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... T Y of YORK- ?? Publication.3 By ]BENrJAMIN 'WARD, Wakefield, Crown Sfu7MreY? Persons who have obtained Game Certificates for the yeaw 195iL List 1.-G RNERA.L CERTIFI~CATES at 4 Os. 1QU. each . Ar-ron Benjamin. H~alIfdx Bro wn Dale, Pull AisbeyJamL , lla.-rnrt, Briwi, (leo. Gilpin. SedhulrY Abbey Richard. Hymtn ?? Blenry, Strenallre ACimoer JhAn, Thorns Brown Ilenryl, WSrfevald Ackroyd (it: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *aks% bp0 Ructton. ON THRDAY NEX AT THE MUSIC-HALL. Bit~en HoseoldFuritrePlao.Chimney *lasse-', Landon- msade COttag Pianoforte, Table an 3Bd Linen, Oil Paintinga, I M Ritcher Reuisites, and other usef'u'l Property. Mtessrs. WET ERE and iNTLEY beg to annouance that they will Sell by Auoti-so, on Thlursday wct. Ats Tiresitdish day of k 1&57, at the Miulic-hiall Albion-litreet, Leeds. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S INGLETON ftnui TENTNANT respectfully invite' the alttention of Contirecterb, TImirldl-ir, alnd Ilertics Furrrishin'-' to teir ext -sttive aurt tinisern S!tick if Stove G4ratesI. Coo'du , paltratuE,, Puntderts.. S41fcs, Wa'hing 'Machitics, Irun Oledatuads, Balar I Wi-l Copper (loots, rnd general Islardwale. 3;9, Biriggate, Feb., 1810'. I E-TAfE, &t GEERA L AG ENc-Y Ltl~It'E. 31, Bnd'atrn~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - ?? ers THE I N CO0A ET -iAX. ~t The income taxr now were talking aboutit Whierefore atri because, we shalt prov t Ald As9 her 2MIajeeties Ii egea eon (10o well wi-os it, Why the presosre without must remove it. X Ilesolurionsanil motiouso oill only perplex no, IN Rtesolving, however, to brave it; to 0 Let's move and resolve, so long as it vex us, By rezolving to spend leos aud save it, N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 4p Ruction. YOUNGS RIDING SCHOL, LPEDS. Wessrs. %VEA`rIIERL1ya, HUTE art e.ce by a gei- tiema leasng Egland to ell b Atltion. ?? a TheOr5 in 5~, tie hi .Slgeelh ay f Jne nstntat ?? Tii~-~eeds. POYPHAETON, withi leternl pinted hoiwi,. Withmovabi bea, lnedwithdra clthand painted green. recently t The above carriages are in capital condition, and may he seen early het on the morning of sale. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZIA ?? iN pill-, Noln-iT Tm Irilti 0 YOR1CSIIIR1p, Six 'ides, fr, ill I ho ita In, e Ocnr'' I livioliy* btil firom GiI.h~ Stwdt~on 'iii t'lc \ cc]; on auia. Th'Ficrk Ilairiesy, and ?? IrrOel thet Mole.-I ies Uio.e h- l'D ci; 1. l:ll' ,'irjirrctiongts 1Sof by Auction, and 51n Monscday exl, tit, Third rlm! 01, - .iieluti, at thle Goldell Fleec? -mer }I~tll. L'ii.'sl.'lr litrS i'd ,ckit ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MW ~fnes abrne0ss. WOO~tRN CRYSTAL PALACE. T~TOL1EN CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT, I b- ~78, BRIGGATE, LENDS. Ibgleaveto inform tlae public generally that 3habe, now an Ex- ?? tolk 'of BL ACK CLOTHS, which for GODoNiss~nd CHEAP- *17HiscannotCe excet~d. Atrialwillsecurs future custoam. MATTHEW HSEP WORTH, 78. Briggate. IRST BROTfiERS, 97, Briggate, Leeds, G oldcta inspection of their extensive stock of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '311L1AIC Notice%. lE EDS, E QUITAB1LE BENEFIT BUJILDING] SOCIETY sod PROVIIDENTASO ATI .-Etriild j on tire Pcrniausnt ?? incivle. and Enrolled according LO Act of l'aelin- Icr Theft.-dttlice, INo. tO, aihion-street,, Lee-Is, (tccorl. II. or).-ThirioX society oflurr the host izive.-trtuct for large or coirdl Sams. 8ubserip- Lions are ?? with interest at one month's notice. The ccirtyis - p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And FION ARCADIE, _HUdder,01cdd [0 C~ieli L Dmcn ts. Sh1calciscprii, Gad otter ?? I' NFIf E o 13A Tl. -N 0, ICE inhlerebygiven, that thne-SA of Shopntthucres and effccte, belonging to Mr. it. Eaxton. i low ~noptilsot (iicansct,uaviser- Lised. to be ?? bv ancjon by Sir. EdiifinclO :t ?? ShO Il ttt i ArecidL, iiccdostcc-llel aforesani, 'will NguT rimI' PWaCE. the Famne baving been otiserv, ise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P EOPLE'S -CONCERTS.-To-Nighst.- and vocUslv:-Vrs. STYCHTT CHAMP'ION, Mr. CHAMPION, Mr..DEAVATI.togthe wih acomplete CHORUS of F prot 2ea~sIs Sao'n, d. Galey. d.Door open for saloon th( andgaleryat .3. 'he ntrncefo SesonTicetHolders snip will he a~the Side Door, a 6.45 as usual. Theholderof tickets pair ~ a th muic hop wil e amited t te smehour; Cad J.N ICEONSON. lHon. 5'ec. TEEDS SUNDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G REAT GEORGE-STREET CHA.PEL SUN-I DAY SCHOOL.-The ANNIVERSARY SERMONS caro- nected with the above School, will be preac'sed on Sunday by the Rev theA B.OBERoTHIOLME0. of Rawden. Alornio~ atbhalf-past ten.evenintg ItheiT at batf-piast saxo'clock. Collections in aidof the funds; alterach Terms ervioe.. Term SALE !VI C HA PE L ANN.lVERR9ARy. M-2 The AN-NIVERSARy SLERyliCES connected wvith the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Auction Sale of Baltic and American Timaber inrd Deals. Eisa Thwursdaj neat, ftie lbeealy-secosd daty of Oetober, will be offered for Sale iy 0'oblr Auction, H E undelnmentioupd.WoV'OD GOODS, -which QT 5eCwill be put up in lota to suit purnis-rasr. 5,0 ?? Deals, 7 to 20 in. wide. 16,5001 Itichibuoto Pine Deals, 9 to 2i ft. long. 3 by 7 in. to 21 lin. wide5. 6.3f' Riebibucto 2J by?7 in. Pine ...