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Advertisements & Notices

... (~NE THOUSAND PoUN PIZE. 0 ?? grand original ProTy E THE :BAPTISM OF HIS, ?? by JOHN Wr s. which uiand h rize of 4I 000 in Lodn feri b Esql of South Shield-, and U. H. Roe, Esqto imnhm IS NOW ON VI EW AT'TEMSCHL The sieoftel itrb .1 feet by 12 feet. Open daily fro ?? till nine. Admisnbyivttncaorixncec. Nottingham. ~~~SIIAW & SONS. fermcdthat he Celbrate DIORA A Of s ace respcctfimly in- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DORO1UGH of LEEDS. -IMPROVEMETF~ ?? Sesoso ?? fur ?? .,f Leeds4, ILW for an Allowance oir Confirmatioin of certain B3-e-!av5-, made arid icaser W RNWE' by the Counned of the sald Borough on the 22nd dspy of April, 1gf57. for CAVAS., aind with respect to the Management and Inspection of all Slaughter- for STIA.M hanpe within the said borough, and for keeping the same in a cleanly of all using ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Published thieday, price TELEEDS LI-NEN MANOFACTURE, andT*~ T E the MEANS of its IMPIOVE3MIN-7T. lmne ?? ,lnhn qu.unie. inaet Logadon: whotaker andC.* Ave Maria-lane. Leedsa: H. W. Walker, Ar MOokfic er. Briggate. DAVIDSON. Isis ficrtsioa, Cantradic- tiona. and Plagiarisms. - Ii~~~H Trwo Graduates. Lecmdon: Weetheire SrMacintoshl. Mlanche4etr:F1lO`Char &Tcnbb&,. Pub!iAled weekly, One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEOPL'S COCERTS Musi-hal, Leeds.- .L e-riyiL-Vcalst; Mss I&A.IANEMASSER, Miss Frot Sats is; Sloo, E.; allry,3d.For further particulars ~e Programes. J. N. ICKINSON, Ron. Sec. IIELLINGON- HIALLWest Bar, Leeds.- VY For S IX NI GHlT S ony commencing on1 H2[DA Y, .A sriTrrerrly-severrth, 1857. File public are respectfully informed that an Engagement bas been entered into with MRt. J. E. CARPENTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VfXLIE WEST!I1:tiN~ IOM.L* Ml~IN A !~Y ..5, .900t1IT~and ljO~ft~tjEGATI 'UN IJION.-The THIIITlY- I-I don, and the ANNUAL hIESTING of ?? n~rgation1 AUnin sy April SOSI.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? Owxlonday, April the ,Sfh lw Executive Committee will meet in in the cl ssooatfsr o'4le ck, in thse Votr of It i dSist( 5550, to prepare the ituilss to hie eubmitted to thle Public A~sEmblies of the two following das ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el 0der of the High Conert Of 4ChaneorY .0 By Iretitcthie 1TnVCStolWOu of Oepital. Valuable Freehold Esatne, e1ar1 to thel tip of Xirekeat, Ixedes, bund In hea the Old Ic~riicary Ya i. FE pursuanit to an Cedler of01, rI Iligh Court of Chancery -alit in tR Cause Gl~ of Il cater v. WVce, i' ince fit. eg- By Messrs. ?? th B&I ad !aocrh lintel, Brig- lby gate,, Leeds. on 1lfserl!6 tle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PEOPLE'S CONCERTS.-TO - NIGHT, the _L celebrated Actress and Vocalist, 31iss JULI & ST. GEORGEf, Wi~llgive her Entsrtainruont HOME and FOREIGN LYRICS. Front eeats 15.. saloon 6d.. gallery 3d1. For tire aceommodation of season ticket holders, 9seats wiil bre preserved until a quarter past severs o'clock. For further 1 etictilars see pro,,,ratrrumer. I.N. DICKINSON. Hon. See.. THR RUSSIAN WAR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p)IANOFORTES'and. HARMONI1MS in great .LVariety (both I7ew, sad Sescond-head), for SALE or HIRE, at B] Uess OPRINSONS8 6, Commaercial-street, Leeds. HewT lsew ?? Pianos, from 20 to 60 guineas. Hasnorrurs (iveoctaves) in Oak Clases, from Seven Guineas. Do. in RoseWuod Cases. from 12 to 45 Guineas. C] Becolid-hsnd Cottage Pianos, from 10 to 20 Guineas. Do. Square Pianos. final 2 to 10 Guineas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D9-EOPLE'S CONCERTS, Music-flaill, Leeds.-? -LI 'TO-NIGHT. Artistes:-Mrarlame CONSTANTINI, (Soprano from La Scala,AMilarn) Mliss NEWBOUND. Mr. DELAVANTIo, ad the famous BROUSII. FAMILY, whose Instrumental Performanr in Germany, Liverpool, Manchester. ko.. have creatoed the eratoe enthusiasm. Solo Violinist, BERTHA I3ROUSIL. Conductr-g Mr' SPARK. Mr Aadamne Constantin! has a high soprana ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P A Y O0i F I IL E~ 0 TU I[ C) IN 'lthe CT'N1rRAT (aMt-' o itli a, thin, TiNY at Vie! Y2)th I -EL of J L LB US)1 rnCC to 'I [IAN'K YOUT a thottotast tiuteC for f hiviu~luti mu ,nt e,mdd,tl file ni I O 0' of11 A'NDS `(tI-DAY. ?? 11W ,IIVrl l .a'.nIIUI C;. 5111: 'ico tel' SO rtriltflt.titud int Utt C by ?? ,g ipr ol Llit p1 t-ta~o It nortir tarmmin. i1',or vnry Itimbfil 6ervattt, U Leed1;, 271th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jpubl~f Notiem. FIME PUDSEY -COAL GAS COMPANY.- ,.'tOTICE is hereby, given, that the ANNUAL GENERAL 2sIEETING ol the S~HAREHOLDERS; in this Company will be held at the company'e uffie, on Tduraday, (ire T~tirlielth dayj of Jitly 'feefaf, at one o'clock in the afternoon. By order, WILLIAM HERSLEY, Secretarxy. Gae Works, Pudze;a, July Ilth, 1817. ELIX GILDON..-If FELIX GILDON, (a~ged iF3, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPO AECnTECTS BUILDERS, &c.-To be- JL 'iLD, quanity f od iitz TEIMBER, u.iT iar~e dimensions, and fee from Oajls. Suchi a lot very rare to lie test- Avib. ply to 3r. JocephlFozard, Joiner, Batley; o oM.DlaWsdgurgs.IL Timber in Cus's Wood, StjUirrgtou. JLsilo,: 'tCV 0 TIC E.-This TIMBER will NOT BE1 of thi ..,L OFFERED for S'ale by Auction in Oetnebev, as provionsly adver- tised, the same ...