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Advertisements & Notices

... R. MOS E L Y, Surgeon - Dentist, begs to ?? huia=jnI Cheno he as Resumed'?iis DAILY ATTE NUB. =pa AdotEedi. RICaARD RICK, Wine, Spirit, and Porter Pt ferchant,.Bo. 2, Cominereial-court, Briggates. g.pHOS. M'INTYRE'S SUPERFINE, BLACK LDRESSq SUITS, at Feaur Guineas, are of good cloth beaunifully 2made ad trimmed. 11lbS. M'IINTYRE'S TREfRE E G U INLEA TMORNING SUITS are thorough Gentlemen a weir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IiY AXPARTMENTS.-A SITTING ROOM, withci are in- One or Two1BED ROOdS, at21. Grove-terrae ifor the 0 ben T S~O~LDTw-ogoo AGMACHINES, nealy ow.Forprice and ?? Foundoy. Thornton-road. Bradford. of this BERLIN REPOIO Y,9 ond-street, Leeds. on plement, M rs. CAVE roetulanruo her return from London, ilt! r. SI,,, with a beautiful Aosorrioa f ACYGODS. &e. &Ct.hrgra 1, an ap Mrs. s articialar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Publislicd Monthly. price 31d., riHE BRIT16~1 M41-iHE1tS JOURNAL. B1 T1 E~lited by Br'. J. Bakewell. 'Aldexii Lsudcsl: J. SBOW, Puternoster-row; J. F. Shaw, Southampton row, York, Rtua ell-sq-uare. 7025 Ba r~~'HE FALL of DELHI, N~~ew March, for the be coam I Pianoforte, by Slephen ?? of. The Retreat Inild. ?? Itoli Prusara Mares,.The Y'onin Recruit's perche! London-Rober (loee and o.. 'fw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T° the ELE C TOR S of the BOROUGH . of' LEEDS. T] Roundhay, March 10, 1857. FELLow-TOWNvSM'NSI, As it has been announced by the Prime Minister that a Dissolution of Parliament is at hand, I think it MY duty to to offer apprise you that it will not be in my power again TU my services as your representative in parliament. It has pleased Divine Providence so to reduce my bodily strength as to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v. - ?? 1- W, M. WRIG11T, Whiolesale Paper Merchant, r` orHgtocer, OUitfli, r anf. uonceal 'Toy Wvarehrruse, Mason's- d ASSISTANHghTre W STIrire'O~n .ties. N.1B. A steady Young AlIan asD d l ASSan T e Werg T ,oraChristian PARTN El, with equal cai fc If E TRAORDINAUL DSLY f Il the most IN Pt ssi o Egih ?? anufacture for Trluers; ~ SlkMixursof hautta txtue orcoats; WOOL-DYED A~ BLCdLT s ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEEDS MERCURY t IS PUBLISHED C THREE DAYS A WEEK, NA51ELY, ON TUESDAY THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY t PRICES. STARU2D. STAMPED. ON TUESDAY AND THUR.FDAY ?? 2d. 3d. OK SATURDAY . ' ?? 3d. 4d. TO SUBSCRIBERS. PER QUARTER (CREDIT) . ?? 0d,. 11S . 6d. Do. (IN ADVANCE) ?? 7s. 8d. ills. Od. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Whilst ice take great care to secure the rorrect printing of adrot-isemnents, ice cannot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in ittc iituatfonS, Vl. Ale A1 Letters, Post-paid, addressed to Advertfacers through the Printers are invuriabltforwarded to the partyp Advertising; if, therefore, lie an Applicant does not receive an answer within a reasonable timew he he moist conclude either that the Advertiser is already suited, or he that, from some other caose, it has not been thought necessary to return an answer to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale of Furniture Postpone~l on account of the Borough BleotioO). Mit-ic-Hall. Atbijon-Street, Leeds. B 3stezsr.. IIAILDWICK vare instructed by the Executors of the late Q Mrs. Hartley to Sell by Auction. soi 7l'e.qdaVJ Ie-a, lie -N55hI)a cofI Iler Julv5 inst.. at thes Hn,io-hall. Albion-street. i-eds. b th emaining Iunsoldi portion ofthe vraluiabl~e A ~HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE _pIANOVORT kt te he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0,PIUT (f LEEDS. -I 74PROVEENT1 L :I~z - ?? tchi! Pii' ace.t.,tilsr~i ed re3 Ooipi pe ?? Itl Nwl-I-sie -nih t heiluoi t-Iik~ tO ark- rowi, 1rsiedo tlks samie bruig the principalill iice or the said Colunll . fraiil 6? in 31, 0CC' i' c' al q-- - a' o. ovh tincsc, until the ?? 3 WI thescli ICur1 -,t Q~lr irte , .0.fyorler. .ltISN A. jIKIN lus -rratiid Clerk of the Council. L tn ,!o. lot A ilt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -olEOPLE'S CONCERTUS.To-night.-Mr. and Trs. HOWARtD PAUL. in their celebrated entertainment, PAT.CHWOA1 with Net Song&s and.Casratera.r pEOFLE'S ?? &au rd ay, ~the sas., vlllieerormd Rnde'esublime Oratoijo ~~nd and Chorus.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ul ec *te-M DAIDCK. Coiiuto~itr.SPARK. ..N. DICI N. Ron. see. f RAND CONCERT. - MISS NEWBOUND r Xj end WALTER TILNEt'S CONCERT will be given in the 1Hiiic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. We heg to remitia omrs Ad'oetishig Frientid that o ar Friday next (Christmas Day), the posts vvil be tie same as on Sundays; and that therefore it K -cill be nece.sary to post all adivertisements intended e for Hatvrday's paper on Thursday. A qzeglect ] to comply 'with this postal arrangenent will be likely to produce dicappointment or inconse- ,ilcitce. Busilnes Ai~1ts%e0. 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiales bp ThIbate Eo~ntratt. 0~ be SOLD by PRLYA:TE UtsNTkkL&UT; the ROFI TA SHOP end HOUSE, 23, Shantnon-street. Lo.'tls. i lo bs QALES by PR~IVATE ?? T REl 1,L Mr. Richard RILDS. containing excellent Clay (area nearly Sstvrn acres), situ- agedin Woodhouie-laine. Apply to Mr. Fox, Laud Agent, Albion- uutreel Leeds. ($A SOUSE-STREET, ?? SALE, F(it- in loty to Ehji. purclasaers. about 3,000 ...