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... sit at u r. MISSIONAR-Y TRAVELS AND RESEAROaS IN SOUTH as AFRICA, including a Sketch of SiRteen Years' Re- d sidence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey dp from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda, on the In West Coast, tbence across the Continent, down the he River Zambesi, to the ?? Ocean. By DAVID at LIVISGSTONE, ?? D.C.L. With Portrait, Maps, Iy and numerous ' llustrations. London: John ...


... TUESDAY, Nov. 3. - This annual market, next in importance to the Falkirk Tryst, was held on the Crofts of Doune to- day The stock was fully an average, principally composed of blackfaced sheep; but there were a few lots of Cheviot wethers and ewes. The show of crosses was very trifling. The buyers from bosh sides of the Border w ere very numerous; also many farmers in quest of small lots. ...


... sittxaturt. 4c MAGAZINES FOP, OCTOBER. a[ BLACKWOOD for October opens with the fifth instal- ment of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton's new novel- c What will he do with it ? Gentleman Waife, the in hero of the story, has the field entirely to himself ec and now appears in his true proportions as a star of M the first magnitude. In his new character of Friend v: to the Enlightenment of the Age and ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... giftraturt, Sritua, uO Art. ?? A. . A CATALOGUE of the pictures, works of art, books, &c., of the Palace of the Escurial, is about to be drawn up by order of the Spanish Government. THE SOCIETE DES BEAUx ARTS OF GENEVA has arranged to have at the end of August an exhibition of paintings -strictly confined to works in enamel. A SECOND 2DITIO of Hugh Miller's. Testimony of the Rocks was ...


... Xit tr a t II C. Til; NORTI- BRITISH REV oV.--ovember. tra Edinburgh: 11'. P. Kennedy. th- Tar eurrent nulmber of TstE -ORTIIBRITI3S, inthe thi attractiveness of its subjects and the vigour and cu power wvitl whichi, with two exceptions, they are fot hanlie]d. takes rank with the best of its predeces. fir sum=.. The contrilbutionS are substantial in their ge natuic, and by writers who furnish ...


... The following, which we extract from the Parlia- mentary debates on the Estimates on Monday night, is another proof of the admirable manner in which our interests are being attended to in Parliament, and of the imperious disregard of the rights and claims of Scotland exhibited by our Government:- On the vote of L.10,000 towards defraying the ex- , in the year ending the 31st of Mareh, 1858, of ...


... (FROM1 TlE POST.) The pictures and sculptures purchased by the Committee of the Glasgow Art-Union, for distribution among the subscribers at the annual meeting next Christmas, are now on view at the gallery of the Water-Colour Society, Pall-Mall East, and will repay a visit. The collection is very valuable, the catalogue enumerating as many as 145 paintings, costing in the aggregate L;6504; ...


... sittraturl. I,-ys FRoss STRATHEARN. By Caroline, Baroness Nairne, Author of the Land of the Leal, &c., arranged with Symphonies and Accompaniments for the Pianoforte, by Finlay Dun. Edinburgh: Paterson and Sons. Taa elegant volume now before us is a new and cheaper edition of that which appeared some time ago, and which created so great a sensation in the musical world and among the ...


... TEHEATRtE-ROYA. There was a crowvded house at the Theatre-Royal. last night, assembled to greet Mr R~obson on his re- apspearance before the ?? public. The per- formanees commenced with the drama of Daddy H~ardacre, in which Mr Robson abandoned himself so his conception of the character of the miser with that marvellous intensity of feeling which is the peculiar- characteristic of this ...


... 2ittratxrt. MISSIONART TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES IN SOUTH AFRiCA, including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Re- sidence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda, on the West Coast, thence across the Continent, down the River Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean. By DAVID LIVINGSTONE, LL.D., D.C.L. With Portrait, Maps, and numerous Illustrations. London: John Murray. It is ...


... sittraturt. Timi PXCTORIAL HISTORY or' SCOTLAND. Edited by a Grisduaieof the University of Edinburgl.i With Illustrationis on Steel from DraDawings by W..H. Bartlett, and other Artists. Division VII. Lon- don and Edinburgh: Virtue & Company. TInS admirably-written H IsTORY of our native-land progresses slowly towards a conclusion. The Editor 'seems to:wor~k ond the principle of doing nothing ...


... itt r r t. -r-- TatEm MODXEJ SCO rrISH MINSTREL. By CRaRLaZS ROGERS, LL.D., ?? Vols. Y. VI. Edinburgh: Adamn and Charles Black. Dat ROGERS has strung the last chord to his Scottish harp. H~is work is nowv complete, and inl excellent tune- Every string's according glee Is blended into harmony. Neither infirm nor old- neither ;stiff, 4cold, nor weak'- Tatst MtrSTREL 'claims to ...