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Advertisements & Notices

... 12URNISNkD APARTMENTS, No.' 6, Oxford- Ff' streeilt The house has a southern aspect, and it an one oftne healthiest neighbturhoods of Newcastle. rjio =1ECHANT8 AND OTHERS.-WANTEiD, by Ts a respectable YOUNG MAN fro~n the south, who bhf had ten years' experience in Blookkeeping, Customs and general Shipping, a SITUATION. The highest tedtimonials will be given. Address T. H., 17, Byehlll- etreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. GENDALL begs'tuannwincoi that he MI I will have on private vieCo, on WEDNESDAY, 25th inst., wad few following days, two highly interesting. sational pictures of SEBASTOPOL, as it appeared in all the pomp, pride, and glory of the Russian EBmpirc, ,by N. lybhittook, Esq., from a sketch in 1848, by Captain MIiohael Simenuoff, draughtsmen to the Ordnance Office, Sebastopol; and 'THE BLOOD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 81 th RI CONCERT ITATXL IM LORD NONSREZT TBI (MfONDAY) RysIMNee, Febrsairy 18, and every evening during the week, HESISTERS SOPHI& AND ANNIE 01101N~tMIICAND MUSICAL ENTETAINMENT, - entitlted SKETCHES PROM IdATUABP Introducing SEVERAL NEW ORARAOThRS AND SONGS, This elegant and 11ovel Entertainment conalgta or 1a different elsaracters, portrayed in falt costume; the rapidity of Chane wonder and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOUltNING BUNNETs M RS. ALDIS has always ready fir L d t select froin, a targe nnd fastiinowiac S roCi, t: 0 and all descriptions of Mu NLtNEG BONN ETi. Ye > every week. 18, ELLIOT-STREET. NKAR ST. JoiIN- s MIAltt 3 mEETEI.-9, .UOLTNTr PiL A NT (furt *Ja iti the Adelphii Hottl).-Ir. N. NELSON. 3q . lTr. b -gs to inform blanumeruou plttell's aild fri its ,I ,h, . ,. tiluei to supply new TSEEH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN LINE of P'ACKET SHIPS.- A For SYDNEY Direct bha room for a few tons of light freight onto), the mranifgnt tclpper still) CIt:VIOT. AT, c tgister1,919 tons, WILLIAM AI l e(ON, oummardtre ; tlng in the tbond Lonloeha t Thi ?? ohip hbe a full poop, and great height betveen dlcks, and I OffOrl a mest dosirat~o opportitity fur a ruoderate rate. For termno of irnigbt or pan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rsdvreriempmt.1 STANDARD LIFt ASSURA.N-CE COMPANY. IMEPORTl' The Thirty-first Annual General Meeting of the Standard Life Assurance Company was held at Edinburgh, on Monday, the 16th of February cmUTcUnt, Wiiams Wood, Lsq., in tioc chair. The following statements were submitted to the meeting: Annual balance shect, as at 15th of November, 1.56, cer- tified in acordance with the Company's acts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :ABERDEZ;N CLIPPER LINE.-F or SYD)NEY. '1Th a lo)lo %ing foviouritt clipper SH IPS wil hI e deopatched for BYNY Diroet, with punctuality, to be folloedectmonthly by otlier aeroelo of thisl ?? * Shines Conosondra Tons Buaden Dto. Centurion ?? d I 1.000 ia.1 Mfaid of Jos ah Mercant b 1,100 A~pril01~ * WouooiletlaoeO .. 110ns ~ 1,000 ha 10 IThese euperlor vesoels havm splendid cable accommodation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED.-By FExecutorn and bereaved Rolatives of deceased noblenmen gen. tlomen. tradesmn elnd other, oendini in the first inotance to 8 IL- I,1B t'S LSTAb LISIME lT, CO Y-ItOAD neerhFLnsbmry-uere, or No. 12, North-street, Quadrant, Brihton, Instead of em rloylne their upholsterer, or the nearest esndrteiorr w not 1¶ the needful requirements resort to the funeral to and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g-jHARLESTOWN CHAPEL, PENDLETON. ?J TO-MORROW EVENING,, at bali-poet six.a LECTURE by - Ilisiter, J. S. HILL. Sutojoet: Threrrortellty, the ?? of life. c ?cl'eIPTURE BIOGRAPllY.?'mo mogai ?character of Daniel. A LECTURE rmn the above subject ?? be delivered TO-MORROW Evriiing, in the liapt lot Chapel. York-street, othester, by the Rev. R. CIIENERY-.Serrice at half-poet-rj'c. CHAPEL. CHE1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MACH5ChPe?C? I 0HARLESTOWN -iUHAPEL, PENDLETOW?' TO-lfORROwEVmRWat1clf.?t six, e? LECTUH? by - the Rev. J. S. HILL. Subject: Religion, the joy of life. Ia ALEXANDER THOMSON, IeLA. -? sil Tb e?ts? I service at half-paat aix. DARK CHAPEL, CHEETHAM HILL ROAD. j.. TO-MORROW (Sunday), TWO SERMONS will be preached on lit behalf of the Sabbath School; that In the morning, at half-psat ten, B by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT AU PRINCE. Now loading, and to be deapatched on or before the 15th met, The dna Belgian Schooner, DANIEL. Can receive a few tone of goods only. Foe terms, to., apply to 1'AILTRIDQE & cfl., Molyneux Place, Liverpool. TO BRLFAST rid FLEETWOOD. EVERY RVENfl7Q, By Railway Wisteria Station) to Fleetwood, and thence lap ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS TO B?ABT, Every evening (Sundays exceptedi at or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRTCA&._TN1A L STEAMERS froin LIV RR- POL to MADEIRA, Teneriffe, and the West Coast of FRICAN ST iEAMSHIP C OMPANY'S powerful and ASTEANISHIPS lekve Liverrvool on the 2 °th of Otet la' $ reollbrkin g the royal mails and passengers at Ply . ittfl 4th. ?? ete'stle reors convey goodo aund passee. 00 the o ;der~est tioed ports-Aladeira, Teneriffe, Goree, srrao n Leone, Monrona, Cape Coas Castle. ...