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Selected Poetry

... QctaO VbrcfTr. MARY, TII MAID) OF TliE R(ol. ';i'ttis's an isle on the verge of the ocean, 'T'here's a land where the Shamrock grows grcen, There is Alary with snowy white bosom, Oh I tho firieost that I over Iavc seej! There's a stream ?? stealo lone throligh te ilo ounltuils, ?? lere ily spiritzs oft wttndl(lelrilig, you knowtt Iliui g ill ptre drollights frolml that foliltitill, Aiud t ...

Selected Poetry

... i$&CO 10octr. PSALMI XLVI. (S SITED TO TUE INDIAN CR3IsIs.) [The following exquisite verses are from tite pen of the Very Rev. Daniel Bagot, IDean of liromore.] GOD is our refulte in distress, Our safeguard through the wilderness, Our shelter friom the storm; TIhough vinds end waves a conflict make, Thougl Earth's foundations reel andi shake, We need not feel alarm. A peaceful river softly ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ai.5IotpolI t110 farif iS. TH1E ?? U 11 T. lA.AIOnIAt, Awu.;;Sr 3t1--Tho Queen nrd ?? Consort, Nvith the Prpicessec and Prince Arthlur, at- tendilel Diville servico at the Parish Ch' urcih of cratliie On Sanday lost. The Marquis of Dalihousie, acconmpanied by ?? Ladies Raunsa, 1101)ooss to leave this country carly in the ensuing modtij ior Mlaltat, ia order to pass the ae)pproacliii, Winter in ...


... MANOI5STEISI, APRIL 30.-Mr Thomas Fairbairn, the chairman of the executive committee, has this afternoon received a communication from Colonel Phipps, to the effect that lie was commanded by his Royal Highness Prince Albert to state, that taking into consideration the importance of the occasion) the preparations which have been made, and the public duties which he is called upon to perform on ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 5AL autoll and TarUtio. T}lE COURT. BUCKaNSITA'd PALAcr, TUESMY.-Tho Princess Royal and the Princess Alice, attended by the Mar- ehioness of Ely and Lord Alfred Paget, vent yester- day afternoon to inspect the Thames Tunnel. VICERE GAL COURT. The following had the honour of dining with his Fixcellency on Slonday ?? Boyle, the Right I-Ion. J. W. Fitzpatrick, the Chief Baron and Miss Pigot, Mir ...

Selected Poetry

... #deded ?eocfvlf- 'FI.FTY-SIX AT TIIE BA.l. AT his session of Audit old Chronos was seated, To balance tils books of tie year 'Fifty-six The ledger lhe close d, iis ?? comrpleted, i'ut palised. ore proccedinm lris seal to affix. v What certiriCtLtO-tlhUS spollk Commnrismioner Chronos, ?? Slt I give to the year that lihs just passed tho Court ? Slall I bran id hins wi ith scorn, shall I Crown ...

Literary Notice

... .itc'al 'l fltia-. AlRT JOU11AL. January. ILondon: James Virtue. Belflst: James Hartoll. Tnu Turner collection andl the National Gallery forms a leading nrticle in the Art Journda of the present month. The writer justly remarlis, that, since the original fouindation of the National Gal- Ierv, in 1824, no single event has talken place of so much importance to the advanceminit if art in this ...


... 9tcu itivs D] BLIN UXlIVERSITV MAGAZINE for December. Dub- lin: ilolqcles, Slnitl, t; Co., Grafton Street. Tfi Dubllin Unl'rersity Xttyaziue has reached the ripe age of twenity-five years. With its present number, the tiftieth Voluie is conCluded; and the number is an excellent one, in variety of matter and the general treatment of tile subjects introduced Prothssor Creasy, M.A., gives another ...

Literary Notices

... - - ?? W-, iterarp Tmr AuT JoUeA It-. No. 27. Mtarch, 1857. Lon- ?? Virtue & Co. Tims number opens with a highly-finisled engraving of one of Vanldyck's portraits of Queen Hlenrietta Zai'ria. In the Royal collection at Vindsor Castle, there are four single portraits, by Yandvek, of the Queen ofthe unfortonate Charles 1, besidles a family piece, ill which she also hes a place. Of these a ...

Literary Notices

... !l7ituarg Ttotim. VACATiON Timuosirrs ON CAPITAL PUXIoSIIMENTS. By Mr. Charles Phillips. one of her Alajesty's Commissioners of the Coui't fort the elief of Insolvent Debtors in London. London: 1Von. a; Frcderick G. Closh. Tim vexla yqtestio of capital punishment has been revived in this pamitiphlet recently pulilished. In it Mr Phillips earnestly advocates the abolition of the punishment of ...

Selected Poetry

... 5dcddl ?Octrlt- 'TIS PIUlMlROSE TIME AGAIN. T'I F sun is sgining on the day, And high upon the wing The lark pbours foruth his sweetest lay luto tile ear of Spring. The lu3ty tlru'h in, merry mood Pipes out its loudest strail; And children shout from wood to wrood 1'fTis Primrose Time again. Tho willow buds arc swathed ia down, The liizel is in blooem; The hawthorn reddens on the crown, And ...

Fashion and Varieties

... 'tXaollolv awl .aric Vo. , T 11 E CO U R T. l3t;rclI-ouANM PAI.\AcI, TIIIRSIAY.-Tiie Docile of Kent, thle Princess or 1llie.Langenhui' aDll( tile I rincess Feuiore 1iald at visit to tile QueOCI yestrdiay morlinig, when ite Pi' rincsses of Mll-on. lotie toeik l:iv! ft' hoer Ma joity on the'ir lparulri for thle Coutinent. Pi'iice Albert visi-od tiln Duchess of Kent alnd tile Princess of ...