICHg EGS respectfully to announce that ON AND AP'TER MONDALY NEXT he will Show a Choice B~ssortrent of LIGHT and ELEGANT NOVELTIES in SILKS, MANTLES, DRESSES MILLINERY, FEATHLRS, FLOWERS, PARASOLS, LACE, and MUSLIN JACKETS, especially adapted for. Horticul- tural Fetes or Promenade occasions. WEDDING OUT-FITS AND BABY LINEN. Children's Dresses, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f REDGE'S HEAL-ALL, or celebrated Embroca. D. tion, has long been known throughout the Westof England as the most ?? for Rhematlsnm,theamatic Gout, Lumbago, Pains In the Limbs and Numbness, Sciaiica and Paralytic Affections, Tooth-Acbe and Face-Ache. Sprains and Bruises, Fresh Wounds or Cuts, Burns and Scalds, Spasms and Cramp, Stiffness of the Joints or Neck, Frozen Limbs, Chilblains before ...