Advertisements & Notices

... PORTER AND ALES. FINDL&TER & CO., Dublin, XX and X POR- 13ERS; THOMAS SALT & CO., Burton-on-Trent, Pale India ALES; J. & ?? USLIER, Edinburgh, Mild and other ALES. WVe solicit the orders of our Friends and the 'fraiie for the BREWINGS of the above celebrated Hlouses. ATKINSON & JOHNSTON, Caledonian Fire and Life Assurance Office, HuLL STREET, BELFAST. 75 STElAMl COMNIUNICATION BETWEEN GL 1 ASG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MELTIING JTHIhS DAY. T 11 E i R is Sit s 0 C I ET rY FORt PROMOTING 'liff SCR1IPTUR[AL ]EDUCATION, AND RittIGIOUS 1NSTRUML'ON 0F1? I1SIt Rosx.Aq CATHIOIACS, C11Urt'I. THRtOUGHt TIM EDI~l Or~ THEIR ow-; LANC~UAul. r HE ANNUAL PUBLIC MEIETINTG, ONZ r iil'o'this society, wilt be held (God wit. E1 OlTUESDAY Onr-t, flth 24thInsLitant, IN THE wpLimNGToNL H-AIt, .\ly Sitrt it ONE W~olstt, antoi wa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. TnE communication in reference to Sea-bathing at Don- ngudcoe has been received, and is under consideration. LONDON STOCK EXCIIANGE-JuIY 3. [- Y BRITISH AND IReSn UAUNETIC TELERAIPXH] for NooN PRICES.-Consols for Monoy, 92n; ditt o Account, 92J J; New Three per Cents., 192jR' ditto for .2.15 r.m1. ?? for MD1,,1 sigit; ditto for Account, 92,1 N; Nem Three per Cents., . f. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN HILLSBOROUGH, DROMORE. AND BAN. BRIDGE. Wr have now madc tirrangements to forward our Papers juastamped to the above towns. Suh- scribers will please advise us whether thby vish to have them forwarded stamped or unstamped. _- .. - - .- -- - ?? [11Y MAGNETIC TKLE .'ArAl.] LO)XON' STOCK EXCHANGE'YESTEODAY. ConsolS for Money . .. ,, , 941 94 I)o for Account ?? ?? 94,4 New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. WVE have received from a much respected correspondent- A Layyman-a letter in reference to the controversy which has lately been carried on in our pages, in which he corrects a slight error into which the Rev. Mr. Morrow has unintentionally fallen, in the letter we published yesterday, by stating that Dr. Cumming refused to preach in Belfast, the fact. being that he did ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING GOODS. NEW STYLES IN r CARPETS, CURTAINS, AND hI ROOM PAPERS, S AT JA3IES GIRDWtOD'S _ CABLNET WARIBUOUSE, 44, HIG]a STREET, 1141 Belfast.: C NO T I CE. c TrO GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, _ T BE SOLD, THE FIXTURES, UTENSILS, STOCl; OF GOODS on hand, and the GOOD- WIVLL of the Concern held by the Lagan Co-Operative Comlamly in Lagan Village. Offers for same will be received till the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. SEVERAL corrospondonte' letters are unavoidably hold over from want of space. LOND)ON STOCK EXCHANGE-JuNE 26. [IY BlRlITlIS AND IRIS11 RMAMMC1O TELEGRAPlH.] OPENINo PRIeCE.-Consols for Money, shut; ditto for Account, 938 -1 New Threc per Cents., 924 93. 2.1;, p.. P'utces.-Csnsols for Money, shut; ditto for Account, 93i 14; Now Three por Cents., 92j 93. CLOSINU ?? for Monoy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO MEDICAL MEN, APOTHECARIES, DEALERS IN PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, dcc., &c. NEW DRUG ESTABLISHMENT, 102, High Street, Belfast. THIE- SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM Protessionlal M,1'n and the Trade, that lie has OPENED the above Concern with a Stock of Ge- numne DRUGS, ClHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI. CINES, PERFITMERY, e. By strict porsonal at- tention, and vendina( nothing but genuine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]|JY PR1ESENT STOCK OF DINNER if SERV[CI.S, lREAKFAST, T E A, and TOILET WA RE, is moot extensive in Style and Variety, seleeted a ith tlo egroatest caro, and will be sold at the lowest roineunrativo profit. J. B. I V rKIN O ON, 1051 IOS, 1ilt Street (opposite St. George's Chuirn'chi.) NEW SEASON'S TEA. F XMILIES LOOKING OUT FOr. A il T lORlOlG11,Y GOOI)TEA, requested to try that inv o01o SaP, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOVERNAIENT INQUIRY. THE PROTESTANTS OF BELFAST WHO HAVE T suffered in consequence of the Riots, which took place on the 13th July, and subsequent days, and re- newed on the Gth inst., and continued to the prcsent, who can give any evidence of the origin, cause, or effect thereof, are requested to call at the Office or M1r, M'LEAN, 5, Arthur Place, between the hours of NINE A.M. and EIGHT P. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY PLEASURE EXCURSIONS. ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, 10th ; 8 i instant, during the Summer months (weather permitting); the First-Class and fast-sailing Steamer VESTA, which has recently undergone a thoriough overhaul, and been surveyed a(d passed by the Go- verrinient Inspector of P'assenger Steamres, will sail fitom Custom-house Quay (tbot of High Street), every SATURDAY, at the hour of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. S9iVImAL comm mimations are unavoidgably 1l1(3l over till our noxt. LONDO(JN STOCK EXCANGE1-OMr 300 OrENINo PRiticES.-Consols for Money, 891 I; ditto for Accouut, 89.j J; Newv Three per Cents., 8A. XOON PalegS._onqols for Aloney, 8sg- 1B; ditto for Lor ccont, 9~ A;Neow Three Putr Cet., 8S; j for .1eount; 891 M e.-Cl50lO for Money, sf, -; dlitto for Account, 8IA i; Nowj Threo ...