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Advertisements & Notices

... O0 BE SOLD B Y AU CTION, T by Messrs. D.uIELS and CLOUGHTOlT, at the Rose Tavern, in Sykes-street, Hull, on THURSDAY, the 19th Day of February, 1857, at Three ?? in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced), LOT 1.-All those TWO FREEHOLD MESSUAGES I or DWELLING-HO ISS, being Nos. 7 and 8, on the west side of Caroliiie-street, in the parish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fscap. 8wo, 3s., cloth. A EXPOSITION, CRITICAL, EXPLANA- 1TORY, and PRACTICAL of HEBREWSv. 48. By ROBERT BROWN. lye have read this work with much satisfaction. It will be f reat service 5 a rsound ?? of one of the most alarm- ° akelling, end difficult passages of the New Testament. ery able end elaborate exposition of a peculiarly diffioult .In these dys of ahallow and false theology it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITS. Onder the patronage qf Royaltt and the Aristocracy through- oust Huroe'p, ?? universcelllt preferred and esteemted. The SuccEssrvL RSsuL~s of the last HALF CENTURY- have proved, beyond question, that I OWLANDS' MACA9SAR OIL lR possesses peculiarly nourishbingpowers in the growth, restoration, and Improvement of the HUMhAN HAIR. At prevents it f'romn falling off or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z, be Mm~t FAR HEADINGLEY.--A 1)UitN,iSHLD] FHO USE to be LET, for four or five moehii. Liia hre at No. 2, Victoria-Terrace. T be LIFT, the large coni;- lt Ln -wibly - situaed HUSENo.4, King-stre ~t, Lelals. Apply to Mnse.,r3. 3.3ablns and Sons. Mercury-office. R~OSTON SPA.-A pleasant V~iitA 1{LkSP J E DFNCI9 to LET; also a COTTAGE. In juire of Mr. Newhill, l3ath Hetel.r UJ10 LET, and may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC'IIALL, LEEDS. 1-RAND SUTBSCRI-PTION CONCERTS. G4- The FIRST PERFORMANCE will take plitco onl illonaioy, ~ ,jfeaorl TWeA1Y-SiX11h, M1ADAME11, AMADEF. MRt. C1IAitLES lltAJ1A31, MAr., ALLAN I 1VI1N-G, t Toigethcr with at large alet eoitrit HAN'D ilis CiTONlt ar Ilaitiling 'Mr. IIADDOUTC, Lead~er M.'Nr. W~ FL1,V 1c of ?? jlulijenr5 ?? Wildi, MEr. SYKES, 1herr Gi,04SE, IM'anieitcle.rr, ar Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? SEaEN'rS.] T Her MofjeEty'S late Plenipotetihary in Clina, Sir J. F. P DAVIS, hiiving seent Tea, colonred, states at page 443, in his China and Chinese, that the vahiable spring kinds and the worthlitss io autumn crop are both coloured with tim eaume pewdrr, purposely to 1a enable the common brown leaves to he sold as the best, wthen both o, are coloured alike. There is real mischief ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8T.GEOGES. A LBRADFORD.- I Th pulicare ?eseetcsll acpsanset dat the distinguishned Autises. HE EBUIII, FA ILY, 'whohav thrce ad he hnd~? ri poforiog before Har Majesty ?sIIC~LLNBOU COCERT. en 2sed, Evensing.j the .Eteer~ah Asguscei being the onsh, occa~son onI which teetalente artistee can appea in Bradford ja'ior to theirz geturmio Germany. Mdlne. Cecilia ?? Violin . 7 years. Wmona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3EO P LE'S CON CER TS, P ?? HALL. FIRiST 01F THE SEASON., TO-Nb102'. - VocAuaxs ;-1rs. SUNDERLAND. Miss NEWIIOUND, Miss H. WALKVtR. Mr. DEFLAVANTI, end the YORKSHIRE VOCAL UNIO~N;(onductor, Mr. SPARK. The Right Worshipful the Mayor (John lBotterill. Esq.), the Rev. 3Dr. Hook. John Hope Shaw. Eirl, President, and Eeveral Magistrates and Members of the Corporation have accepted the invitation of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l ~~~[ADVERTIsEMtEiNTS. CAIFS LL'S 1LLUSrRATEDF ALMANACK for 185Si price Slxpence, ia now ready, containing twenty-eight beautiful engravings whereof twelve re re~neaent the principal events of the year, and twelve more are sce-ee illustrating the marriage osrensonles of different ?? remainhing four are subjects of OCcasional initerest. Casaclia ill theramd Family AnsanaciC is not only the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .AyUSRAL1'- N~, JOIN T STOCK BANSyn, of redt ad Daft ;~-,granted ueon thete places free of charge, b Messars. Heywoodo. Kitisamtlo anti Co , No. 4, Losnsbardl-street. t~lbs Agete, of thea Itani. 'They also undertgke to NogtLCiate Approved ~fsat the curer nt -s ~By Order if c C'nrt of Directors, AUSiTRALIANJ JOINT STOCKg BANK, Sydney. EDWARD WRZENCH, Marn ager. 19403 U~a~s~1~ TVN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gore- T E L E G R A M.~ with Each day's recorded some new move, the ?? movements are a shame),0 the There' coind a telegram. a reop euf To write the world an epitaph, LBAIpe steat ?? else an epigram, Leedsi it~~~t ~ The firs. should take the telegraph, Day all II, he The lest the telegram. sii ting A telegram isajust received. Suinesn cor. Come bythelihexrs.a OBT. From somebodly, who hoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T be SOLD, fI1 ANUFACLU RING PRtEKISES.1 T two stories high, with sh ed, yard, engine. countiug-house, alld Btahles. Apply W. -B. Hintile, Estate Agent, 9, Park-row. Ih 7110 be SOLD by PRIVATE CON IRAOT, a 'I'four-horse portable TFIR~ASHINCI ENGINE. With a iiinch stroke, nearly inow. and matte onl the nidst appiroved principile. Apply A ilo, Thomas Avison, Railway Foundry. Wakefield. ( N SALE ...