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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HE ATR RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 Positivoly tbe Lset Xight of MISS CATHERINE HATES and the& ditngu hed ITALIAN OPERA Cox- PANY. Prima Donne, Miss CZgsHE1s BAY1s9; Cofralt, Mdlie 1 CoRaLL:;, Tentra, Signor VoLPiNt.and Signor MiMANrT; BAritonts, Signor BADIALI aniD Signor Phcnu; , Baffo, Signor MAlniionorri; Conddotor, Herr AwmouHUz. Oa THIS EVENING (S1ATURDAY), the 25th of April (by. desire) the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TijE I EATRE B.O, Y AL, DUBLIN. IP JUVENILE NIGHT. For tbe conveniance of parties residing at a distance, and the Juvenile branches - of Families, the performances' will commraece at Seven e'clock, and be so arranged that the pantomime will terminate a Q iarter past Ten o'clock. On THIS EVEIq-NG (Tursiday), February 26, the per- formances will commence with the New Farce of CRINO- LINE.-br ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEWEST STOCK OF IWIINA, GLASS, LAMPS. &c, IN DUBLIN.- EDWARD HIGGINBOTHAM Having Removed from Wellingto-quay to 102, GR&FTON-STRET, Has thb greatest variety of -Dinner, Deesert, Tea, and Breakfast Services in Dublin, which be is enabled to dispose of at a very small profit. E. E begs to inform his Costomers that he to supplied with the beet articles, produced by the most eminent Mann- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H-AT R ROYA.L, DUBLIN. T Mr. Harris has the bonour to announce that he has moade arrangements with the F1irm of Meson'. Cramer, Bale, and Co., for the Annual Series of ITALIAN OPERAS, to tommence on MONDAY, SEPTEMBElR 21st, supported by the following eminent Artiates:- Madame GRISI, Madame ALBONI, and Madame GAS- SIER; Madlle GRAelAGLIA, Madile ANGIOLLINI, Signor MARIO, Herr REICHART, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il EAT I R E PO Y AL, DUB LI N.- THE ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY OF IIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. Oo THIS EVENING (Thursday), October 15tb, 1857, Mdlle ORTALANlaud Signor GIUGLINI in Bellini'a Opera of LA SONNAM3BULA.-Amnina, Mdlle Ortolani (her first appearance); L;zi, Millie Poma; Elvino, Signor Ginglini; Count Rodolpbo, Signor Belletti. SATURDAY, Oct., 17, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. MON1DAY. October 19, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE.-Tbe LIBERALS of DUBLIN are earnestly A.'j requested, without loss of time, to CALLwith or SEND the OBJ.ICTIONS-aerved by the CONSERVATIVES, and 91 to furnish such instruitions as they can to the Committee, for the purpose of preparing for the next revision, and se. Di curing them tb~eir Franchise. Corinnittep-ToomB, 18, WVellington-quay. /5ACDONA AntD REID, CELEBRATED TBoUSERi nl C&s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS: _ ?? MONEY IVe e Uiable XJ p8V.L rperty by 3.j I.CIJNIA ,~,ANI STItEET. ExtensiVe Warerrooml forNrnituaN AU gre antly supplied with the neweat ?? ?? Clot(inl'Of beslt materb1lo. ' ESTERINARY ESTABLISHMENT, 22; AUNGIEB- V STREET.-The Patrons of the above.1l3med E *tab - 1ishment, and the Public, are informed that the busines - will be continued ae usial. d26,10 - STAS, No. 2, WWEIt CUOsD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH OR SICKNESS !-CHOOSE BETWEEN THEN. a- OLLO WAY'S PILLS.-The blood furnishes the materiel iot Of every bone, muscle, gland, and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ; when corrupt, It necessarily produoes disease. Holloway's Pills ope. rate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neatraliz- ing the principle of disease, and thus radically ouring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ARDS; %~fOST! MXONY vadnnoedon evaeydeeMoiptO of valuable XYJ- PropeS? by 1. J. CUNNINGHAM, 17, A.UNGIER- FRE ErT. E stle Waueroomr for Furniture at No. 73. Fe BEX N O H C O L Z A OIL 8, t above of tbe Fineut Qcallty. The above Oi will bun brilliantly in ?Aoderat5Ut and other E Lamps for twelve hours without any readjustment. G E OR G E D I X O N,X Lamp Oil Importer, Wareroome, I and 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *THE EI.OCT1ONS. CITY OF DUBLIN ELEtin 1N. . T o THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. Forwv CiTIZENS, The approaching dissolution of Parliamant will agalD pIcO r in your bands the important privilege of electing two mame t bers to represent your interests in the legislature. I again e avall iaeelf of this early, opportunity to declare mg inten8tion 0 Of Offering myself a a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £LEHI C AL 00T M E71 a Particular attention is requested to a large Supply, which bae jst arrived, of very superior get Black Cloth, de- oc cominoated-on account of its extraosdinary fiene-a- F: BISHOPS' CLOTS. to MACDONA AND REID be beg leave most respectfully to present their grateful acknow- of ledgments to the Bishops, Dignitaries, and Clergy for that continued Patronage with which tbeir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A EATRE ROYAL, DITBLI N. T HARRIS has the honour to annonnce that he ha mede arrangements with Mr. Gyv, the Director of the Roasl Italian Opera, London, to give a series of Il'ALIAN 0PER.AS, commencing on MONDAY, AUGUST 8,1857, with the following distinguished Artiates:-Madame BOSO, F ldama DIDIE, Madame TAGLIAFICO, Mdllo. VIC- TOIIE BALFE, Signor GARDONI, Signor NERI BA- RALDI. Signor ...