... . S A-. . * ' 'TATTERSALL'S~-[XDC ?? . If any'doubts 'were'entertalned reipecting the' St.'Leher settling they were saltisfgstoily' dispelled 'by' the readiness with whiol all liabilities were met this tteriodi. - Ono -of the largest winners on the. race dosedl his Dccount with only a 210 balance In bis favour. Net . mnisg, man was re- ported ?? -memiiers of 'the ring,-and only one abso'itee ...


... HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. M SELBY'S FOXHOUNDS will meet on Tuesday, f March 24tb at B!lingham; and on Friday, the 27th, at Ilderton. ?? day at half-past ten o'clock. THE TyxEDALu JOXrOUNDS will meet on Monday, March 23rd, at Short Flat Tower ; on Wednesday, the .26th, at Chollerford Bridge; and on Friday, the 27th, at Countess Park. Each day at three-quarters past ten o'clock. THEB DURHa&M COUNTY ...


... THlE UNIVE.RSITY BOAT RACE. , lAN+TA fA9>+E a. ?? ?? 4. -- . I- n - The great University contest between the Oxonians and Cantabs, invariably the lending feature of the rowing season, and generally one of its smartest matches, took place on Satiurday. On this occasion, however, although both parties acquitted themselves excellently according to their respec- tive merits, it was essentially a ...

Published: Saturday 11 April 1857
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1525 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTING INTELLIGENOE. TATTEBSALL'S. MONDAV,-The most important incident in the Derby betting was the advance of Saunterer to 100 to 7. This horse bad been freely basked in the city during the morning at 25 to 1. At one time 8 and 9 to I were taken about M.D., but at the cloee, 10 to 1 was currently effered. Anton was backed for several hundred pounds at the odds quoted. Tournament, against ...


... I PORTING INTELLIGENCE. I WARWICK SPRIING MEETING. TUEsDAY. HANDICAP of 10 sove each, S ft, and 2 only if declared, &c, with 25 added-one mile; 14 sube-was won by Lerd Nel. son, 3 yres, 6st 61b; beating Early Bird, 6 yre, 9st (2); Wea. thercock, 6 yrP, 78t 101b (S). ThE TRIAL STAKES or 10 ?? each, with 50 added, for three and four-yr-olds-the mile course; 7 subes-were won by Fisherman, 4 yrs, ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENOE TATTERALLI'& MeNDAY.-Busiress was resumed somewhatm ore actively than usual, Rtogerthorpe was in steady demand for the l~i- verpool Cup, and hig closing priee showed an improvemert on his city quotatione ; 6 to 1, 9 to 2, 44o 1, and fually, 100 to S0, were booked about him. Bashi Bazoiuk was se- eond favourite. Moose and Gilliver-stsble companione- wexe backed for money ...


... kPORTING INTELLIGINOB. TATTEB8ALL MONDAYr-When the eettiing of the Liverpool accounts was concluded speculation on coming events was resumed. The betting, however, wag with few exceptis*e, notreMark- abli brisk. For the Nottiaghamehire Handicap, 6 to 4 was taken aopt Janet and Borderer (coupled 1. Rosati was in go, d di mand at the rldds quoted for the Goodwood Stake,, aud Bardeur came with a ...


... CRI CKEKT. The Unitecld All JIt glel Elere ?? Tuenty Gentlemen of Ch'rist Churce.-A good display of cricket was witnessed on the Christ Church ground, on Thursday, Friday, and Satur- day in last week, on the occasion of the United All England Eleven contending with Twenty Gentlemen of Cbrist Church. The former, in consequence of their opponents being con- sidered any thing but strong in ...

Published: Saturday 06 June 1857
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 537 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... _ _ = _ . = = . . . ?? The ste1epleochasor Eulois, I riss Birdcatcedels weat Chantilly, of ohrte.Thi ?? ?? price, did not by ay means. justify in France hi. pro.i oerepu.,tatio, having only wo two hurdle ?? saillies, In the present year, and the oteratVleclnes. 2 RADCLIFFE MEiETING.-.gormAv 774a Heatons Park Handicap of 3 sovs each, with 25 added.i Mr Wright's Lazy Lass, 3yre, 5st 101b,. (Pri ...


... TATTERSALL'S.TuosD y A reported favourable trial caused Kent to be brought with Inoreased force into the Two Thousand betting. After 1,000 to 100 had been laid, he was advanced step by step to 6 to 1. To. ward th clsehowver bacerscrid nouh,and7 to I was offered withon t dindg take~rs. iteod wee wanted 7about VIw ette. Loyola was nominally second favourite. 500 even was early in the aternoon ...


... RICHMOND SPRING MEETINO. -It is Intended to hold a spring meeting at Richmond on the day following Catterick races. Lincoln races are fixed for Thursday and Friday, the 11th and 12th of February, and £4100 will be added to the Lincolnshire Handicap. Mr. John Armstrong has left Newmarket, and taken an estab iebhment at Aishtead, where he arrived a few days ago with the horses In trailning at ...


... INTELLICENCE EXTRA. GOODWOOD. SECOND DAY.-Neceptsncecs for the GOOnwocO ST!AxEs sf 25 cues each, 10 ft, and only S if declared, &c.; the winner of say public handicap subsequent to the declaration of weightssmeonting to 100 aces, to carry 3ib; of a 500 sees hoirdican, 7ib extra; aseights sceumulatioc op to 1olb; tbeowa'er ofthe second horoctoreceoivetoososoautoftheotakes; the winner to pay 15 ...

Published: Sunday 28 June 1857
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1106 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Sports and Games