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Advertisements & Notices

... ilublitatto'n 1 R OBERT COMPTON, BOOKSELLER R and STATIONER. 16. CLARE STREET. Briltol, b as' . been appointed AGENT for the SALE of the Works Published by Mr. CORNISiH. a JAMES CORNISH respectfully announces Jn e J thei a his Publicationo are Sold b o all Booksellers in Briitol, but - in case of any difflculty in obtaining thew, a remittance by P. 0. Order or Stamps will insure their return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBELICATIONS ?? Now Beady, Price Two Pence, the only Authentic an DOCKET CATHOLIC DIRECTORY and AlMANAC, gee L for the Year of our Lord 1857, with a List of the days appointed by his Grace the Archbishop for the Forty Houra' Adoration, as well a all the Days of Devotion throughout the Year, the Guide to thoe Mass for each Dayl Vbapers of Sundays and Holidays, &c, taken from the Authorised ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE to SHIPPERS for SY1)NEY, N.S.W. 'r - The It'OtlstilapanSTEVEN8ON, Will-RI'E- cEVE, (GOOis, iii Cite victorui Docks, lf cngated. as late ?? FAI- DAy Felt. 6, nalt wi~ll btlrilly Ire tespatcrhed the following day, Stur- tiap. hJl. T. IIa, still rnino fr a few' geods.-AVpiY to ?? t BONUS, SONSeaud Co-, IS. Cannoriie t. j-ALCUTTrA D)irect (NN-ill meet with despatch), In tho fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO NERVOUS SUP-ERERS. RETIRED CLERGYMAN, avin g been' A restored to health in a few days after many years of great Nervoust Suffering, is anxious to snake known toc otoers the means of ours; hle will, therefore, send (free) on receiving a Stamnped Envelope, properly addressed, a' Copy Of the Preacription used. Direct, the Rev. E. PIJ)oLLSS, 18, Holland-street, B rixton, London. HART'S WHITE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .^ ~D ffaafit ucffon. ! CLEVEDON. SOMERSET. SSRS.FARGU S *ill Sell byAUCTION, t\i on the Premises, on TUESDAY, the 3rd Feb. next, All the handsome and nearly new HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE., CHINA, GLASS, A few ENGRAVING8 d~ 1et~of FranKis Itildare, Esq., quiting his Residence, ;AD 1-AL&. about midwvay between Clevedon and Walton. I- orapriilg tsrniask curtaint, with chairs and couch to mhtch; i @cd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WM, BEATT'Y, CARVER AND E 1 LDEILE 21, Rosemary Street (opposite the Post-ooffe), A/lOST RESPECTIFULLY SOLICITS THFE 1L Nobility, G entry , anll Illibit-lit O o Bel1fa ft will vicinity to an inspeetiln of fhs Chisilli-Gllasses, in inh Carived ar;d Gilt Graeite, in t he pure i ' Fre chl style, a nd at very moderate prices. Also, an as. 'teti nt o' Picture Frames, in, all kiallds of Fancy Wood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TELEGRAPH NEWSPAPER PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 81, HIGH-STREET, PORTSMOUTH l VERY DESCRIPTION of LETTER-PRESS ILJ PRINTING Executed at this Eitablishmerit, with neatness and dispatch. CHEAP PRINTING! -7VERY description of PRINTING puocteally and .12 expeditiously executed by T. HINTON, 69, HA.NOVER STsREET, PORTSEA. S Country Orders receive prompt attention. Observe !-The Cheapest Hrouse in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAN]D 8 COACHMN, in a private family. Address H12 l, at the printere'. r[¶ MINISTERS OF THE G;OSPEL, S3UN- .Z.. DAY-SCllOOL TEACHERSB PlJBIC INSTI'IUTIES5, &o. w WANSTED, a numnber of Respectable, Intelligent YOUNGE WOMBN ~md GIRLS, for variou departesenta b 6rZns OrcanOD, &; V Co.'8 Patent Wa2shng Establishent, A fllgo44ret A~delplhi, D Sialford.a G OOD HtOUSE C7OAL to be hedat 48, (3mnby b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE. Lessee. Mr. E. T. Sairsl. The greatest hit of all is ?? Drury-lane Pan utoeuim A Morning Performance of the great Pantomima every Wed. lesday at Two o'clock. The eminent comedian Mr. Charles Mathews will perform every THIS 1VENING her Majesty's servants will perform the petite comedy entitled TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE,. Characters by Messrs. B. Roxby, Tilbury, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. Black Swan Inn. Eye. HE public are respectfully informed that the Sale *JI at the above Inn, advertised ]ast week for the 28th inst.. WAS POSTPONED TILL WEDNESDAY TEXT, February 4th, in consequence of the sudden ideath of Mers. Lake, the Landlady. RENRY WELLS, Auctioneer. Offices, Eye and Occold, Jan. 29th, 185?. HALESWORTH SUFFOLK. Important Sale by Auctionl 41 HORSES, AS; Splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rE EAR LF?STOWN CHAPEL, PEIThLETON. L TO.IJOfiTiOW EVISNINO, at belt-past ?? LECTURE by ? ROY. J. S. lULL: Seeb?ect: Bos'mees the Occupation of IAfeY ?? ?ORT?OW, Rev. MARMA DUKE MILLER will PREACH in tho Wealsyan Aesoclation Chopel, York-street, ccis.a? 1l? am., and 6 ?? for the Sunday-school. ? p ARK CHAPEL. CHEETHAM ?IL1?ROAD. 1?T To-MORROW EVENING, ?Sundesyl. NINTH LEOTnl'i? ?¶ ? jtsv, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £W Pariles answering atlvegtlmeots In the Mfetw-c are litlueisted to attend to the foliowlog OZxplhautlons: Appl atthe ercry~ofle, mansthat peirional app11 Rha ?? Pustblimade Auctfiaee, Vot aide, anad igntn, Ho 9, Basnett-streetI Church-street (two doorsfrmT Gnoipton House).-PUBLIC HOUSES, VAULTS, n ER bedroc OUES LET and PROCURED), onl the shortest n01t1ce.- Apply as above. IWI~ A ARGAflR O ...