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Advertisements & Notices

... ULDI ES' F;AUIAHfIE1-T. ~~URT0N 11; iE.-M~S. iiF~jVERSre- m',tcrno ?? 'lce Cyt Il of odu'!-aticic ?? ios the re. ult cif ?? nbsoca, i o mnany Years' cxij ettec Mri,. B. ItS. i~tea. icy resident Foreign ant E ,,is Goavrne'scse and ?? Professors. St.,urton 1Lodge is a mansion situate-1 in a pretty nook, of confider- hleo Cxtcnt, it fe;~ noies -ooth of lcefls, Iind i- iottn.'clie tllY rue- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. MOS E L Y, Surgeon - Dentist, begs to ?? huia=jnI Cheno he as Resumed'?iis DAILY ATTE NUB. =pa AdotEedi. RICaARD RICK, Wine, Spirit, and Porter Pt ferchant,.Bo. 2, Cominereial-court, Briggates. g.pHOS. M'INTYRE'S SUPERFINE, BLACK LDRESSq SUITS, at Feaur Guineas, are of good cloth beaunifully 2made ad trimmed. 11lbS. M'IINTYRE'S TREfRE E G U INLEA TMORNING SUITS are thorough Gentlemen a weir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IiY AXPARTMENTS.-A SITTING ROOM, withci are in- One or Two1BED ROOdS, at21. Grove-terrae ifor the 0 ben T S~O~LDTw-ogoo AGMACHINES, nealy ow.Forprice and ?? Foundoy. Thornton-road. Bradford. of this BERLIN REPOIO Y,9 ond-street, Leeds. on plement, M rs. CAVE roetulanruo her return from London, ilt! r. SI,,, with a beautiful Aosorrioa f ACYGODS. &e. &Ct.hrgra 1, an ap Mrs. s articialar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Publislicd Monthly. price 31d., riHE BRIT16~1 M41-iHE1tS JOURNAL. B1 T1 E~lited by Br'. J. Bakewell. 'Aldexii Lsudcsl: J. SBOW, Puternoster-row; J. F. Shaw, Southampton row, York, Rtua ell-sq-uare. 7025 Ba r~~'HE FALL of DELHI, N~~ew March, for the be coam I Pianoforte, by Slephen ?? of. The Retreat Inild. ?? Itoli Prusara Mares,.The Y'onin Recruit's perche! London-Rober (loee and o.. 'fw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'Ve~liqlonst hail), VWest-13ar, Lcels. Sl A I'ml sihiceMs.1 Sutitle of ii..EO D DAWINl31.ROO7T TURN!- Sd TU N, o IIILE UIIIiMES ;,V (Gl,A 'iSES i nt edegat gilt franme,. al 'Bit eCtiuilaive, ci Olston of SlITPERB INDIAN ORIENTAL CIINA, in d)are. BlIrsscr, ?? 13,Iiss, eruil other rare Olrniamen~ts u, fer,' igih class WATER COL'5hSI. DEIAWINGS andi 011 P'AINT- Lit LEGS, liy mililern atisti of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .5 th -11tarh ,iaoe 0lo;1r Ootals:sh;w;, t ia's, hithito r'wei'i' rl ?? -riI e o , ?? trliei PtiilziO 'I I i 'yI 1 tl , Ijl i. al. m tflL ' .rI ho mine .o Iso *. Ithel sO ry (I from ,ie to one. ititi an1 Iltrttt-,.' IS. of 'I'M'P TI 1 0, ais --e AANJI' foo iiJlClih. 1 JoII 'ta A Ii __ __ __I_ T J. i '1O ?? wohool for Y ?? an ?? w ill alr o be1J tc- l *1't ?? 1-~, rt.I;. ?? 01101 OtAh r. Qdit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TQ 0the COMMITTEE Of Vae ?? lRT of BULL SOCIETY for the itELIGIO)US V,48TiUCTION of SEA IE N. you hve ben olige. aflr p~yern aiithmaue deet aion. ft something you are tafraid to name. As my character is my Capitol on which a wife and Sir children have to depend. for their sakcee. for my own sake, and for the cause of reli- gion, I demand a Cause of disinivacil, ant a ?? consistent With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~cltitcm i UTINY in INDIA.-THIS BYENING, A JLLECTUYRE will be delivered in the Exchiange-hail. Albion- stretenOURINDAN MPIE,hyhe Rev. Canon TREVOR. Doos oen t Sve. Te cairwil b tarenbythe Mayor of Leeris, Adm~sion-eservd Seste, s.; ?? eats I.Back Seats, &1. ickts t behad f M. Harisn, 5. Biggae :theIntelligences. A.F R I C A N DJSCOVERIES.-On Fritlay A.C.E veninc Scert, the vnthri instant, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ipublic Notices. Under the psitronage of Her Majesty, the Royal Famll.x ind thir TgeinciPal Crowned Heads of Europe. kFI t TeOriginal and Celebrated American (~ENERAL TOM T HU MB; G.ATHE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD!I wi eigbas t 31 inches; weight 256 lbs. ; age 201 rears; wnhehoour of holting hlis Farewell Levees at the STOCK IFXCHANG14. LENDS. for a Short Time only, a-etomenring M~ondfay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33usfses 91wrexsss. WAX FLOWERS'PRiIZE MEDAL, GREAT VI E~~~XHTBITIOIN 1551. MTNTORN and SON, ifodeller6 to Iha Qleen, 106, New Bond-street, London. ve materialfor theaboveartaentbv Postwheretheyhavenoagents - FRENCH PAPER FLOWERS,. o h T~eymaterial for~the abo ve.-- AGEtNTS IN YORKSHIRE. Mrfs. ?? I.-Park-square, Leeds. Mr. W. Hardy ?? Market-place, Huddeisficld. Mrs. Deton . . Chemist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mucation. FTI HE MISSES PLINT ?? acknowledige S HI~ the kind patrnage their Fstabtishmectha., hitherto received. Lt Sad beg to infom their friendsand the pwslirthat their Pupils wlit The Aut Re-jissenshe Itt. v~lo Tue~~a' * neoe~t f e~rth. 0alcka Leeds, June, 1551. ?? ES. and MISS BEK IHrespecful an- M nounce that the Dutie ?? Re-commntece on lilighth, 1 2unsdaly, the Tiveatp-eigshfh inat. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ELIEOTORS of the BOROUGH of LEEDS. GENTLEMEN, I beg you olice 'again to accept my most cordial thanks for the generous exorkions you have made in my behalf, and for having returned mie as your representative to Parliament. Believe me I consented to come forward rather to fight your battle than my own, and I consider that the success which has been achieved is Sours, much more than mine. To ...