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Advertisements & Notices

... of FFOLti HOITSE, PSrWICH WHOLESALE & RETAIL BRAPERY E~STABLISHMENT. FREDERICK FISHI TEGS to inform his numnerous customers, and the public generally, that having anticipated the great advance J) that has recently taken place on almost every article in the trade, he has, during the past three months, made very extensive purchases in all Departments, end since the first day of the present month ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ITINDOW. BLINDS,.-~TVLOR and PACE, unn, ou lnraino wit pIc, Newre en Gpiin pos Afree. S D arnet-en -nL ldopentrlsturereel, nea . Crhis lollodbln Nnrler. .,Bee Reiditt.e irng ro al Iiero, Sd. ga.e iebid.i Gibraylatear . prfroe zncblno. in dOitto. I fle.ted. ot Tobago- T.0 10 LOKING-GLASS MANUSACT S. taillym i~o f thetpa155.t teadenhlloingtrect nereduernbistll. iL3 o LOsIANGOGACTUSES, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L.OOKING-GLASSES. - The COMMERCIAL L ` PL. - .aLA88COMXPAN Y Msnraer CiHAItLES MP LEAN, 8, 79suad 80, Fleet-treet. and 16.5 rxordutrert (note thre armeand the nurbers)r very reapectfully Invite the Nobility the Public, and the Trode. to iavpoct their extenavea nd moenifcent SCtok or t'HlI 1iMNY, CONSOLE, and PBIE Gl,AiiSi. froned n aveyanreietyoof tyle; erxneole. centre, and pier taller ,os ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J, W NEA Experienced NURSE, where a, r 71 second i3 kept. She must be a good Needle- Xi twoman. -1 Apply at the Office of this Paper. I r ITANTED,-The LOAN of £180 on BOTTOMIRY the t oil a Vessel undergoing extensive Repairs. The A I i Borroiver will allow a liberal Interest; also- good Sure- the t ties for payrients:o the principal, &c. - I - e x Application to be made to Mr. E. P. Perry, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p)IANOFORTES'and. HARMONI1MS in great .LVariety (both I7ew, sad Sescond-head), for SALE or HIRE, at B] Uess OPRINSONS8 6, Commaercial-street, Leeds. HewT lsew ?? Pianos, from 20 to 60 guineas. Hasnorrurs (iveoctaves) in Oak Clases, from Seven Guineas. Do. in RoseWuod Cases. from 12 to 45 Guineas. C] Becolid-hsnd Cottage Pianos, from 10 to 20 Guineas. Do. Square Pianos. final 2 to 10 Guineas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUFF'S FARMER'S FRIEND. C IMPORTANT CAUTION.-Tbe long established and lhighly respectable reputation which CUFFS .ALUSES'9 FitIEN has maintained for curing the Scoun or LooSENESS in Lambs, Calves and all Cattle, also the gripes in Horses, baveinduced unprincipled persons (unworthy the name of tradesmen) to sell spurious imitations, copy the directions or label, use the same size bottle, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aw NEW STOPPING for DECAYrED TEETH. Plc.HAYE. Su~onDentm~ 4, Silartes-anehas lotro- duosd an ?? newrltglbhEAOhNT IT~f STt 'OI~p1kNG for cfuesto nu the (by am ow oede ofenane He also coeinues te supion P= A or ,T one Of~ny ?? eetboextprlnripge and pesforms a op erartonaem deta y nerveryctmnoderatecharee.Ior B t. Martnwls- losue. Clterea icroms. NEW~ DISCOEBRY iN TEETH, consisting in the adapta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '311L1AIC Notice%. lE EDS, E QUITAB1LE BENEFIT BUJILDING] SOCIETY sod PROVIIDENTASO ATI .-Etriild j on tire Pcrniausnt ?? incivle. and Enrolled according LO Act of l'aelin- Icr Theft.-dttlice, INo. tO, aihion-street,, Lee-Is, (tccorl. II. or).-ThirioX society oflurr the host izive.-trtuct for large or coirdl Sams. 8ubserip- Lions are ?? with interest at one month's notice. The ccirtyis - p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S INGLETON ftnui TENTNANT respectfully invite' the alttention of Contirecterb, TImirldl-ir, alnd Ilertics Furrrishin'-' to teir ext -sttive aurt tinisern S!tick if Stove G4ratesI. Coo'du , paltratuE,, Puntderts.. S41fcs, Wa'hing 'Machitics, Irun Oledatuads, Balar I Wi-l Copper (loots, rnd general Islardwale. 3;9, Biriggate, Feb., 1810'. I E-TAfE, &t GEERA L AG ENc-Y Ltl~It'E. 31, Bnd'atrn~, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gp BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM. ~ ~uAN, LEPZIC, DRESDEN, &c,.-Sea passage L llG' BedlF''Lt'^FaLres, 275. and 20s.-Tho ATi W RRP plendid, si verY powerful stea-shi g BARON OSY, F W. FicR3C, Commander, IHatha;rie's Wharf, Tower, every Sunday at Twelve bteSt- ?? ?? morning at Eleven. lrrutitffl troceed by railroad from Antwerp to Cologne. Uer3 i' I a Lol ,c, Dresden, &c., with the sholt sea passage 'r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H A~CKNEY.-BOARD and RESAD offered to a Lady or GenIr r a e t e m , n a h ( P a r t i a o r e raeoss n uall emix ly ohre there as-s no ¢ dross ?? ., 7, St. Thom masq re, aikusy ( -E0, e HE ENGINEER of FRIBAY Febt05 H tam aei ription of 81 rkweed ?? Yarns, Illustrated-Guenln's S el ?? . _. Adulteration of Food, illus stons.Street Railways, theI Land Drainage, Projects f der's Lectures on mental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - b? ? Axt T avoros Xxhibitea-H wardls HOISt and V able Freehold IAtIZ4 sad I'reectcets. In Itientli cite?, Be 'Wr. CAPIIS (by order of the deslittie In tr'rst under the will of the ?late John Hapwsrd,- deceased), at the yremises, BrIdge-street, ia, ...